Chapter 7: Chakra Nature

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Thanks to our training and missions, I haven't gotten to see my other friends in a long time. We have been on the team for about three months now, and have even moved up again in our weights. I'm up to carrying over my own body weight now. We are finally given a day off to rest, and I choose to take this day to go and see my friends. I don't find Kiba in the forest like usual, so I head to the park instead. I do find Shikamaru there, but this time he has someone with him there.

"Hey Shikamaru, been a while." I say in introduction as he's cloud gazing. The other boy looks at me, and I notice that it's Choji.

"Hey Ami. Been busy since graduating?" Shikamaru asks me as I lay down.

"You have no idea. Who's your friend?" I ask him.

"This is Choji Akimichi." He says lazily.

"Hi Choji, I'm Ami Hyuga." I say almost just as lazily.

"Hi." Choji says shyly. He opens a bag of chips and begins to eat them loudly next to us. I notice Shika and I both sigh nearly inaudibly at the noise.

I stay there for about an hour or so, feeling very relaxed by the time I leave. I got to know Choji a little bit, and he told me about good food places around the village to try. I make my way over to where I know I will find Sasuke, and sure enough, he's there.

"Where have you been?" He demands as I walk up.

"Hello Sasuke, nice to see you again. How's your day going?" I ask sarcastically, trying to get him to remember his manners.

"Hi Ami, nice to see you again," He sneers out, "My day's been boring, now where the hell have you been?"

"I graduated, brat. I've been training and on missions." I say shortly to him with a smirk.

"Hn." He does his annoying little hum he does all the time he doesn't have an actual response.

"No 'hn' we talked about that. Real words, Sasuke, or I throw a knife at you." I threaten. I've scolded him many times over the years about his stupid non word answers. I have indeed thrown several knives at him. I never aim for vitals, but he also can't dodge them all. I'm fairly decent at patching him up by now.

"How's your team?" He asks after a moment. I smirk in victory.

"Team is good. I got my brother on it, so that's great. Our Sensei is crazy. Everything's a competition." I grumble out the last part.

"Everything should be a competition. Aim for the win, right?" He says to me while returning back to his acrobatic knife throwing he was doing before I came up.

"Yeah, but drinking a cup of tea shouldn't be a competition." I deadpan, and he misses the shot as he whips his head around to me. He glares at me when he realizes he missed, and I just give him an innocent grin. I get to work then, strategizing how best to use weapons in battle.

"I think I need a new weapon." I think out loud at the end of our training time. "Something different. Maybe I can find something that would work with my sparring style." I ponder to him.

"You could see the town blacksmith." He offers up to me. "Are you thinking sword? Spear? Dual blades?" He asks. I must have touched an interesting topic for him, because he is really into this conversation.

"I don't really know. I haven't used anything beyond basic shuriken and kunai. I won't want something too cumbersome that could get in the way, but I won't really know until I've seen it and tried it, ya know?" I say to him.

"There's still time before they close, let's go now." He says, taking my hand and pulling me down the street. When he feels like I will keep following, he releases my hand so we walk together instead. We get to the weapons store and when I walk inside, I stroll around to the unique, specialty weapons on display.

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