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 When Anfei was high in the sky, the bitter cold wind passed by his side.

He thought about his plan seriously, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

But something was missing.

He slowly flew low, manipulating magic power to shrink his figure, and soon changed from a giant dragon that could cover the sky to a miniature dragon that was only one arm long.

In this way, even if someone witnessed his trail, he would think it was just a small flying monster and would not guess in the direction of the dragon.

Shi An randomly found an empty country house and broke in.

The country house was sumptuously furnished and well stocked with food, which filled almost the whole room to the ceiling.

Shi An happily filled his stomach, and then came to the bedroom.

He found a whole set of clothes and stuffed them into the travel bag with difficulty with his claws.

After all, the body he was wearing before had been destroyed when he turned into a dragon, and after Mu Heng was picked up by the people from the management bureau, he had to quickly change back into a human form and rush back as fast as possible.

Shi An carried the travel bag containing his clothes and spread his wings to prepare to leave.

However, before flying out along the route he broke in when he came, he suddenly hesitated.

Shi An turned his head and looked towards the half-open storage room door.

Although he was already full, but...

Mu Heng looked at the scorched monster meat with a subtle expression in his mind.

Shi An sighed.

Humans are really picky eaters.

But because Mu Heng had invited him to eat ice cream many times, he couldn't let him go hungry.

Shi An selectively ignored the fact that he spit it out after taking a sip.

——He flew over with peace of mind and looted the entire storage room.

Immediately afterwards, he thought for a few seconds, then pulled out the medical first aid kit below, and grabbed it between his paws with difficulty.

There should be no problem now.

Shi An flapped his wings, passed through the big hole in the ceiling, and flew out of the house as if a tornado passed through.

"Captain! Captain!"

A panting management member ran in from the door, his forehead was covered with sweat, but his face suppressed excitement and excitement: "Yes, we have a clue!" Wen

Yao Surprised: "What?"

The member of the administration took a breath, and continued: "That's right! Someone reported from the west that they seemed to have witnessed the traces of a giant dragon in a deeper wasteland area, and then we called up all the people around that direction. District's magic tracking report——"

He unfolded the map in front of Wen Yao, and pointed to the location of one of the barren hills with his finger.

"According to estimates, the dragon is likely to be here."

Wen Yao's eyes lit up.

She fixedly glanced at the location on the map, then turned her head to glance at the values ​​on the magic power tracking report, a ray of hope lit up on her face.

Wen Yao took a deep breath and ordered:

"Call the team, hurry up."

Mu Heng closed his eyes and leaned against the cold and dark rock wall.

At this time, the sound of the mountain wind being swept up by the wings came from overhead.

In the next second, only a few "plops" were heard, and something heavy was thrown to the ground, rolling along the curvature of the ground.

Mu Heng opened his eyes, and raised them to look in the direction of the voice.

There were all kinds of food scattered on the ground, basically all of which could be stored for a long time. Canned food, ham, mineral water, and even several bags of raw rice were all randomly thrown in front of him.

Mu Heng was taken aback.

He raised his head and looked overhead.

I saw the silver-white giant dragon landed on the edge of the hole above its head, slowly folding its wings, a pair of golden-red vertical pupils drooped slightly, and looked over quietly.

In the next second, there was another loud bang.

A small medical bag was thrown in front of him.

Mu Heng stared at the items that were almost piled up in front of him and fell silent.

His eyes were half-closed, and the expression in his eyes was covered by long silver eyelashes, and he couldn't see clearly in the half-bright shadow.

Although the giant dragon in front of him doesn't look much different from before, for some reason, Mu Heng can still clearly perceive that the hostility and fury burning in the eyes of the other party seem to have been calmed down. The state of not understanding human speech has also changed.

So... what happened?

Mu Heng showed a thoughtful look.

I saw the giant dragon lowered its head, opened its mouth, and said in a deep and deep voice:

"Human, let's make a deal."

Mu Heng's face was pale due to blood loss, but his expression was still calm and indifferent.

He didn't answer, but raised his eyebrows slowly, his extremely deep eyes fixedly fixed on the distant dragon.

"For some reason, I need your help to heal." The giant dragon's huge figure cast a shadow in the cave, and a pair of red golden eyes shone against the light: "At the same time, you also need my help.

" help to get out of here."

"So, how about a temporary truce?"

"You heal me, and I will let you go."

After a long time, the silence was finally broken.

Only the man's hoarse and cold voice sounded, echoing in the cave:

"What injury did you get?"

His eyes were dark blue, looking like a bottomless icy lake: "Why do you have to Shall I help you heal?"

Shi An maintained his superficial majesty and composure:

"Human, you care too much."

He flapped his wings behind him: "Do you agree or disagree?"

Mu Heng said deeply. He stared deeply at the dragon in front of him.

After a long time, he chuckled, his voice was calm and cold:


Shi An breathed a sigh of relief.

Although on the surface he seems to have the chance to win, but he is actually a little nervous in his heart-after all, he doesn't know exactly what Mu Heng's attitude towards Long is. cooperating with an evil creature" is much more difficult.

Mu Heng: "So I should—"

How can I help you?

However, before he could finish his words, he saw the giant dragon standing at the entrance of the cave flapping its wings and flying down slowly. A little bit bigger left.

Mu Heng was stunned for a moment, and the rest of the words stuck in his throat.

The little dragon in front of him is shining silver, the scales on his body are delicate and delicate, the wings on his back are only half a meter long at most, even if he spreads out, his tail is thin and pointed, and his pair of golden red vertical pupils are big and round. All the terrifying creatures are more like some kind of expensive figures or dolls.

The dragon climbed into Mu Heng's arms on his own.

It scraped open the man's coat, turned it around, stepped on it with its paws, found a comfortable position and lay down, let its cold body stick tightly to the man's hot and strong chest, and wrapped its tail around its body Before, get yourself together.

Mu Heng froze: "..."

Every inch of muscle in his body was tensely tense, and all his strength was hanging at the critical point on the verge of explosion, like a bowstring ready to go.

The little silver dragon solemnly ordered:

"Human, don't move."

After speaking, it yawned, rested its chin on the tips of its claws, and closed its eyes.

Soon, there was silence in the cave, and only the monotonous sound of air flowing outside the mountain could be vaguely heard.

Mu Heng didn't seem to have recovered yet.

Slowly, almost in disbelief, he lowered his head and looked into his arms.

The dragon was firmly pressed against his arms, bringing an extremely real and completely unfaithful sense of heaviness.

The hard and cold touch of the dragon scale came through a thin layer of cloth, and one could vaguely feel the ups and downs of the opponent's back and steady breathing.

Mu Heng: "..."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes forcefully, but he still didn't expel the strong sense of absurdity from his mind.

So, the purpose of this dragon from beginning to end is...

to sleep in his arms?

Shi An rubbed the stiff and tight chest of the human below, and buried his head in it.

The human body wrapped him warmly, and the familiar cold breath hit him, making him feel very comfortable.

Shi An closed his eyes and began to concentrate on processing the gray magic power in his body.

Sure enough, when Mu Heng's skin was in contact with, these stubborn and unabsorbable magical powers tended to soften and disperse, and he began to gradually break through them bit by bit.

Shi An could feel the whole process.

It's like the long-dry river bed is continuously moistened, and the trickle flows into the empty valley bottom.

This feeling was subtle and slow, but Shi An could clearly feel that with Mu Heng's help, he was becoming stronger.

However, I don't know if it was his illusion...

Shi An always felt that with the increase of magic power, a strange heat seemed to spread in his body...

But once he went to investigate carefully, that feeling disappeared again up.

it's wired.

After a long time, twilight began to fall.

Mu Heng felt the dragon in his arms move and opened his eyes.

Xiao Yinlong said in a serious tone:

"Human, thank you for your help."

He flapped his wings and flew out of Mu Heng's arms.

Mu Heng glanced at his arms, feeling a little... empty for no reason.

He frowned, suppressing the strange emotion.

Shi An returned to his normal body shape.

He thought for a while, lowered his head, and asked in an ancient and deep voice: "Is there anything you want to eat? I'll bring it back for you?" Mu Heng: "..." He never thought that there


be A dragon asks itself this question.

The man glanced at the pile of supplies not far away, and then said calmly and expressionlessly: "I think, I don't need anything else anymore." It was


Shi An used his claws to push aside the straw on the ground, revealing a smooth rocky ground, and then piled a firewood pile in the center of the rocky ground.

He opened his mouth, and a cluster of golden-red flames spewed out from his mouth.

There was only a crackling sound, the firewood blazed up, the cave was illuminated, and jumping light and shadows were printed on the stone walls.

Shi An kindly said:

"You can use it to bake."

He flapped his wings and flew out of the cave.

But before flying far, Shi An seemed to think of something, stopped, turned his head to look at Mu Heng, and said: "

Although the dragon flame is difficult to extinguish, you still have to remember to add firewood to it from time to time."

Mu Heng: "..."

An even stronger sense of weirdness struck.

He no longer knew how to feel.

Shi An flew out of the cave.

Those three monsters were waiting for him in the mountains not far away.

Seeing Shi An flying over, the monster asked with some concern: "How is it?"

Shi An flapped his wings complacently: "Don't worry, Mu Heng has no doubts at all, the plan is going perfectly."

He saw Xiang Heiyan asked,

"What about the work I asked you to do? How is it going?"

Heiyan: "Don't worry, my lord, I have already tried to disclose the location of your hiding place to the management office. It's only a matter of time before we come here."

Shi An: "How long?"

Hei Yan pondered for a few seconds and calculated:

"Two to three days."

Shi An showed a thoughtful look.

According to today's speed, it can only absorb about one-third of the magic power in two to three days, but it is enough, so don't be too greedy.

He nodded: "Yes!"

Hei Yan hesitated for a moment, and asked cryptically, "By the way, sir, how is your body feeling today?"

Shi An didn't quite understand why Hei Yan asked this question suddenly, but still He replied:

"It's pretty good, what's the matter?"

"Is there anything unusual or uncomfortable?"

Shi An tilted his head: "No."

The heat I felt before...

probably an illusion, right?

The next two days were almost indistinguishable from the first day.

During most of the day, Shi An made himself smaller, slept in Mu Heng's arms, left at night, and came back with more food in the early morning of the next day.

During this process, they had almost no further communication, as if they were just conducting a simple and dull transaction.

It was another morning.

Shi An took advantage of the darkness to rob a watermelon field, and flew back with a bunch of watermelons.

Feeding Mu Heng is only second.

Most importantly...

he wants to eat too.

Just as An An happily flew towards the direction of the cave, suddenly, a strange sense of dizziness hit him, like a raging fire tumbling deep in his body, secretly spreading along the direction of blood and veins.


Shi An bumped into a mountain in a daze.

He shook his head heavily, and it took him a long time to stabilize.


What's going on here?

Shi An opened his eyes, only to find that his claws had loosened unexpectedly just now, and the round watermelon was falling towards the bottom of the abyss.

His watermelon! !

Shi An's eyes widened suddenly, he threw the strange feeling into his mind, and dived straight down.

Inside the cave.

Mu Heng looked up at the hole above his head from time to time.

A few days ago, the dragon came back at this time, but this time, for some reason, it was much later than before.

Inexplicably, Mu Heng felt a little upset.

It should be because he is worried that the dragon will break the contract.

He came to a conclusion in his mind.

After another ten minutes, the familiar sound of rolling wind and waves came, and the huge and majestic figure of the giant dragon appeared above his head. It flew down and placed a lone watermelon in its claws in front of Mu Heng.

I don't know if it's Mu Heng's illusion, but he always feels that the dragon in front of him looks... a bit sad?

Immediately, the giant dragon spoke, and the deep and thick familiar voice echoed in the cave, instantly dispelling the strange guess in Mu Heng's mind: "Okay, human beings, today is the last day." Mu Heng: "Your injury is getting better.

" ?"

Shi An: "Yes."

He lied.

It should be a long time before the magic power is absorbed. The reason why he wants to end today is mainly because the black smoke and the magic insects sent him the news. The people from the management office will probably be able to find this place tonight.

Mu Heng's expression was calm, and the expression in his eyes was neither happy nor angry:


Shi An: "I will let you go tonight."

As he said that, he shrunk himself down again, and nestled into Mu Heng's arms familiarly.

Mu Heng lowered his head and looked at the dragon in his arms.

Xiao Yinlong raised his head, his red golden eyes were round and clear, as if they could reflect his face.

It said: "Don't worry, this dragon is a noble and elegant creature, and will not lie."

Mu Heng stared at him for a long time, and then chuckled: "In this case

, don't waste time."

Head, stepped on Mu Heng's arms, found a suitable position, curled himself into a small ball skillfully, then closed his eyes and continued to digest the magic power.

This time, Mu Heng did not close his eyes to rest, but stared thoughtfully at the dragon in his arms.

There has always been a strange sense of disobedience lately.

It always feels shouldn't be like this.

The speed of magic power absorption in the body is as expected by Shi An, and it has been almost a third of the way up to now. Although there is still a lot left, the progress of this strength recovery has been much faster than his previous burning of monsters.

Shi'an absorbed the magic power seriously.

At this moment, without warning, the feeling like a burning fire rose again.

It was as if a small platform had loosened a little, and a strange heat seeped out from it.

Shi An frowned, and curled himself up a little more uncomfortable.

He hoped that this weird feeling would disappear automatically like a few days ago, but unexpectedly, with the passage of time, this feeling not only did not disappear, but instead seemed to accumulate in his body, a little bit grow gradually.

It feels... a little dangerous.

Mu Heng noticed that the little dragon in his arms suddenly became restless.

Although its eyes were still tightly closed, the wings on its back began to open and close frequently, its body curled up even tighter, and the tip of its slender tail swayed frequently.

The tip of the dragon's claws unconsciously grabbed Mu Heng's clothes, causing a slight pain through the thin fabric.

Mu Heng lowered his head, and subconsciously raised his hand to support the dragon to prevent it from falling out of his arms.

After doing this action, he was slightly taken aback.

This is the first time in the past few days that he has actively contacted the giant dragon.

The scales under the palm are cold and smooth. Compared with the previous touch when the opponent was in normal size, the smaller dragon feels softer to the touch. Although the dragon scales attached to the outside are still hard, you can clearly feel the scales covering it. The soft and tough little body underneath.

Seemingly feeling the warmth of human palms, Xiaolong naturally snuggled up to him.

It rubbed its head against the opponent's chest unconsciously, trembling indistinctly, and continued to approach in the direction of the warmth.

Mu Heng pursed his lips tightly, his slightly stiff back pressed against the wall behind him.

He could feel that the little silver dragon was instinctively crawling towards his arms, as if...

wishing to be touched.

By coincidence, Mu Heng pressed his fingertips on the protruding back of the opponent.

Probing, curious, touching the giant dragon in his arms without any other emotion.

This is the first time that he has explored and explored the physiological structure of a species that has disappeared for thousands of years on the entire continent at such a close distance and in such an unusual way.

The scales on the dragon's back are the hardest, even if you just touch them, Mu Heng can clearly feel the powerful power contained in them.

Then there are the wings.

The dragon's wings are supported by hard bones, which can cover the entire body after being unfolded. The bones are covered with a thin film, which is soft and tough, like a thin and thin ribbon, and the scales on it are also The most delicate, almost addictive to the touch.

The scorching fingertips lingered and caressed the dragon's body.

Mu Heng's fingers slid down the dragon's back.

Followed by the tail.

He touched it once before, but the time was very short, and the dragon never curled up in his arms obediently and let him touch it like now.

When Mu Heng's finger landed on the root of the dragon's tail.

The silver-white little dragon suddenly trembled all over.

It suddenly widened its eyes, deep in a pair of red-gold vertical pupils, flames were burning fiercely, and the narrow pupils narrowed into a thin slit, looking shocked and angry.

Shi An turned around abruptly and viciously bit Mu Heng's fingertips. The

rice-grain-sized teeth were deeply embedded in the opponent's skin. Although the dragon's teeth were very sharp, the wounds left were not large due to the difference in size. Big, just deep.

Bright red blood seeped from the wound, dripping down.

The human blood was red and scalding, soaking the cloth under the body in an instant.

"Human, you are too bold." The dragon said through gritted teeth, "You are not allowed to touch me!"

Mu Heng let him bite without moving.

He lowered his eyes, his long silver-white eyelashes cast a deep shadow on his face, his eyes were cold and blue, without any shadow.

"Let me guess, your healing should be related to touch?"

He said in a calm and deep voice.

For the past few days, Mu Heng has been thinking about this question. Although he has not been completely sure, but now it seems that this is the only reasonable explanation.

——Skin-to-skin contact with one's old enemy.

What an unconventional and weird way of treatment.

Xiaolong was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously loosened his clenched teeth.

Mu Heng pulled his finger out of the opponent's mouth, and slowly wiped away the blood.

His voice was the same as before, just a little lower:

"Didn't I say that?"

The next second, the man's scorching palm easily covered the dragon's back, and the temperature from the human was instantly scalding. Shi An trembled, a certain part of his body wanted to get closer, while other parts pulled him and tried to escape.

Mu Heng's eyebrows were very deep, and his eyes were deeply hidden in the shadows, appearing distant and indifferent.

So is his voice.

Low, calm, sanctimonious, without the slightest mood swings.

"There's no need to waste time."

He squeezed Shi'an's wings, stroked down Xiaolong's back, and stroked Xiaolong's belly with his fingertips.

Shi An froze from head to paw, his pupils dilated and rounded, as if frightened.

Mu Heng asked softly:

"The sooner it ends the better, isn't it?"

{MTL} ✅After The Abyss Dragon Woke UpOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant