Chapter 11: Second Task

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The next morning in front of the Forest of Death, we listen to Anko explain the rules of the second test. When she explains that it will be five days in the forest, I smirk at my teammates, who both smirk back in response. Again, I'm cheating, but I don't care. I have more important things to worry about this exam. I know I can't beat Orochimaru, but I'll still try to avoid Sasuke getting marked. I know interfering directly will result in my death, so I'm going to have to be subtle about it. Same thing goes with Kabuto, but for now he is not a concern since he will actually help Sasuke and his team pass. Though frankly, I don't care if they pass, I'd rather them be alive and healthy.

My team and I get into position at a gate after we get our Heaven scroll. I set up three fake copies of the scroll and gave one to each of us to have slightly visible on our bodies while Neji carried the real one hidden in his clothes. This was just in case, but better prepared than nothing. When the gate opened, we took off running. I made sure to keep an eye out for where Sasuke was, spotting him about one and a half kilometers away to the left, but running almost parallel to us. That's good, he's in my range still, I had specifically chosen a gate close to his team for that reason.

"Take it easy, Lee." Neji calls out to Lee, who is running ahead of us and going faster. "The test has only just begun."

"That may be," Lee replies calmly. "But still, whoever our enemies are, I want to find them before they find us." He says dramatically. I sigh lightly, we have two Hyuga's on the team, no one can sneak up on us.

"You hot-blooded fool." Neji smirks at him in response. I giggle lightly at their interaction.

As we are running, we find a good place to set up a trap. We lay out a hidden web of wires connected to kunai. We plan to set up several of these, just in case we don't find a team while running. We can hear screaming from the distance, from other teams attacking each other. After about half an hour in the forest, we hear a large explosion. That could be the snake attacking.

"Wait a moment, guys. There's something I have to see." I say, summoning my bow. They immediately know it's serious if I'm taking my weapon out, and take up watch positions. I activate my eyes, and jump to the top of the highest tree I can. Thankfully, we are up a small hill, so my line of sight extends a good amount. 

It takes me a moment, but I see Naruto fighting a giant snake, and look around a bit more before finally I see Sasuke with Sakura and Orochimaru. I keep the Sannin in my sights, though there are some obstacles in my way, and they are slightly out of my range of clear vision, but I can just make them out.

"Ami, how much longer?" Neji asks after a few minutes of waiting.

"Any second now." I whisper back. 

There, I see an opening. 

I take a breath, and infuse an arrow with as much wind chakra as I can. I let the arrow loose, and watch as it soars over one kilometer away, plowing through two tree's until it hits its target. It stabs straight through the stomach of the snake man. I hide, to make sure they can't find me if they look then, but they must decide I am not important in the moment. I watch their head extend out from their impaled body and launch towards Sasuke. He still gets bit, despite me stabbing the main body. I keep an eye on them for a moment, seeing the Sannin's body turn into an uninjured snake and leave the scene. My arrow didn't have any effect at all on him, I failed in my attempt.

"Ok, we have to move now." I say urgently, and we take off instantly. I don't want us to be spotted in this area now. We run in an arc around, refocusing on trying to find an enemy.

"Ami, what was that?" Neji asks me seriously after we are setting up another trap.

"A failed experiment. Don't worry about it. Let's focus on the task," I say bitterly. He notices my change in attitude, but chooses not to comment on it.

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