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Chapter 28: Punishment

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Isalio offered a nonchalant shrug. "Aren't you supposed to be at the council meeting, General?"

"Aren't you?" Danif's eyes drifted back to me, and his smile grew more strained. "You've got him here uncuffed? I hope you're not forgetting that this cow wants you dead."

"He won't hurt me," said Isalio, though he didn't sound entirely convinced himself.

Danif neared Isalio and ran a hand up his arm. "Do you really think that he enjoys spending time with his family's murderer? Do you think he likes you?"

Isalio's jaw locked and shoulders tensed. A strange disappointment flooded me. I didn't want him to think I liked him—I didn't like him—but I also didn't like the effect Danif's words had on him.

"No, of course not," he said. "He only came out here to be closer to the First Guardian."

"And why did you bring him?" Danif's hand stopped stroking, and his fingers dug into Isalio's bicep. "Do you just do whatever he asks? Who owns who, Lio?"

My eyes locked on Danif's hand, and anger twisted my gut. I wanted to slap that hand away and punch him much harder than I had punched Isalio. Channeling the First Guardian for strength, I forced myself not to react. Isalio did not deserve my protection, and even if he did, nothing I could do would help him.

Isalio tugged his arm free from Danif's hand. "Let go of me. We're in public." He shot a glance toward the human workers a ways away. Most continued toiling seemingly unaware, but one had turned to face us. I recognized her wavy brunette locks and curvy figure—Zuzette. She was squinting, one hand cupping her forehead, and I wondered if her human eyes allowed her to recognize what was happening.

Danif clucked his tongue. "Hey, don't be like that, baby. I just worry about you. I know the Morgabeast is weakening you."

I glanced at Isalio, whose face paled. While I was becoming more and more sure that Isalio was losing control of the Morgabeast, I hadn't bothered to consider whether the Morgabeast was weakening Isalio. Could that be why he coughed up blood?

Isalio spoke in a fierce whisper. "Do not speak of things you do not understand."

"Did I hit a nerve?" Danif's voice dripped with sweet concern, but his lips twitched. "Don't worry, baby. I promised not to bring my suspicions to your parents, and you know I always keep my promises. Right?"

Isalio's head dipped in a slow nod. "Right."

His answer sounded genuine, but not happy. Once again, I wondered at the history between these two...and I wondered what kind of cruel, twisted promises Danif might have kept in the past.

Danif swept an arm toward the palace. "Now then, shall we head to that meeting? I would hate for your parents to start asking us questions about why we are late."

His eyes flicked to me and lingered for a moment, studying my face as if to read secrets there. I kept my expression carefully blank, channeling the First Guardian to steady my heartbeat.

The General started back down the trail. Isalio shot a glance at me, a silent command, and then joined him. I trailed behind them both, head ducked to watch the soil pass beneath my feet, clinging to the shreds of peace I had found during the last hour. But the moment we reentered the palace, dread tightened over my chest, squeezing out the warmth of the First Guardian. Something was wrong—even more wrong than before we had stepped outside. The marble floor felt colder and harder, and my skin prickled with anticipation.

Then I heard the cry.

My feet froze to the ground as I took in the sight before me. Three Demons hovered over the prone form of a Guardian, cackling as they drained her life. Her hair clung to her scalp and neck in snarled clumps and her proud posture had slumped. When I had last seen her, I had helped her fight off a Demon at the base. Now she faced a worse fate.

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