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  The loud and deep dragon chant resounded through the sky.

The powerful, suffocating coercion spread out without any restraint.

The human beings who were fighting and fighting instantly fell into instinctive tremors.

They stopped their movements almost at the same time, and turned their heads to look at the center of the power fluctuation.

Scarlet sparks floated and shimmered in thick black ash, covering the dragon's silvery scales.

The golden-red vertical pupils burn with an eternal flame, like a ruthless god overlooking the world.

Shocked, frightened, panicked.

Black emotions spread in the air.

In an instant, the battlefield was briefly plunged into a terrifying silence like death, like a dam that could be squeezed at the touch of a finger, and the moment it collapsed, it would overflow with a torrent, devouring all living beings.

The mercenaries clenched their weapons tightly, their knees trembling under the terrible pressure, resisting the urge to retreat.

what happened? !

Obviously that damn black-robed man promised them that when they arrived, the dragon's human form would not wake up!

Zhuo Fu fell to the ground.

As the closest human to the incident, he witnessed what happened just now.

In the melee, the sneak attack of the mercenaries caught them off guard. This was a tragic massacre with no survivors.

However, the mercenaries did not attack non-combatant members.

Not kindness, more disdain.

They knew that this group would not survive five minutes on the battlefield without protection.

Plus, they have more important, more urgent things to do.

The tip of the sharp dagger shone with a cold light, and fell fiercely and mercilessly.

"No——" Zhuo Fu's eyes widened, and he rushed forward.

The depths of his eyes reflected everything that happened not far away.

The picture seems to be played in slow speed.

The scorching flames contained in the blood burned the screaming mercenaries in the flames.



Just a few steps away from him, a strong wave of magic power exploded, and the slender boy turned into a terrifying dragon.

too close.

It was too close.

It was so close that he could smell the fire and steel on the dragon's body, and feel the strong air current rolled up when the opponent's wings spread.

The sound of the dragon roared strongly.

Zhuo Fu fell to the ground in a daze, with a pale face upturned, with a dull and dazed expression.

He could hear the roar in his head, the shudder of muscle and bone rubbing against each other, but other than that...


He felt like he wasn't thinking about anything.

It also seemed that he was thinking too much and burned out the central processing unit in his head.

The first to react were the mercenaries.

One of the mercenaries picked up the clanging dagger from the ground, his fingers trembling with extreme fear, but a pair of iron-gray eyes were burning with crazy light.

He jumped up and slashed the dagger at the dragon's back.

The dagger cut along the hard silver-white scales, and a thin trace of blood appeared on the dragon's body.

Dragon blood dripped down the gaps between the scales, like a meandering golden red river.

The dragon let out a deafening roar.

It flapped its wings fiercely, and the mercenary was immediately thrown away, and his back hit the mountain wall next to Zhuo Fu, he could even hear the sound of the mercenary's bones breaking on top of his head.

The next second, the giant dragon looked in this direction.


Under extreme panic, the human body is unable to move.

Zhuo Fu stared at the giant dragon tremblingly, and he saw that those red-gold vertical pupils were full of inhuman ferocity and cruelty.

The next second, it opened its mouth.

The turbulent flames that can melt rocks rush forward.

Zhuo Fu closed his eyes subconsciously, waiting for the imminent death.

The scorched smell of the burning fire surged in the air, he could hear the sizzling sound of skin and flesh cracking, and the mercenaries howling in pain and misery, the short few seconds seemed to be stretched into a whole century.

Zhuofu felt that he might be dead.

Or it has cycled back and forth several times between life and death, until there is no trace of residue left in the end.

But he opened his eyes.

In front of him was a hellish picture.

Human beings are reduced to ashes, and dust floats in the air.

Dots of sparks burned in the ashes, emitting residual heat outward.



I'm alive?

This idea rose deep in Zhuo Fu's mind, but it seemed so incomprehensible.

He turned his head slowly and looked behind him.

Those medical staff hugged each other, trembling, crying, and were scared to death.

But still alive.

At this moment, a deep, distant tremor sounded from afar again.

The giant dragon raised its head, and a pair of golden-red pupils looked towards a certain direction in the distance.

Only then did Zhuo Fu realize that the ground cry he heard just now was not an illusion, the vibration from the ground under his feet was gradually becoming more intense, and the sulfur smell in the air was gradually becoming clearer.

The knowledge reserves accumulated in most of my life will emerge automatically.

Zhuofu heard himself shouting in a hoarse and broken voice, "The volcano is about to erupt—run—"

Volcanoes in the Roth District were unusual.

In the depths of the volcano is an extremely deep, hot magical core, burning and surging all the time.

Theoretically, strong fluctuations in magic power will cause abnormal surges of magma, but in reality, the chances of this happening are extremely low.

But maybe the appearance of the dragon caused a chain reaction-the volcano is about to erupt, and the hot magma will engulf the entire area.

Shi An felt as if he was suspended in a half-awake, half-drowsy state.

He vaguely knew what seemed to be happening, but he didn't have much sense of reality, as if his soul was floating outside his body.

It was just like when I was summoned back.

Until the tip of the dagger cut through the scales, severe pain came.

Shi An seemed to wake up suddenly, he angrily killed the person who attacked him, and burned those disgusting ants.

Before the flame touched other humans, Shi An hesitated and stopped.

However, in the next second, a strong feeling of being watched came from the side.

The magic wave is too familiar.

Shi An subconsciously turned his head and looked in that direction.

Thick volcanic ash overwhelmingly pressed down, like layers of living black smoke, covering everything in an inexhaustible shadow.

A scorching, brimstone-smelling wind ripped apart the ashes.

The man's slender and tall figure was shrouded in a cloud of smoke.

He walked in this direction step by step.

The hunting wind rolled up his clothes and his long silver hair.

Mu Heng's face was frighteningly pale.

Like the snow in the extreme winter, without any blood color.

His pupils shrunk to needlepoints, and those cobalt blue eyes were like will-o'-the-wisps burning in the dark, with a chilling icy color, like a knife blade, cutting through the thick smoke and dust in front of him, silently towards the The giant dragon not far away pierced through.

He held a long sword with cold light in his palm, the ice-like transparent blade drooped down, and the dark red blood flowed down along the blade and landed on the ground.

Mu Heng walked towards the dragon.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the ground.

It was as if something was rushing, roaring, and eager to be released several meters below the feet.

The dragon raised its head and looked towards the volcano in the distance.

At this moment...

Zhuo Fu's piercing voice came from afar—"The volcano is about to erupt—run—"

This sudden change made Mu Heng pause.

In the next second, the silver-white dragon in front of him spread its wings, scalding heat waves and dust and smoke were rolled up, and the sound of flapping wings caused violent sound waves.

The dragon flew up.

It flew towards the smoke and dust, the edges of the silver-white dragon wings cut off the volcanic ash, and its huge figure was swallowed up in an instant.

At this moment, the black-robed man's "giggle" laughter sounded:

"The magma won't spread to this area."

"The dragon won't allow it."

The black-robed man smiled even more happily: "However, this move is not benevolent, nor is it kind, but because its treasure is in this volcano. Stay with us in the pit."

"Your subordinates will not die, so...

don't worry about chasing them."

The second half of his sentence rose slightly, with a strong inflammatory tone.

The strongest among mankind gave his sincerity to the enemy and abandoned his pride until the lies and disguises were torn apart, revealing the cruel, bloody truth.

This is not only an insult, but also a betrayal.

——Deceit and betrayal must end in blood and killing.

All it takes is a nudge, and all false peace will fall apart.

And our God finally sees clearly.

Hatred is the deepest bond between these two races.

Only destruction is the final destination of the entire world.

However, before the black-robed man could say anything, a glaring silver light suddenly pierced the sky, hitting him like a bursting meteor.

The pupils of the man in black shrank, and he quickly raised his weapon to block.


one of the ores on the wrist made a clear cracking sound, and a black-red blood vessel disappeared from under the skin.

That small patch of young skin loses its elasticity and reverts to its dry, chapped appearance.

Mu Heng didn't say a word.

The cold flames in the depths of the pupils are fierce, the pale thin lips are tightly pressed into a cold straight line, and there is no emotion on the face, like a ruthless marble statue, and a strong hostility is churning all over the body.

Different from just now, his offensive was crazy and brutal, wide open and closed, and his shots were extremely ruthless.

The edge of the sword clanged, and the sword aura drew sharp white lines in the dark and sticky air, leaving terrifying sword marks several inches deep on the ground.

It was an extreme violence.

There was no emotion, only pure rage and killing intent.

It was difficult for the man in black to stop him, and he had to retreat repeatedly.


There were cracks all over the purple-black crystals.

As if it had finally reached its limit, it suddenly shattered in the terrifying waves caused by the collision of magic power.

A stream of black and red blood spurted out from the mouth of the man in black robe, and he floated backward like a kite with a broken string.

He gritted his teeth and frowned, as if he didn't think that Mu Heng could still gain the upper hand in this situation.

I am afraid that I am not an opponent.

He made a decisive decision, tore off another crystal from his wrist, and crushed it vigorously.

The lines of alchemy rose up under his feet, emitting a scarlet light under the powerful blessing.

Before Mu Heng struck again with a murderous sword, the man in black fled, leaving only a hoarse laughter in the air.

——The bureau has been laid.

All that remains is to fight.

His figure disappeared into the air.

Mu Heng stood on the spot with awe all over his body, turned his head to look in the direction where the giant dragon disappeared, a pair of ice-like eyes revealed a bit of frightening horror.

Blood dripped from the tip of his sword, like a demon.

Shi An heard the wind whistling in his ears.

He flew very high, already higher than the thick black volcanic clouds below.

Not far away, the scarlet crater can be vaguely seen, which is spraying out flames and black smoke at this moment.

What happened just now happened too fast.

I always feel that one second I was standing behind the pile of treasures and looking up at the sky, and the next second Shi An changed back to her original shape, looking down at the flames and corpses, and... Shi An's

flying speed slowed down.

In his mind, Mu Heng's eyes flashed away.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little sad.

Maybe it's because there's no way to curl up in a nest made of human arms anymore, or maybe it's because after losing Shi'an's identity, he doesn't have any more ice cream to eat... Shi'an calmed down, annoyed, and expressed

this put aside.


If you don't have it, you don't have it.

In the future, he can find a magma hole to make a nest. The temperature is much warmer than that of humans. If he wants to eat, he can grab it back. Anyway, he is very strong, and he may have more ice cream to eat in the future.

Shi An flew towards the crater.

In any case, the volcano cannot erupt, or the crater below will be submerged.

His treasure is still there.

Other than that, there is absolutely no other reason.

After all, except for the treasure, he didn't care about the rest of the things at all.

It is much more difficult to suppress the eruption of the volcano than to catalyze the process.

Shi An wanted to press it back at first, but soon he found that it was almost impossible to do so, so he changed his strategy and began to try to dig rock blocks with his claws, guiding the scorching magma to flow in the opposite direction of the crater .

After his two paws were stained gray by volcanic ash, and the usual silvery white was no longer visible, the plan was finally completed.

The crimson magma flowed with silk-like gold, erupted from the crater, and flowed along the tunnel towards the direction of Aven Snowfield.

The hot magma collided with the blue-white ice and snow, the magma murmured and became scorched black and hard, the snow field thawed and was frozen by the low temperature, and more magma came again, and the cycle continued until the violent eruption of the volcano became slow and slow. Mild until finally no more menacing.

Shi An flapped his wings and stood at the crater.

The moment he fell, he felt a sharp pain.


The giant dragon let out a cry of pain, and hurriedly flew up again.

He lowered his head and looked towards his right paw.

From the tip of the claw to the center, there was a deep, huge scratch, and the silvery white scales were covered with blood and mud, dripping down.

The blood containing the magic power fell into the magma, and instantly aroused a small burst again.

Only then did Shi An vaguely recall that when he just woke up, he seemed to hold something sharp and hard with his hand, and the wound seemed to be left at that time.

But I don't know why, I didn't feel much when I was digging the rock just now.

It hurts.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

Shi An carefully blew on his paw.

The scorching wind passed over the wound, he couldn't help but shiver in pain, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Big tears fell from the sockets of the eyes, no matter what they couldn't stop.

The one-legged dragon buried its head in its wings, drooped its tail, and whimpered.


Zhuo Fu squatted on the ground in disgrace, his face was mixed with half-dried blood and dust, he looked dazed and embarrassed, his eyes were empty, like a lost dog.

Behind him, the remaining Authority members were counting the wounded and disposing of the bodies.

And not far in front of him, Wen Yao was arguing fiercely with Mu Heng.

To be precise, it was Wen Yao who was arguing:

"...We have to report the matter of Shi An, sir."

Her face was extremely ugly, as if she had been beaten severely: "I never thought that in such a long time, The giant dragon has been hiding by our side, listening to our plans... No wonder our search for the giant dragon's doll has not found any traces until now, it's just the principle of darkness under the lights." "This is for the Administration and for human beings

. Humiliation."

Wen Yao's voice was extremely cold, Zhuo Fu had never heard the other party speak in such a terrifying voice:

"You leave this matter to me, and I will contact Shangfeng."

Zhuo Fu was a little distracted.

Wen Yao's thinking is so normal, to put it bluntly, everyone who witnessed that scene thought so.

But...they are not the ones who should feel the anger of being betrayed, fooled, and insulted the most—

Zhuo Fu raised his eyes and looked at Mu Heng.

From just now, Mu Heng didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

His expression was as cold as ice and snow, with a terrifying hostility on his body, but there was no expression on his face.

No matter how carefully Zhuo Fu looked at him, he couldn't see what the other party was thinking.

As long as Mu Heng thinks, he can control his emotions tightly, not letting anyone notice what he is thinking in his heart, and there are not even any clues that can be used to guess.

Zhuo Fu really couldn't guess.

Especially the opponent is still a dragon slayer...

Zhuo Fu can hardly imagine what Mu Heng is thinking now.

"The Shi family must conduct a thorough investigation. In addition, all the places where Shi'an lived, so those related to him, and the human beings he came into contact with must be controlled—" Wen Yao's voice sounded again, and Zhuo

Fu Pulled back to reality from the dazzle.

He stood up unsteadily, walked forward, and interrupted Wen Yao: "Then according to what you said, shouldn't we all be controlled?"

Zhuo Fu's voice was weak and dry, but But it is rare serious.

Wen Yao was startled, and turned her head to look in Zhuo Fu's direction.

She frowned fiercely, and said: "As a researcher, this matter has nothing to do with you." "

Why has nothing to do with me?" Zhuo Fu asked back: "Didn't you just say that you want to control me?"

Wen Yao Micro pause.

She pursed her lips and said nothing.

Zhuofu shook his head, and the volcanic rock powder fell from his hair, like gray rain:

"Maybe I am an anarchist at heart, liberals, anyway, whatever you say, I think, Perhaps, we should not report this matter for the time being..."

Wen Yao's expression became even uglier: "What do you mean?"

Zhuo Fu: "I mean..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Yao Yao stopped sharply: "Zhuo Fu, don't tell me, you are starting to empathize with that non-human being now? Even if you have been deceived by lies for so long?" She took a step forward, her brown-black eyes were full of aggression

. look:

"I think you have been in the research institute for too long. Do you know how much damage a giant dragon can cause to our world? What a terrible purgatory it can create? So many people died under my command— —"

Zhuo Fu blinked, and asked:

"Which one was burned to death by the dragon?"

Wen Yao: "..."

She suddenly got stuck.

"Maybe, we can come up with a better way, maybe Long actually..."

Zhuo Fu stopped his confused words.

He took a deep breath, raised his hand to cover his face, and rubbed vigorously.

A few seconds later, Zhuo Fu raised his head and said with some difficulty: "I mean... I don't know... well."

If it was him before, he would definitely agree with Wen Yao's words 200%.

After all, a giant dragon with terrifying power, a monster that can turn two-thirds of the continent into scorched earth, is definitely the best thing for humans to eliminate.

Especially after he's seen firsthand the devastation dragons are capable of wreaking.

Intense fear should have overwhelmed everything.

But... He turned his head and found that he and all the medical staff were safe.

The dragon's flames bypassed them.

If it is the monster that Wen Yao said, all the performances it made in front of them were camouflage and deceit, and saving them from the volcanic eruption was just to protect their own treasures.

So... why do you deliberately avoid them?

Zhuo Fu couldn't figure it out.

However, he found that when he couldn't help thinking about this question, what came to mind many times was not the huge and powerful dragon, but the lazy, coquettish and laughing boy.

Really weird.

In the end, the two turned their gazes to Mu Heng at the same time.

Wen Yao took a deep breath, with a tired look on her face, she said: "Sir, you make a decision."

Mu Heng raised his eyes to Wen Yao, and said in a cold and low voice, "Don't report it."

For some reason, Zhuo Fu relieved.

But in the next second, the man in front of him slowly turned his head to look at him, stared at him with those emotionless, almost cruel eyes, and stretched out his hand: "Shi'an's bag."

Zhuo Fu was taken aback.

He didn't expect Mu Heng's observation ability to be so amazing, and he actually found that he picked up the space extension bag from the place where he had been lying down just now.

Zhuo Fu sighed and handed over the bag.

The bag was handed over to Mu Heng.

Mu Heng threw it to the ground, and slowly drew out the long sword at his waist.

It is not made of magical power, but a real sword used to slay dragons.

He opened the pocket with the point of his sword.

In the next second, three monsters scrambled to get out.

"Master Wuwuwu, you haven't seen us for a long time!"

"What happened, we're so worried!"

"Yes, yes—"

The three monsters got stuck at the same time.

They stared blankly at the tip of the long sword that was shining with cold light, and then slowly raised their heads, looking at the silver-haired man standing in front of him holding the sword, all of them were dumbfounded: "... ....................."

I was stupid.

My grass? ? ? ? ?

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