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There is a person who makes me happy
Whose eyes make me think of oceans, stars, and rain
Whose smile makes me smile
And has a laugh that I love so much

They always make me happy whenever I'm around them
I never want to leave their side
Because they feel like home to me
Home, yes, they are my home

Their mind is so beautiful, filled with random thoughts that make me laugh
It makes me love them a little bit more each day
The warmth of their skin and the sound of their voice
It makes me feel calm, and that everything is going to be okay

Their face is so pretty
And everything about them is perfect
This person lives in my mind
No matter how hard I try, I can't get over it

This person has brought me so far
I feel as though I'm on top of the world
Do you know who this person could be?
Oh my love, this person is you

- <3

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