The Storm: Chapter Four

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It didn't help that coupled with my lungs struggling to take in a breath of air without a gulp of dust, my eyes were consistently watering for the same exact reason. I cursed myself at this second. There was a reason why I had found a scarf in my pack. Cleaning blood was not the reason for its use. Jorge would jump for glee if he had found out that I had destroyed it. Another punishment I reckon he would have said to me.

It wasn't the wind that had changed its temper. The sky itself had darkened in colour as a warning. What was once a very dull cloudy day had suddenly transformed into a murky darkness. Without the others close by me, it soon dawned on me that I would have lost them in the storm to the city. I doubt I would have ever been able to find them again if I lost them now.

Then the lighten came.

The brilliant streaks of jagged electricity lit up the sky above us. Light from the streaks flashed against the hollow shells of the buildings, illuminating the insides for the briefest of seconds. The city had been empty the whole time we had walked through it, but the shadows highlighted how alive this place really was. And how much danger we really were in.

The lightening did not stop. They fell from the sky in jagged streaks. Bars of white light slammed into the ground and threw up large chunks of the earth around us. Fires caught alight as the it intensified. It never relented.

I momentarily lost the others in front of me. Despite the brilliant light illuminating the sky, there was still a thick cloud that enclosed us. Every so often I caught a glimpse of them in front of me, the light hinting at their position.

Suddenly a bolt of pure white zigzagged from the sky and exploded on the ground in front of me. I screamed in terror, but I couldn't hear my voice. I squeezed my eyes shut as some form of energy threw me to the ground. I landed on my back, the air knocked from my chest and a spray of dirt and rocks covering me from the aftermath. Spitting the dirt from my mouth, I gulped for air as I scrambled onto my hands and knees. A second of panic was replaced by a wave of relief as the air flowed back into my lungs.

I cupped my ears as the ringing pierced my head. The high-pitched shrill felt like nails digging into my eardrums. Around, the wind lashed at my body and flung dirt into my skin. A sense of panic overcame me. I was frozen, limbs glued to the ground as the nightmare rained down its torment with a crash and a boom.

I had no idea where I was

All I heard from that point was a ringing. A high-pitched buzz that felt like nails digging into my eardrums. The wind whipped at my clothes and the dirt stung my skin. I was in a sense of panic, the world swirling around me as the living night was broken by flashes of lightening.

I was glued to the ground, my limbs refused to move. I had been knocked off course. I didn't know where I was. I didn't even know if the others had realised I was missing. I just could not move from my spot. No matter how dangerous it was to be stuck here. The fear had paralysed me, swept in and that very second, I was vulnerable. I couldn't react to anything. It was as if my body had completely shut down from the stress. To make matters worse, my ears had started to numb as the horrific noise faded into a distant hum, leaving me with just a muffled sound of the world around me.

This is not good this is not good.

The words repeated, slammed and screamed. My mind had gone into complete melt down. There was nothing I could do to kick start it again and move.

Pressure from a hand, and feeling myself being dragged along the floor, forced me from of my fear. I pulled my feet up from under me and elbowed the arm away. Upon release, I began my attack. I reached out and blindly clawed at the space in front. This was only met with my hands clamped roughly together. I struggled against the strength. That was no use. They were far stronger than mine. Instead I kicked, aiming for where the knee ought to be.

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