25: choice

452 8 1

~liliy's pov~ 

after reaching his study, i first decided to organize it before actually casting the magic spell on it. " sensei, is your study always in this state?" he froze for a second. "Hey kid. Even if it looks the way it does, I know where everything is. ok? let's be honest, being organized is just an excuse to be too lazy to find things." ... what? I just sighed and started using wind magic to move things around and started organizing the area. I also recently realized I can kind of use  code magic. for example, in this case i can use space magic which is a sub element of air to access mind magic... which I kind of created seeing as it has never been documented before. Anyway, i can use mind magic to filter out the documents like i can code it such that any document with the word 'dispute' once it goes into one pile and any word with the word 'approval' goes into one pile, does that make sense...? i cant really explain it myself.

after organizing his office, i started to cast the 'coding spell' ,that is what i call it, on to some objects. then i started moving around the room to place spells on different objects. I did this while tenebris sensei stared holes into the back of my head trying to figure out what i was doing. to be fair, I must look crazy wiggling my fingers in the air 'cause he can't see the key-pad and screen, it wasn't a keyboard and a screen it the beginning though i just designed it that way for my own convenience. i started moving around all the stacks of paper and placed them together so that i had free space to organize it into. 

after doing the basic sorting i decided to explain what i have done. "sensei. so now when you place a pile of documents on the table next to the door the documents will be segregated based on severity, who it concerns, recency your role in the issue and so on. for example i will pile all the documents on the mentioned table." after doing that i went to his desk and stood in front of it waiting for him to follow me. i had made rectangles that were a4 sized and all of them were labeled. "if you tap on the label then the document that is associated with the label will accumulate within the rectangular border. once you are done it will be stored in the shelf to the right, i have put a space expansion spell on. when there is no light in the room all the documents you have not looked at will go back to the stack next to the door."

he looked at me skeptically and sat down i scoffed on the inside when he was shocked to see that after he tapped on the word 'funding quarries' a stack of papers flew and sat on his table. he then procced to skim through the documents on his table. "magnificent. all of these are... my god..." he looked at me dumbfounded and looked back the papers in his hands seemingly unable to process the facts. "just how does a normal 11 year old child.... screw that no one in your family is normal to begin with" he got up and sighed while smiling an annoyingly confident smile. "well pup i believe we had a deal". my eyes widened a little in excitement, but before we got to that i needed to tell him something else. "oh one more thing sen-" "I AM BACK~" a loud voice said as the door of the study was slammed open.

duchess tenebris! i have no idea why, but for some reason i really like her . i have not even had a proper conversation with her but i feel like i can bear my soul to her. it might be that i am weak to beauty but then again i am not that soft when it comes to domino who seems to have gone towards more of his mothers looks. she looked around the room with confusion and then saw me and tenebris sensei and smilled. "well i am in the right room then. i am assuming you did this lilith. aweee how sweet, to be honest i don't think i have ever seen this place like this before." "darling i am here too" sensei said with puppy eyes ready to cry a river, walking towards her arms open trying to hug her. in response duchess tenebris simply puts and arm out and holds him away at an arm's reach puffing her cheeks and turning the other way, "you know, i am still mad at you." i would ususally hate this sort of PDA but for some reason i feel like i am watching a kdrama or something where i am rooting for this sort of thing to happen. 

"ehm' i cleared my throat.  as i did duchess tenebris looked my way and light bulb appeared on top of the duke's head. seemingly following through with the 'brilliant' idea sensei had he hurried out of the room. duchess tenebris sighed and looked at me with a gentle smile. "i swear, it is a miracle that that man has not be claimed as the universal ambassador for the sloth sin." she said while plopping down on the couch and patting it while looking at me. i followed her directions and sat next to her. "so... what did you do till now sweetheart?"  for some reason i fell very at home and warm with her. haa i miss mother, why can't i go back to my estate and meet mother? i got up and walked towards the table and his desk showing her the spells and new set up "oh, and don't worry duchess, any used magic item detected to be empty will be transported to the bin in the corner of the room." 

she looked at me with amazement and shock as she got up and walked towards the desk looking at the piles and checking through them testing the spells out. "This spell is brilliant lilith. where did you find it, out of my 35 years of existence i don't think i have ever come across runes and spell like this." 35?! ma'am you don't look a day over 20. "i.. i kind of developed it, i don't really know how to explain it though." she looked gob smacked. after a few seconds she started smiling, she started coming towards me and crouched down in front of me. "hey lilith? do you know that under the imperial law, a child can choose a guardian that is not necessarily biologically related to them for sponsorships after the age of 15? and they can adapt that family's last name, effectively becoming a member of that family." 

i just nodded my head. I felt like i knew where this conversation is going and it made me feel slightly uncomfortable. "so what would you say if i asked to become your sponsor, of course you don't have to adapt my family name since yours is already something that will give you a good amount of respect. it is just that your family goes toward more of the military aspect of the kingdom while my maternal family as you know are the family of rivoren, you have a gift lilith so what do you say?" my breath hitched, this is being sponsored especially with the type of family background I have is much more complected than it sounds.

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