ch 14

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 The members of the Administration were divided into several teams and came to the emergency entrances of each area in an orderly manner.

Although the atmosphere in the control room was still tense, it returned to its previous order.

At the same time, with the emergency repairs of relevant technicians, some functions in the simulated actual combat system were finally restored.

Although most of the large screen on the side is still dark, some areas have been lit up.

Although it is still impossible to locate the specific location of each student, it is now possible to see how many students are left in each area, which at least eliminates the need for a carpet search.

"Fifty-two people in the glacier area, forty-eight people in the rain forest area, nine people in the desert area, forest area..." The

staff looked down at the list and suddenly paused: "Two people in the scorched earth area."

"The scorched earth area?" The person in charge asked. .

Is that the area where the abyss crack is said to be located...?

The staff's expression also became ugly, and he whispered, "Yes."

Although he knew nothing about combat, he still knew clearly... These two students are probably in a bad way.

The person in charge took a deep breath, raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, his face tired and old.

He said, "Go ahead, I'll talk to Chief Mu about the scorched earth area."

After exhorting the action plan, the person in charge walked towards Mu Heng not far away.

Mu Heng turned his head to look over, and raised his eyebrows in doubt.

The person in charge: "Sir... there is something very unfortunate."

He took a deep breath: "I just found out that two freshmen were also trapped in the scorched earth area." The

person in charge hesitated and said, "You Say, is there any possibility for them to survive?"

Mu Heng paused: "Perhaps."

"...Anyway, thank you very much." The person in charge sighed and handed over a watch: "You are holding this, although the GPS in the map has no effect, but if a student enters your radius It will tell you if it is within Mi Nei."

Mu Heng nodded, took the watch and put it in his pocket:

"I will try my best."

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "The one trapped in the scorched earth area. What are the names of the two students?" The

person in charge was stunned, as if he did not expect the other party to ask this question.

He replied: "This... We don't know yet, the system has not fully recovered, we can only know the number of trapped students in each area, and we don't know who is trapped." The

person in charge: "Do you want to Which student are you looking for?"

Mu Heng retracted his gaze: "No, I just asked casually."

Lin Yanming kept peeking at Shi An who was walking in front of him.

In the darkness, the boy's pale profile face was blurred and distant, and only the clear and neat outline of the lower jaw could be vaguely seen, which looked familiar and unfamiliar.

Even after walking a short distance, the burning smell still lingers on the nose.

Lin Yanming blinked.

The after-effects of the fire seemed to remain on the retina, and the dark spots left by the fiery light were looming in front of the eyes.

He took a deep breath, did enough work in his heart, and finally said,

"Shi An..."

Shi An turned his head and said "Huh?"

The expression on his face was too natural, as if the terrible fire had nothing to do with him.

"The one just now... your magic power, that fire..."

Lin Yanming racked his brains to find adjectives.

"Oh! That!" Shi An showed a stunned expression.

you see!

You understand what I want to ask!

Lin Yanming was refreshed and looked at each other expectantly.

I saw the young man in front of him scratching the back of his head embarrassedly, and said,

"It's not that I didn't want to accept your opinion, but I really don't know about it."

Lin Yanming: "..."

You got it.

At the moment of distraction, Lin Yanming suddenly stepped into the air.

He was shocked, and after staggering a few steps, he barely stabilized his body, and he was in danger of not falling directly to the ground.

A backup light source illuminates the small patch of land in front of you.

The soil is a thick and deep pitch black, but there is no moisture at all, as if it has been scorched, and irregular cracked lines spread on the ground until it is engulfed by darkness.

Wait a minute...

Lin Yanming froze.

He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have encountered trees or rocks for a long time. He didn't know when it started, and the surrounding became empty, as if walking on a plain without any shelter.

Lin Yanming felt like his brain couldn't run like a rusted gear, making futile clucking noises.

He raised his head dully, illuminated the darkness in front of him with a backup light source, and carefully distinguished the road shrouded in darkness in front of him.

Definitely not a rainforest area.

Not even a forest area.

Then there is only...

"Sh, Shi'an." Lin Yanming heard himself say in a erratic and trembling voice.

When Shi An heard the words, he stopped, turned his head, and asked unconsciously, "What's wrong?"

"Are you... sure, do you know the way?"

Shi An: "Are you sure, what's wrong?"

"But, this , here, I don't think this is a forest area." Lin Yanming said dully.

Unexpectedly, Shi An seemed to be unaware of his strangeness, and nodded extremely naturally: "Yes."

Lin Yanming: "..."


? ?

? ? ? ? ?

Lin Yanming was stunned and could hardly believe his ears.

He turned his head dumbfounded and stared blankly at the boy beside him.

Hearing the innocent look on the other's face, he continued as a matter of course:

"This is the easternmost area, don't worry, I definitely didn't lead the wrong way!"

The easternmost area is... the

S-level danger zone, the scorched earth zone.


Lin Yanming felt that he had lost the ability to think.

Shi An approached, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes: "What's the matter?"

- What's the matter? ! what do you say? !

Looking at the innocent expression of the other party, Lin Yanming felt that he urgently needed a professional CPR.

He couldn't even speak smoothly:

" east! I said it was the forest area in the east, no, not this—"

"Huh?" Shi An showed a blank expression: "But I thought Let's drop by?"

So you fucking planned to come here in the first place? !

- This is the way you are, you big head!

Lin Yanming almost collapsed.

After a long silence.

"...Then let's do it all over again," Lin Yanming said slowly and blankly:

"The current situation is that I don't know what went wrong in the simulated actual combat, and now I can't contact the outside world at all, and I can't use the positioning function, so... ...I want to go to the emergency exit in the middle of the forest area, you, do you understand now?"

Shi An blinked and whispered:


His voice was even lower: "But, I don't know. How to get to the forest area."


Lin Yanming felt that he was approaching the brink of collapse again.

Just listening to the other party continue: "Speaking of, is there an emergency exit in every district?"

Lin Yanming: "...It should be in every district."

Shi An: "How about the emergency exit to this district? ?"

Lin Yanming was taken aback.

But...isn't it impossible?

He hesitated to look at the young man in front of him, wondering if he wanted to get on the other party's pirate ship again.

The time when Shi An claimed to be lucky-they not only met the lion-headed beast, but were also robbed by other freshmen.

And the time he claimed to have a good sense of direction - they came to the most dangerous scorched earth.

However, Lin Yanming thought about it.

The other party claims to be very good, but in fact he hides it deeply - maybe he really has a backhand?

And most importantly, he seems to have no other options now.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, Lin Yanming seemed to have made up his mind, raised his hand and wiped his face, and said as if dying:


Shi An narrowed his eyes and smiled happily: "Okay."

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and continued: "Oh, by the way, if you go further, you should enter a certain area. The area of ​​poison gas, so you'd better wrap yourself up with magic power, or you may be poisoned to death before you go out."


Lin Yanming fell silent again.

Is it too late for me to regret it now?

Inside the Authority Laboratory.

Zhuo Fu lowered his head and carefully handled the small sample of monster tissue in front of him.

He already knew about the academy of the able.

The location of the abyss crack was confirmed, of course, it was a good thing, but inside the school, it meant that the abyss would spread and cause a lot of collateral damage.

But these are not the issues that Zhuo Fu has to consider.

As the head of the laboratory, what he needs to do is to figure out why the abyss cracks have appeared so frequently recently, and the power is far stronger than usual.

Although the spread of the gap in the academy is inseparable from the low-level magic fluctuations in the academy, it cannot be denied that this is the first time in hundreds of years that the abyss crack can develop to this level.

This made Zhuo Fu feel a sense of crisis.

Suddenly, without warning, the high-precision magic monitoring watch on the table beeped.

Zhuo Fu was startled and turned to look.

Strange, in order to isolate outside interference, the laboratory should be strictly protected and shielded. Why does the monitoring meter still respond like this?

He reached out and picked up the monitoring watch, stood up, and looked for the magic leak.

The hands on the watch swayed erratically, and finally reached their peak at a certain moment.

Zhuo Fu raised his head-

behind the protective layer of the glass in front of him, a long sword tightly wrapped by a cloth was quietly placed in the darkness.

A sort of invisible hum spreads out, as if it were murmuring in some ancient, unknown language.

Zhuo Fu was stunned: "..."

He almost dropped his jaw in shock, stunned in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.


what Mu Heng said was actually true.

The main control room of the college.

"Di Di Di Di-" Wen Yao's cell phone rang.

She answered the phone, and Zhuo Fu's noisy voice immediately came from the other side of the microphone: "Where's your boss? I can't get through to Mu Heng's call! You quickly find him back to me--"

Wen Yao silently put the microphone on the phone He took it farther from his ears: "Are you in a hurry?"

"Nonsense!" Zhuo Fu said in a hurry.

Wen Yao replied, "Sir has entered the quarantine area."

"..." The voice on the other end of the phone paused for half a second: "What?"

Wen Yao raised her head and looked at the emergency room that had just been closed a few seconds ago not far away. The door of the passage, said:

"It was about... a minute before you called." The

scorched earth area has almost become a semi-alienated area, and the poisonous gas escaped from the cracks in the abyss, constantly changing the surrounding environment.

An ominous darkness loomed over the barren ground, and there was an unsettling air everywhere.

As the space on the ground was alienated and transformed, more abyss species climbed out.

Lin Yanming felt that he had never seen so many strange, ugly and terrifying monsters in his life.

At first, he was nervous and frightened.

Lin Yanming's muscles were tense, and his heart almost came to his throat.

Monsters were attacking from all directions, and he had to be vigilant at all times and be prepared for hand-to-hand combat, but later, he found that he couldn't get involved at all.

Every time a monster came into sight, Shi An lit up.

Simple, rude, and amazingly efficient.

The fiery flames flashed red on Lin Yanming's cheeks from time to time, and his expression changed from shock and shock at the beginning to calm and numbness now.

After walking together for so long, he now believes that Shi An is not humble.

——The opponent really only has this one spell.


it's fucking enough.

Lin Yanming thought blankly.

Not far away, a pitch-black lizard crawled out of the crack in the scorched earth, but it had just emerged, and a fireball rushed towards it. After a violent crackling sound, only a pile of ashes remained.

The young man's eyes fluttered back from the ashes, his pale face was indifferent, as if he had just crushed an ant.

Under the long and dense eyelashes, golden-red light swept past.

The demon worm tucked into Shi'an's sleeve, watching this one-sided ruthless crush with trembling.

Rather than slaughter, the word "cleanup" seems more appropriate.

This is the first time it has clearly realized how small and insignificant other monsters are to the fantasy species - they are far from being a threat, but some kind of dirty, mood-affecting low other creatures.

The worm couldn't help shivering.

It only now understands how lucky it is that he can survive in Shi An's hands.


The monster suddenly remembered that in the last simulation test before entering the school, Shi An only burned three monsters, and there was already a very significant change, but why did he burn to death in the semi-alienated abyss area? After the unclear monster, he hasn't changed much until now?

It asked cautiously:

"That... Lord Demon Dragon."

Shi An: "Huh?"

"How are you feeling now?"

Shi An lowered his head, twisted his fingertips, suppressing the excitement of his voice : "Superb."

Really good.

Every time he burned a monster, he felt that his strength increased a little bit, like a river flowing into a sea that had already dried up little by little - as if he was using the flame to absorb the energy from the body of the plundering monster to help himself restore the original appearance.

The devil did not dare to make a sound.

I don't know if it's an illusion, it feels... When Shi An answered his question, there was an indescribable frenzy and joy in his voice, as if he had fallen into some sort of sluggish state.

Like drinking.

Or kill crazy.

They trudged across the dark plains.

A strange crimson glowed far in front of it, the color was extremely deep, almost blending with the darkness behind it, the winding slender strips, like a wound on the ground, ferocious and terrifying, gurgling outwards. Smelly slime.

Lin Yanming was shocked.

He stopped subconsciously and swallowed hard: "Then, what is that?"

Shi An calmly looked in that direction, as if in a trance.

His eyes drooped slightly, and the pupils under the eyelashes had completely turned into a warm red gold, as if molten gold and flames were intertwined, with a narrow vertical pupil in the center, showing an inhuman cruel alienation.

Even if he didn't need to feel it carefully, he could feel it—

the gloomy, cold, and sinister smell was quietly surrounding him, wrapping himself tightly in it.

At that moment, Shi An seemed to be back when he was still maintaining his majestic and beautiful dragon shape, sitting in a spacious and clean cave with a large amount of treasure, sleeping whenever he wanted...

"Hey, you're okay. Is it?" Lin Yanming's voice came from his ear.

Shi An came back to his senses. The red-gold vertical pupil disappeared more slowly than usual, but it was eventually replaced by pitch black.

Looking down at his palm, his expression became visibly depressed.


Nothing left! Gone!

"What's the matter?" Lin Yanming approached nervously.


Shi An sighed.

He raised his eyes and seemed to remember the question that the other party asked just now, and said absently,

"Oh yes, the one in front is the reason for these things happening now."

Lin Yanming: "..."

He couldn't tell whether he was shocked by the content of the other party's words, or by the understatement of the other party's way of speaking.

Shi An tugged at his sleeve: "Let's go, it's not far from the center of the whole area."

Lin Yanming nodded, and finally regained his energy:


Great! Going out soon!

With only a few steps left, what else could be going on -

rumbling -

a faint low roar came from the horizon not far away.

The ground began to vibrate without warning, as if thousands of troops were galloping across the plain, bringing a certain heavy and terrifying sense of oppression.

Lin Yanming was startled and subconsciously looked in the direction from which the voice came.

Although the light was very dim, he could still see the number of monsters that were so dark, overwhelming, and almost suffocating—the tide of monsters.

I am grass.

Why is there a monster tide? ? ?

Lin Yanming officially collapsed.

Get sick! How can there be such a playful person! ! Can't let him breathe a sigh of relief! ! !

And... those monsters are not those ugly and weird breeds he has never seen before, but serious ground monsters, all with cold silver-white collars on their necks without exception, flashing all kinds of colors - blue, yellow, and red for regional bosses.

Shi An suddenly regained his senses and exclaimed, "Aiya!"

He seemed to suddenly think of something, and reached out to his pocket.

A small packet was pulled out, and it was bulgingly stuffed with unknown spices.

Shi An quietly said to the monster:

"That...I think the gap in the abyss seems to make the sense of smell of the monsters on the ground sharper." The monster

: "...Haha, yes."

Otherwise you think it! ! !

Lin Yanming noticed the small bag in Shi'an's hand, and combined with his previous experience, he suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

His throat tightened, his voice trembling and erratic:

"The one you are holding, yes, what is it?"

"Oh, this, it was stuffed into the backpack by the boy before."

Shi An scratched his head: "I don't know exactly what it is, but it seems that it can attract monsters and make them go crazy."

Lin Yanming: "........................"

He closed his eyes , took a deep breath slowly, trying desperately to restrain himself from the strong urge to hit his head on the ground.

——If time can be reversed, he must go back to the moment when he formed a team with Shi'an, and then punch himself! ! !

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