Chapter 1

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"What is happening?"

You sighed as you were helping out in the cafe and then see the smoke coming out from the kitchen and witness Bee running to the kitchen talking to who you assume is Deckard. "Deckard! Something smells like you're cooking it too hot" And miscellaneous shouting as you then had begun to usher out the customers due to the smoke becoming too much.

"Sorry about all this." You gave a soft smile and escorted the customers out of the Cat Cafe, once everyone was out you notice Deckard flying out into the main room with Charles in his arms "Everybody, please leave! The kitchen is closed! Uh..." he puts Charles down and looks around noticing its just you and an old man who you have been trying to coax out of the cafe due to the smoke. "Everybody left. Uh, great."

You look over from the old man "Yeah I got everyone out once the fire started... except this old man right here" you give the old man a slight stink eye since he didn't want to leave. Deckard gave you a fist bump for your hard work "Thanks Y/N" You then give him a nod and look back over at the old man again.

He then turns to Deckard away from you and begins to speak with his eye open "I'm sorry for asking you to bake." Deckard just gave him a small smile "It's okay." The old man begin to praise him "Its just you're so good at cooking. I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong, buddy!!" Bee had appeared out of nowhere and began to chase the man out. You silently thank her, thinking you maybe should have chased him out as well instead of trying to convince him.

"Ahh what a scary young old women!" You have heard that phrase many times from others no, not usually the scary but the young old women part. You didn't think Bee look (or acted) old. By the time you stopped thinking you look to see that they were standing at the cafe door looking out at the old man leaving. "Whoops" you shrug you tended to zone out after a while getting lost in thought it tended to be one of your downfalls at work with Howell having to low-key lecture you on focusing, but you can't help it much.

"So you're baking again. That's good." Bee and Deckard were sat at a table along with you in the middle looking at the cats hiding around under the table clothes due to the emergency sprinklers that had finally went off. You were slightly mad since it took forever to get your two signature hair bows on plus you had just ironed your uniform now you would have to hand wash and iron it again.

Then you looked at the two of them conversing putting ointment on Bee's hands not knowing that she didn't need it , she didn't bother saying anything to you low-key appreciating the gesture. "Only cause that old guy asked me to. And... and he's so little. It...its our thing, I guess." Finally you had decided to jump in the conversation "Have you thought about culinary school lately?"

He gave a small smile "Cooking Prince Academy? No. It's way off the island. Anyway, they're not going to certify me if I can't bake. Its just a fancy title I guess." You nodded thoughtfully then looked over to see the poor kitties trying to escape through the window and meowing for help. Sadly you would have to help Howell wash them later so they aren't stinky and also clean up the cafe. As you were dreading the thought of having to clean up the whole cafe and cats you heard Bee speak up.

"So I told Howell what happened." Deckard then had a worried look on his face "Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?" Bee gave him a small small a chuckle "aha you're fine" you raised an eyebrow at that since you knew Howell would be FURIOUS about the kitchen being on fire and driving out customers. Deckard went on "Ha you know any other place I'd be fired for setting the kitchen on fire." Bee nodded slowly "Gotta fight fire with fire" Deckard looked thoughtfully "Actually, I don't think anyone's ever been fired from here.."

You spoke up "The cats get really attached" as a mayor grandma jumped on your lap you felt heard the squish and petted her wet fur a bit cringing at how the wet uniform felt against your skin now with the added wet fur smell. Yeah you were gonna take a long hot shower after this. Bee had taken off her glass embedded boot off as you stared in horror at her having that in her boots. You knew she was a very pain-tolerant person but come on glass was going in her feet. She then stood up nonchalantly while picking up an umbrella and Mayor grandma had hopped on the table over to Deckard.

"Bee give me your boots there's glass embedded inside of them" Holding your now glove-covered hands and with a bag next to you. She gave you a smile "No I'm alright it's not poking me or anything." You wanted to say something else before Deckard had spoken up "Oh. You're not working till close?" He petted Mayor Grandma who was on the table and lifted her paw up "I'll..I'll see you later, then. Say bye-bye, Mayor Grandma" Bee then held Mayor Grandma's paw looking at her softly "Goodbye, Mayor Grandma" before the cat had decided to stick its paw in her mouth she spit it out.

"Mayor Grandma! Have you been hanging out with Char-" You let out a surprised oomf with Bee as Charles appeared out of nowhere on your lap sticking his two paws into your and Bee's mouths. At the same time, both of you spit his paws out and you picked him up and put him back on the floor.

"No Charles, you don't do that" he ignored you and walked away presumably to cause more mischief. Bee then spit out a piece of hair and begin to walk away "Goodbye Deckard and Y/N." You had gotten up from your seat and went after her hearing her whisper "Goodbye forever." Then it actually began to thunder outside.

Your eyes widened at that. what did she mean forever? You softly grabbed her shoulder "Wait Bee I heard you say goodbye forever what do you mea-" she covered your mouth "Shhh" her own eyes now wide as she looked over to see Deckard still playing around with Mayor Grandma. She uncovered your mouth before stepping outside a bit with you following showing you a note written by Howell

Bee, you are fired
I would scream, but I
Don't want any more mouth
<3, Howell

The sloppy drawing of him proceeded to become a sad face once rain droplets had slowly begun to fall into a rainstorm. You were pissed, the kind and (usually) helpful Bee fired oh come on! "I can try and convince Howell to let you come back" a sad look overcame your face, seeing how down she looked "No it's okay I don't want him to find out it was Deckard he will probably get more upset"

You were SO going to bother Howell about it after this "Aw Bee I will come to visit you later than with a dessert...okay?" She held her now-open umbrella close to her. "Your so sweet Y/N thanks" she walked forward a bit and looked back over at you with a soft smile. The both of you waved at each other as she began to walk home.

Bee and Puppycat X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant