Chapter 16

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"Hey, Bee I'm coming over to hang out! See you soon!"

Hanging up on the phone with Bee you stretch and start getting ready for the day ahead. You have the day off from the cafe which was a miracle since you had asked Howell to let you have the day off for the first time in a while since Deckard left. It wasn't that long ago but Howell let you be since you were the main one who was helping to keep the cafe afloat being the assistant manager and all.

You were heading on over to Bee's complex to hang out in the morning while wearing black baggy pants and a cropped cream-colored turtle neck long sleeve with a small bear printed on the side of the neck. You made it to her front door and knocked on it, while looking down at your combat boots Bee opened the door and greeted you. "Oh! Y/N you are here! I was just telling Puppycat about my time at the cat cafe! I found a letter Deckard had left a while ago hehe I just recently found it..." She twiddled her thumbs together as the two of you walked into her complex and you shut the door behind you.

"Hey Bee! Are you almost ready to go out?"

Her eyes lit up "Aw heck yeah! After I finish telling Puppycat the story we can head out." You spot Puppycat staring at a picture on the photo frame of Pretty Patrick. "Okay! Oh hello, Puppycat!" He seems too enamored with the picture to say anything or even look at you. Bee goes on her knees on the couch pointing at Howell for Puppycat to look at, while you stood next to Puppycat looking at the picture. She continues her story with both of you as her audience.

"This is Howell, the guy who fired me for napping. Napping all the time. Like, constantly. Pretty embarrassing. So I stopped talking to him."

You slightly frowned at that knowing that it was not as serious as Bee thinks. Howell low-key misses having her at the cafe maybe not working there but her company. Suddenly Puppycat jumped up on the couch and spoke up while pointing at Wesley in the picture.

"Forget about him. Who is that?"

This time you spoke up "Oh that's Wesley!" suddenly there was a knock at the door and Bee went to go get it. "Wesley. Uh.." Then Puppycat went to join her as well by the door and was surprised to see him. "The guy from the photo! He looks even cooler in person!!!" While Puppycat was vibrating in happiness as seeing Wesley you walk over behind them and smile seeing Wesley. "Hey, Wesley! Haven't seen you in a while!" He glances over at you as flower petals fall around him with a small nod. Meanwhile, Puppycat is amazed by him with the flower petals as you and Bee glance at him confused. She speaks up again "What can I do for you?" Wesley looks over at Bee showing his IOU card to her. "Not another one. You're really cashing it now?" Groaning and reluctantly taking the IOU card from his hands. Then Wesley shrugged at her response which Puppycat is still fanboying over. "He answered by shrugging. That's the coolest thing I've ever seen." You look down at Puppycat slightly worried hearing his usually high voice going deep. He shrugs the same as Wesley and you stifle a laugh which made him look up at you.


You shrug the same way as him in response. The four of you walk to Bee's scooter "Oh Crispin made me a scooter too! I don't think all of us can fit on yours, Bee... I can take either Wesley or Puppycat with me." She lets out a gasp "Crispin made you a scooter?! We can be scooter buddies now!" The both of you excitedly talk about going out on scooter trips together. Then came the time to decide who will go with who. "Okay who wants to ride with me-" Puppycat had hopped into your arms making a weird noise before speaking "I will go with you" you nodded as you told both Bee and Wesley you will follow behind them to the beach. Puppycat had hopped at this chance since he saw the way Wesley looked at you and he was jealous that Wesley acknowledged you and not him. Finally arriving at your small area, you put Puppycat into the sidecar which he refused to ride in not wanting to be seen as uncool by Wesley riding on the small side of the scooter. "Fine, then I will take it off." You quickly unhook the sidecar and put it off to the side while you hopped on the scooter with Puppycat sitting behind you. "Oh wait!" You grabbed the helmet you left on the side next to the scooter and put it on top of Puppycat's head. "Safety first!" He quietly sat there while you put your own helmet on and the two of you were off.

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