wilbur fanfic [finished, 2023, 'roanoke - invitation']

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THE SOUND OF BIRDS CHIRPING COULD BE HEARD OUTSIDE OF YOUR WINDOW. compared to the days your mom would yell through the house or come into your room and threaten to get the pots and pans out, this was a pleasant way to wake. a groan left your lips as you rolled over, you placed your feet on the ground and rubbed your eyes.

the stairs creaked as you walked downstairs. you walked toward the kitchen after hearing your mom humming. "good morning," you mumbled and rubbed your tired eyes again. your mom turned your direction before laughing. "good morning, y/n. you know, it's not nearly as early as you're making it seem," she said and turned back around to continue what she was doing. "is indie still sleeping?" she asked.

"yup." your responded. "i made some coffee if you want some," your mom paused her words to pour a little heavy cream into her drink. "and i figured you'd eat something from the bakery, so i didn't make breakfast. but if you aren't then you can toast a bagel or something." she finished by taking a sip.

"something from the bakery sounds good." you answered, yawning. "okay, go get dressed and i'll write a note to indie so she knows we didn't just disappear, then we'll leave." your mom put her mug down before she moved to a drawer and opened it. she grabbed a pen while you nodded and left the room.

you ran quickly up the stairs and into your room before picking something to wear and changing into it. after, you headed to the bathroom to finish your morning routine. "hurry up, y/n!" you heard your mom yell, she kept her voice quiet enough as to not wake up your still-sleeping sister. "yeah, yeah," you agreed while walking out of the bathroom.

"ready?" your mom asked when she saw you. "mhm," you replied. "alright, grab your bag and let's go." you did as she said, grabbing the bag from the wall and slinging it over your body once again. she unlocked the front door, pulling it open and sliding out before she moved to the side and let you exit. the fresh air felt nice as you stepped outside.

your mom shut the door and took a deep breath, she then turned a heel and walked down from the porch. "oh, hey there!" she said loudly, which caused you to look toward her. you noticed the mailman holding your mail, only moments away from placing it into your open mailbox.

he waved back, closing the mailbox quickly and walking closer to your mom. "mail's here!" he said cheerfully, raising the pile of paper in his hand before stepping in front of your mom. "thank you." your mother said, grabbing the mail and waving it toward you.

"put this inside y/n? we don't have time to go through it yet."

you nodded in agreement and walked over to her. you reached for the white envelopes in her fingers and took them before running back inside. you stuck the mail on the kitchen counter and exited the house again, making sure to lock the door. when you made it back outside the mailman was gone and your mom was waiting patiently.

"ready to go?" she asked, looking at the watch on her wrist. "yeah!" you replied.


chime. went the bell on the mad batters bakery door after you unlocked it. you stepped inside the open doorway and your mom followed behind you. she hurried further, walking to the back where the kitchen was. "let's go quick. we open in 30 minutes. we need to get the things we prepped yesterday in the oven." with a nod, you followed your mom into the kitchen and walked toward the ovens to preheat them.

some time passed and it was now 10 am, the bakery was open after you flipped the sign to say so on the window. your mom got everything in the ovens with the help of you and your hands. in a moment, you heard the recognizable chime of the door. a smile found its way on your lips as you walked out of the kitchen and to the front counter. "welcome in, peter."

he nodded. "thank you. always a pleasure to be first."

"i expect you want your usual? the warmed-up scone? or are we gonna get sassy today and switch it up?" you chuckled slightly, looking at him expectedly for his answer. he smiled warmly and spoke, "the usual scone for me, but my granddaughter asked me to get her a cookie. so one chocolate chip cookie please."

you nodded your head once. "alright, one scone and one chocolate chip cookie coming right up, peter!" you spoke as your mom walked in from the kitchen. "hey, mr buckley!" she said, smiling kindly. "oh dear, just call me peter." he said with a shake of his hands.

the woman nodded. "how're you? how's the granddaughter, isabelle?" she asked as you walked into the kitchen to get what peter asked for, letting the parents converse. you grabbed a freshly baked scone that was still warm and stuck it in a bag, same with a chocolate chip cookie before walking back to where the adults were talking. "oh yeah, mhm." your mom said as you handed the bags to peter, smiling as you did so. "12 dollars as usual, please."

peter nodded, grabbing his wallet from his back pocket and taking 15 dollars out of it. "there you go. keep the change." he smiled brightly. "thank you. i hope you and your granddaughter have a good day, oh! and say hi to mr. clucks for me," you laugh quietly, waving to him. "i will! you too!" he waved back before walking out the door with a chime.

you turned to your mom who had an eyebrow raised up questionably. "who's mr. clucks?"


an exhausted yawn left your lips as you walked toward your house from a successful day at the bakery. almost everything sold out like it usually did and mrs. lane came in to grab her free apple strudel. now, it was around dinner time and you two were just arriving home. your mom passed you to unlock and push open the front door, scanning around the foyer to make sure indigo didn't do anything bad. "indie? we're home!" your mom called.

your mom turned to you as you walked in. she shut the door before speaking again. "are you alive?" she called again but with a slight chuckle. she dropped her bag off on the coat rack and walked further into the house, you followed her steps.

"AHH!" your sister's scream echoed through the house as she ran down the stairs, startling both you and your mom. though, her yelling wasn't one of fear, it was more of an excited one. "indigo? what? are you hurt? are you- wait, why are you in a dress? and are those my heels-?" your mom's worried voice turned to one with confusion as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at indigo.

"didn't you see?!" indie squealed, spinning around in her dress before practically tripping in the heels that were definitely too big for her feet. "huh?" you and your mom said simultaneously before the older woman continued. "okay, what? slow down indie, you're going to get yourself hurt."

"the envelope on the counter? we got invited to an event in the palace, signed by the king himself!"

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