Chapter 6: Team Guy

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"Alright kids!" Guy says as he meets us bright and early at a bridge the next day. "I hope you are all well rested, because today is going to be hell!" He laughs maniacally for a moment. "Today will decide whether or not you will remain on Team 3, or go back to the Academy."

We each stand up a little straighter. None of us are willing to be kicked off or sent back now.

"Good, I can see you're serious now. The first test will be, a race! The first one to make it 10 laps around the perimeter of the village will get the most points!" Guy tells us.

"What are the points and how many do we need to stay on the team, Guy-Sensei?" Lee asks desperately, raising his hand seriously.

"That's for me to know!" Guy says confidently. "Now. Go!" He calls out randomly, and I smirk at Neji and take off like a bolt. Finally, all my time running through the woods with Kiba is going to pay off greatly for me. The village, however, is freaking huge, and the laps take a lot of time. We run for almost two hours before finally, I finish in first place, almost a whole half a lap in front of Neji, and a lot more so in front of Lee.

"Congratulations, Ami! You won first place! You get a reward!" Guy says to me as I take long gasping breaths to slow my heart rate down. "You get to run a bonus lap!" He cheers.

"That's not a reward, Sensei!" I groan to him. He just laughs loudly and points for me to go. I send him a glare before running off, completing an 11th lap around the village. I finish that one around the time Lee finishes his 10th. Neji is sitting on the ground when I get back, and I promptly plop down next to him.

"Where were you? You were ahead of me." He asks me as I pant.

"My reward for being first. A bonus lap." I sneer with a glare as I hold a stitch on my side. Neji shivers slightly at my response.

"Now that everyone is back, let's move to the next test! 100 pushups! Now go!" Guys says as we are all still catching our breath. We groan lightly, but everyone takes their position and starts. Pushups still aren't my strong suit, but Neji does them well. He finishes first this time.

"Ah, the other Hyuga is the winner this time! Congratulations! You get to do 10 more pushups now! Chop chop!" I can practically feel Neji glaring at Sensei as he gets back into position and does another 10. I finish my 100 and then Lee finally finishes his after a longer moment. He was about 20 behind me by the time I finished.

"Next test! Sit ups! Each of you do 200! Go!" Guy calls out way too happily. We get into position, neither Neji nor I trying to win first place this time. Lee finished just one sit-up fast than Neji and I, who finished at the same time. My twin and I send a small smirk at each other, we totally planned it.

"Congratulations, Lee, you finished first! You get to do an extra 20 sit-ups. And Hyuga's! You get to do an extra 30! Ha ha! Go go go!." Guys laughs at us. Lee jumps straight into his 'reward'.

"Why?" Neji and I ask together as we take our position.

"You could have gone faster before! No point in competing if you just plan to lose!" Guy says seriously but loudly. It makes sense. We work quickly through our extra sets in silence, except our heavy breathing.

"You all aren't being very impressive so far today. No one has enough points yet! I'm gonna need to see the power of youth for the next one! Plank hold for 10 minutes! Go!" Guy yells out. We each get into position and start our planks. This one I know I can do well, I work hard on my core strength often. About a minute in, Guy walks behind us and must do some type of summoning, because the next thing I know, I'm being crushed by something sitting on my back. All three of us face plant into the ground hard.

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