23 - Wounded Love Birds

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Chibs wasn't stupid. He was aware of the fact that Skye knew half of the hospital staff, and he expected nothing less from her than smuggling Juice to his boyfriend's room. He told Opie he was going to stretch his legs for a minute. The Mayans hadn't shown their faces again, although he knew some of them were still in the adjacent waiting area. Leaving Tig all alone was too risky, but he believed Opie would manage while he was taking a break.

The hospital was quiet. He wandered through the hallways, entering places he knew he wasn't allowed to be. The few nurses who were crossing his path quickly turned away their faces after one intrusive look.

After 15 minutes, he found Skye. She was sitting on a chair, next to the girl who had been with the Mayans. Her eyes widened as she saw him. Quickly, Skye got up.

"Chibs... What are you doing here?"

"Wha' do ye thin' I'm doin' here?" he grunted.

He wanted to see Juice's boyfriend with his own eyes. He knew how easily Juice was influenced. The past hours he had constantly thought about the secret he had discovered, and he needed to be sure his younger brother wasn't played by the Mayan. He didn't think it was far-fetched that the Mayan would only be with Juice because he believed the boy was an easy way in.

"You wanna know how Raine is?" she asked after staring into his eyes for a while.

Chibs' eyes flashed to those of the young girl that was with them. He nodded slowly.

"He woke up an hour ago," Skye told him. "The nurse told the Mayans that he is stable and that he woke up, but he can't receive any visitors before the sun comes up."

Chibs was silent for a while, he had to admit she had taken care of the situation very well.

Skye studied his face, then her lips bent into a smile. She opened the door on a crack and motioned him closer. Although Chibs had initially wanted to rush in to interrogate the Mayan, he now looked over Skye's shoulder into the hospital room. His heart softened at the tender sight. Juice was curled up on his side next to the Mayan, who was lying on his back. Juice's hand was resting upon his boyfriend's chest, their faces towards each other while they were quietly talking. Now and then they kissed each other; on the lips, their noses or their eyebrows, and despite Raine's situation he could hear them chuckle or even laugh softly.

Chibs couldn't hear any exact words, but he sensed they were drenched in love. It felt like he was watching two smitten teenagers, as they were completely lost in each other's eyes, being unable not to touch each other; all the time there were small touches showing the love they felt for each other.

Chibs' glance lingered upon the Mayan's face. He didn't think he was much older than Juice himself – somewhere in his late twenties. His hair was short cropped, and on the right side of his head there were two shaved lines. A shadow of facial hair covered his jaw, chin and the space between his lip and nose. As expected, the man didn't look like a pussy; he seemed to be the most confident of the two and Chibs suspected him to have taken the initiative.

Skye nudged his elbow. "Aren't they adorable?" she whispered, her eyes sparkling.

Chibs sighed. Yeah – they were. And that was not a conclusion he was happy about. It had been so much easier if the Mayan had just wanted to use Juice.

"You trust him?" he whispered back. "You're not afraid that he will... take advantage of Juice's feelings?"

Determined, Skye shook her head. "Absolutely not. They are very much in love, the both of them. Raine needs Juice just as much as the other way around." Skye looked him in the eye. "Can't you feel it? Someone fought for his life in this room, but the room is filled with love right now. They are both scared. That Raine will have a relapse; that someone finds out about them; that they can't see each other anymore. And still, their love covers all their doubts and fears. Their love is so pure, Chibs. I think it's beautiful." Her lips were quivering and she wiped her eyes. "They got me all mushy. I've never seen Juice like this; he's so happy since he stopped fighting his feelings." She gave him an intrusive look. "Don't fuck this up for them, Chibs. It will break him. He already lost so much in his life."

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