66 - In the Dark of Night

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Chibs felt partly responsible for what had happened. He, too, had been fooled. That time he had seen Juice lying next to the Mayan in the hospital bed, he believed he caught a glimpse of something... unique. Something genuine. He had dropped his guard then and put in a good word for the couple.

And now they all had a sword hanging over their heads, Raine was dead and Juice a wreck.

His younger brother was still in denial and as crude as it might; it was better if he faced the truth. Goods had been stolen that belonged to a dangerous and powerful ally; an ally who had now become their enemy. It was imperative that Juice kept his focus; that he realized what terrible things his choices had led to. Raine had died because of it. Others could follow.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at his friend. With clenched jaws, Juice stared out of the window. Maybe it was already too late. Perhaps the Mayan had already taken too much control of him so that he would turn against them now. He had no doubt that Juice had truly loved him. Of course he did; they had planned to marry. Juice had been willing to give up everything for that guy and now the bastard had betrayed him.

He deserved his death. That's how we treat those who deceive us and cause us pain that will always leave a mark.

However, that was not something that would comfort Juice at the moment. Not only was he denying Raine's death; also the betrayal had not yet dawned on him. He didn't know which of the two would hurt more, and Chibs just hoped it wouldn't break him to the point of no recovery. Chibs found it hard to predict how Juice would react. When the two had been apart a few weeks ago, there had been a void in Juice's gaze that he dreaded. The guy had been totally indifferent, to such an extent that it wouldn't have surprised Chibs if he'd crossed the street without looking to see if there was traffic coming. It was up to Chibs to make sure that didn't happen again. Juice had to realize that Raine had caused this himself. Who knows, maybe he would be able to turn the loss and grief into anger. That wasn't ideal either, but it was a better alternative than a tearing emptiness.

They reached the dumpster with the container they often used when they needed to temporarily store something. In the past, they had also stored some weapons there, but there had been too many people roaming around.

The slam of the car door echoed through the silence as Chibs shut it. Juice's followed. Immediately, the man jogged toward the entrance to the property.

"I've got the key," Chibs called out as his brother was already climbing the gate. There was a big roll of barbed wire at the top of the fence, and while Juice was probably immune to pain at the moment, it wouldn't help anyone if he was stuck up there.

Juice lowered himself down again. He didn't speak a word as Chibs put the key into the hole. A beat later, the gate swung open.

"Where is he?

Although he had expected Juice's voice to sound hoarse from the pent-up grief, it was rather restrained anger that shone through. Hold that, Chibs thought, although he knew that he himself would be the first to suffer. Well, as long as he didn't leave him with any permanent injuries, Chibs was fine with taking care of his friend that way. 

"About ten feet away from the containers."

Juice ran to the left, where about six containers stood. Chibs hurried after the man. He, too, searched the shadows for the outline of a body.

At least four times they walked down the path where Happy told them the body should be. Then the paths next to it. It was gone. His brother said he made no effort to hide the body; the Mayans were supposed to know that the Sons were behind it. After all, they were the ones who had started this shit.

Yet there was no body to be seen.

"He's not here. He's not dead, I told you so!"

The triumph on Juice's face sent a crack through Chibs' heart. Happy understood his job well. If he didn't want someone to be able to leave, it wouldn't happen. He could be a few feet away at most.

"Give me my phone," Juice said. "Or yours."

Not a bad idea. A ringing cell phone would undoubtedly help them find the body.

He pulled the device from his pocket and held it out to Juice. The guy pressed a few keys, then held the thing to his ear. Chibs strained his ears to locate the ringtone as soon as it would sound.

"Mouse?" Apparently, it wasn't his boyfriend who Juice had called. Now that he was uttering his best friend's name, Chibs did hear his voice quiver. His breathing sped up. "They — they... those bastards, they got him..." He took a deep breath.

With a nagging feeling in his chest, Chibs turned away from the man.

"Send me Raine's number. I need — I need to know where he is.'

There was a long silence, during which Juice sniffed from time to time. Then, a dial tone sounded again.

Chibs turned toward his friend. In the moonlight, he was frighteningly pale.

"Raine!" Juice exclaimed. Relief radiated off his face—though a frown soon appeared between his eyebrows. "Raine, the phone belongs to Raine Davis Carrera." For a few moments, there was silence. Then; "I'll be right there."

"What's going on, Juice?" Chibs didn't know what to make of it. Had he managed to get away after all? Had someone found him?

"He's alive," Juice whispered. "He's alive. I told you so."

A beat later he was hugging Chibs, who didn't know what to do with the situation. Juice couldn't go to Raine; as a Son, he was partly responsible for Raine's injuries. The Mayans would kill him.

Still, he held the boy in an embrace, so that Juice had a moment to give his emotions a place. Now that the initial fear had subsided, he might realize that-

"Give me the car keys." Juice stepped back, holding a gun in his hands.

Chibs' gun.

"Juice, think. You can..."

A pang sounded, then he felt a horrible pain in his lower leg. Screaming, Chibs slumped to the ground.

"Shut up!" Juice yelled. "You don't tell me what to do. Give me those damn keys or I'll put a bullet in your brain and get them anyway!"

The pain almost paralyzed his thoughts. What Juice said came in only slowly.

Yet it was as if the fierce look in his eyes penetrated right through the painful fog. There was no way to tell if the boy was bluffing or not. Not daring to risk it, Chibs tossed him the keys.

"Think carefully about your next move, kid," Chibs managed to utter between clenched teeth. "If you leave me here, the club will make you pay."

Juice snorted. He took off his kutte and flung it to his feet. "I'm not a Son anymore. Instead of protecting my fiancé, my so-called brothers almost killed him. You better pray that he makes it through the night. If not, I'll kill you all."

After those words, he strode away, leaving Chibs bleeding in the dark of night.

. . .

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