80 - Someday

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Angel walked with them to the trailer to grab some stuff. Raine gave him some space by taking a seat outside on one of the three garden chairs and scrolled to Marcus' name on his phone.

Juice plopped down next to him and leaned back with his eyes closed. The long drive and the stress had taken their toll. The way the Mayans had welcomed them here made his face relax for the first time since Raine had woken up from his coma. A smile tugged at his lips. His boyfriend's caring nature was one of the many things why he felt attracted to him; even when he was about to collapse, his thoughts still went to others first.

Raine tore his gaze away from him when a click sounded. "Raine?"

"Yeah." Raine wasn't sure what more to say. 

Alvarez didn't seem to care much. "I heard from Bishop that you went to Santo Padre."

"Yeah." A silence fell—and Raine knew he had to fill it this time. "The Sons are after Juice," he said. "I thought it was too obvious to go to Oakland."

That had been the main reason, yet it had been an easy decision. Juice may have told him that all his brothers had been at the hospital and that they had treated him well, but they still did not offer him the support he'd hoped for. Support he'd received in Santo Padre instantly. He knew Esai would be pissed that he'd gone here, but that was the last thing he cared about. He didn't know if he would ever be able to forgive his former friend, but right now he didn't feel the need to do so at all. Tolerating Esai around only reminded him of what the guy had done to him. One night of keeping watch didn't change that.

"I see," Marcus replied. "Although there are still things we need to discuss."

Raine suppressed a sigh. "Those matters can wait."

"I want to make sure you know that we had nothing to do with that attack on the Sons' warehouse. We would never have done that without you having a say in it."

"Juice already said so."

"I want you to hear it not only from your man but also from me."

Raine did not answer. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the gesture; he just couldn't bring himself to care anymore. "Okay."

"Are you planning to stay ?"

"For now. As soon as it turns out to be safe here, I will bring Sasha here."

"Do you want someone to guard her?"

Raine chewed on his cheek. Actually, he hadn't even thought of that, but it wasn't such a crazy idea. If the Sons did indeed get wind that he was still alive, Sasha was an easy way to lure him out. "I'd like that."

Somehow it didn't sit well with him though; it felt as if they were now doing him a favor. As if he was now in their debt while he wanted to get out. Still, it was all about his niece's safety. He would never let his sense of honor get in the way of that.

"I'll take care of it." A silence. "Are you still planning to get out? Now that Juice is no longer a Son..."

"Yes," he replied firmly. "I'm done with this, man. I have a child to take care of, and a fiance who almost lost me often enough. I just want a... a quieter life."

"All right then. I understand and I accept your decision. I will bring your resignation to the table."

"Right away?" Raine asked a little confused.

"Unless you don't want me to, of course."

"Yeah but..." He rubbed his head. But what? But it suddenly sounded so final? But he still needed his brother's help?

"We won't let you down, Raine." Alvarez had effortlessly picked up on his fear. "We are protecting Sasha, and you. But if you have no intention of resuming your duties as a Mayan then we'd better know. Then it's time to find a new prospect, to see where Phantom stands... We need to move on, as a club."

"Yeah, I get it." To his surprise, it brought an oppressive feeling in his chest; that they would replace him with someone else, that someone else would soon be sitting in his chair at the table. That was what he wanted, what he had chosen for... and yet he tasted the bitterness of a goodbye.

Ever since his mother died, the club had been an important part of his life. Indeed, his life had revolved around it. He was ready to let go and at the same time, it was also somewhat oppressive. He looked aside, at Juice, who was so exhausted that he was snoring softly. A tender smile found its way to his lips.

His life no longer revolved around the club.

It was now about Juice, about Sasha, about the start of a family ; of a new family—one where none of them would ever have to fight for their place.

"Thanks," he said softly to Alvarez. "For letting me go."

"Of course. The club is not a prison. You are free to make your own choices, even if they are choices I regret. You have always been an asset to the club." A silence fell. "Do you think you would have gone too if you hadn't lost your heart to a Son?"

"I don't know. At least it sped things up. If Juice hadn't been there, I wouldn't have balanced on the brink of death twice, my best friend wouldn't have drugged me, and my brothers wouldn't have beat up my boyfriend. At the same time, I do have a little girl to look after, one I don't want to keep dumping at my dad's or sister's, or leave with a babysitter. She doesn't deserve that. Maybe I would have stepped down temporarily." His gaze slid back to Juice. "Maybe I'll do that anyway. Who knows, in a few years? I really can't say."

Though he didn't think he would go back to the Mayans. There were other clubs that didn't engage in all kinds of illegal shit. No deals with shady organizations, no drugs or other gangs he didn't support at all. If they ever wanted to join a club again, it would probably be a regular club, with no ties to the underworld.

Just a group of bikers, hanging out at the bar and going for the occasional ride together. Exactly as he had it in mind when he signed up as a prospect. He could still picture something like that. Maybe, someday. When they had come to terms with everything that had happened.

. . .

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