Part 18 "Your not staying there"

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(TW: Mentions of physical abuse,
major actual physical abuse, homophobic slurs, and hate criming)

So do you guys wanna go anywhere?" Steve asked them

"Anywhere besides my house right now, my parents are visiting for a bit" he said rolling  his eyes, they all knew about the deal with his parents so they didn't say a  word about it.

Steve got up to stretch his legs as they were deciding where to go, El looked at Steve weird. "Steve why are you walking like that, is your butt ok?" She asked genuinely confused and concerned.

He turned to look at her in embarrassment, everyone heard her and they all stopped chatting and looked at Steve's walk. "Y- yes I'm fine" he said feeling awakrd, he knew it wasn't her fault she was so straightforward, it just made things so awkward sometimes.

The younger ones continued talking about where they all should go. "How about we just stay here? Since we can't decide" Dustin started. "Yall can stay for a bit, then go do your own thing" Dustin finished.

"Sure we'll do that, I have some ideas of what we could do after" Billy said looking to his right smirking at Steve, Steve looked to his left and blushed knowing what Billy was implying. "Get a room" Mike said looking at them disgusted.

"Oh shush, you'll understand the desire to constantly be intimate with your partner one day" Billy said smiling, Mike went quiet and looked over to Will who was also quiet blushing majorly, Billy thought this was hilarious and laughed his ass off.

Steve rolled his eyes watching Billy.

They all soon begun a campaign of d&d it took about 7 hours and a Billy and Steve were exhausted by the end if it ready to leave.

Before they did they chatted more with the kids catching up on things. Billy went up to Max to talk, he noticed she didn't talk or do much the whole time they were there.

"Hey Max how are things at home?" Billy asked her. "Oh, uh it's going good, Neil hasn't done anything in a while" she said looking off to the side, Billy recognized her body language and immediately knew she was lying.

"Max?" He said sternly, causing her to look at him. "Y- yeah?" She asked. "Are you lying to me?" He asked. "No, no I just-" she looked away, using her right hand to mess with her left sleeve.

"He's just y'know.." she said, her eyes watering. "He's been upset and stuff, it's whatever it doesn't matter" she said thinking about what he's done lately.

Billy's heart sunk into his chest. "Max is he taking his anger out on you?" He asked her.
She looked back over to him and nodded. "What exactly is he doing?" He asked softly not wanting to scare her. "He's like hitting me and stuff, and uhm, th- thrrowing things" she said shrugging.

"Ok your not going back there tonight you here me?" He asked her, she nodded. "Do the others know anything about this?" She shook her head no. "Ok your gonna come with me and Steve ok?" He said, She nodded. "We'll go back to Neil's house and I'll go inside and get you clothes" and you'll stay with me and Steve" he told her.

Billy got up, him and Max walking over to everyone else. "Hey guys were gonna be going now" "Oh ok" Dustin said, Steve got up to go with them as they waved bye to everyone.

The three of them got into Steve's car. "Are we dropping her off?" Steve asked Billy.
"No, she's gonna stay with us if that's ok?" Billy asked Steve. "Oh of course, did something happen?" Steve asked concerned. "It's Neil, he's treating he bad"
Billy said, clenching his jaw at the thought of Neil.

"Oh ok, yeah I understand" Steve said
"We do need to go to Neil's house for clothes  if that's cool?" Billy said. "Yeah yeah of course" Steve said driving to Neil's.

They arrived after a few minutes, they saw Neil's car and Billy got out before reassuring Max everything would be fine, he walked up to the door remembering his trauma there, he was ready to go fight Neil if he needed too.

He walked up to the door twisting the handle opening it, he saw Neil in the kitchen with Susan, Neil looked upset already, he heard the door and turned to see Billy.

Billy walked all the way in, trying to not be afraid. "Well look who the fuck it is, where the hell have you been all this time?" Neil asked walking up to Billy pissed. "Been away" was all that Billy said before walking to Max's room.

Neil followed him as Billy started packing stuff. "Where is max?" Neil asked him. "How should I know?" Billy responded. "DONT YOU FUCKING GIVE ME ATTITUDE"
Neil screamed at him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against a wall, as Susan stood at the door scared.

You need to go find her...NOW" Neil said. "No" Billy said, Neil punched him multiple times as Susan screamed for Neil to stop
"This behavior is not ok" Neil said throwing Billy on the ground before kicking his stomach multiple times, Billy coughed up blood as he put his hand out trying to stop Neil.


Steve was in the car waiting nervously, tapping the steering wheel staring at Neil's front door, He heard screaming and jumped." Max stay here" he said quickly racing out of the car and running up to the front door.

He burst thorough the door looking around, seeing a sobbing, scared looking Susan sitting on the couch crying, and Neil in the kitchen with bloody fists. Neil turned to him. "Who the fuck are you?" He said walking towards Steve.

"Where's Billy?" Steve said standing his ground. "Who are you hm? His faggot boyfriend?" He asked. Steve clenched his jaw balling his fists up before punching Neil right in the cheek, he fell groaning I'm pain.

Steve ran past him looking for Billy, he saw an open door and looked in it seeing a barely conscious Billy, he held his mouth in horror before running over to him, helping him up. He was crying at this point fearing for their lives.

He picked up billy, beginning to carry him out the door. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE FAGGOT" Neil screamed standing up, Steve continued walking out Billy's room.

Neil got all the way up, starting to walk over to Billy and Steve, Steve stopped in his tracks not knowing what to do, before he could think he received a kick in the stomach, making him drop Billy and pushing him back to hit a wall, he got 3 punches to the face before Susan Spoke up.

"NEIL STOP BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE" Susan screamed at him sobbing, Neil stopped and turned to her. "Susan shut the fuck up" he said. "No" she said breathing heavy grabbing her phone. "Let them leave" she said.

He gave her a death stare as he moved over letting them go, Steve didnt want to move at all but after looking at Billy, he forced himself to, Groaning in pain with each step he took, he used one hand to hold his stomach, and the other to pick up Billy, as Susan gave Steve the suitcase, Steve held on to Billy carrying him outside slowly as Neil and Susan watched.

He went up to the car opening the back door. "Max drive now!" He said as she looked over to them in shock before getting out,rushing over to the front seat and starting the car as Steve put Billy in the car, then the suitcase before getting in, shutting the door as she sped off.

(Authors note)
This is a traumatizing chapter, but enjoy 💀

1325 words

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