Chapter 12

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You were still slightly new to the island and you were only a few weeks nearing a month into the job literally taking it so seriously that Howell would pat your head and tell you to calm down. The real problem was the fact that you were still really shy around everyone so you opted to barely interact with the others. Barely saying hi's or goodbyes as you would come in and then leave for the day.

This day in particular was a normal usual day until Wesley decided to use Mr. Sweaty as a mop for the lovely art Howell had tasked you to draw. "Howell are you sure of letting me do it? I don't know if it will come out good..."

He sighed exasperatedly "Oh y/n y/n y/n.... I would do it myself but unfortunately I do not feel like being cover in chalk today, so its your turn to do it! I have all the colors you need just write what I have on put on the paper!" He hands you all the stuff you need while you sit at one of the tables In the cafe.

"Howell this paper just says fish three times.."

You hold up the paper for him to see which he waves his hand at it "Yes that's the only special today! Okay have fun!~" He scurries off into the kitchen as you are left alone with a few customers in the cafe and the rest your coworkers. Finally after drawing for a few minutes you managed to finish the menu special for the day and go to grab Howell.

"Um Howell I finished with the chalk special for today!"

You lead him back to the table which he looks down at the menu quizzically making you feel like you are a contestant on one of those shows that involved cooking and a high quality chef judging them. He smiled over at you "Its perfect! It really gets the meaning across that the special today is FISH... Thank you Y/N you can go back to your usual work now I will hang this up!" You promptly nodded and began to clear the table from the chalk supplies going to go put it away in the cupboard.

As you opened it you are greeted with Bee sitting in an array of geletin desserts which jumpscared you as she promptly shoves a scoop of gelatin in your mouth which was delicious but you looked at her concerned. "Umm.. Bee why are you in the cupboard?" She gives a sneaky looking face at you and whispers "This is my napping cupboard... now quick close it before Howell comes!" You didn't want to make her upset so you promptly shut the cupboard door again deciding to just leave the chalk supplies on top of the desk of the cupboard. Before walking away you felt something touch your leg which freaked you out thinking it was a bug crawling on you only to look down and see and piece of paper with a thumbs up.

"Here ya go Y/N an IOU card!" You pick it up from in-between the doors and smiles down at it. Finally! You are slowly fitting in! You had seen her hand these to Howell's brothers and sister in the cafe a few times but you never had the chance to get one. "Thank you Bee!" She nodded and opened the cupboard a bit to give you a thumbs up before shutting it closed again.

As you looked around the cafe you spot Howell's brother Wesley holding Mr. Sweaty Napkins on a broom to which Mr. Sweaty is holding a wet ass napkin wiping away your (sort of) hard work. Though it seems like Howell had caught him first you can hear Howell yelling at him and barely hear Wesley's own arguing to him through the chatter of some of the customers in the cafe and the soft music playing through the speakers.

You see the aftermath though watching Howell walk away with the broom and eyeing Mr. Sweaty Napkins suspiciously. It was kinda funny hearing Howell call him a traitor a sweaty one at that. Ultimately you walk away to avoid Wesley since from the corner of your eye you spot him eyeing you.

Oh shoot! Howell must have mentioned you were the one who did the chalk drawing. You slowly walked back to the cupboard hoping to hide in there with Bee and you walk over and see Howell telling Bee to go back to work while handing her the sweaty broom. As he walks away she takes a closer look at the broom that is in her hands.

"Why is it so sweaty?"

You point over to Mr. Sweaty Napkins who is shaking his wet fur all over an orange and white cat who is attempting at getting him back. She nods in understanding and the both of you heard the front door of the cafe ring going to go greet the customer. The both of you notice its not just any regular customer walking in to the cafe.

"Welcome to the Cat Cafe- Oh Hi Merlin!" you responded a bit after Bee "Hello Merlin" He smiles at the both of you while holding the orange mom to be in his arms. You had met him briefly when he had come to visit for a while a few weeks back. Soon Cas showed up as well to greet Merlin upon hearing of his arrival.

"Careful. She's pregnant... The cat, I mean."

The cat eyes Cas's finger and decided to chomp on it without a care in the world. "Let go." Damn she looked kinda mad "So, how was medical school?" You quietly help Cas free her finger from the cats toothy grip and dig into your pocket of you apron pulling out an extra chewable treat stick for the cat to nibble instead of Cas's finger. It brightened up and began to chew on the treat stick instead, Cas looked over at you "Thanks Y/n" just as you were about to respond Howell had began to run his loud mouth about medical school till he realized something.

"Oh. Everyone's here. Let's take a family photo."

He then began to speed on over to the kitchen "Hey everyone! OUTSIDE NOW!" You literally side eyed him from your spot till you heard him call for you "Y/N BRING THE CAMERA!" Ah jeez you quickly hurried to a separate cupboard and opening it up grabbing the camera along with its stand. Then you proceeded to head out to the front of the cafe so you can set up the equipment.

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