Determined Death

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So my mate's a Guardian. A Guardian is a fairy that has the gift of the five elements. Along with that, as I witnessed, his him commanding the guardians of the earth. Being a Guardian means you are the strongest of all supernatural beings.

It's a proud time for me, it's an honor to be mates with a Guardian. The supernatural world hasn't seen a Guardian in over a few hundred years.

As I witnessed my mate in action, I saw waste to the little boy that I once knew, I watch as he grew into a man. A very strong and powerful man. He's stronger than the kings and queens.

I witness as the tree creatures takes the leader of the hunters. The same hunter that killed my family and coven.

It brings me great joy to watch as he screams and begs to be let down. I'm glad he's doing to let me determine the death of the man that took my family from me and then tried to take the only thing I have left, my mate.

The Guardians of the Earth moves with grace as they follow Kiel. Knowing that we needed to follow too, we walk behind the them.

When we get back to the the pack house, the guardians gather around in a circle around us. The guardian stands in the middle, holding the hunter.

"Head Ent, please drop him." Kiel tells the guardian with an air around him. The Ent groups the man onto the ground. A crunch could be heard, along with a scream from him. 

"That is hardly the amount of pain you put people through!" The growl from Kiel is powerful, then kicks him in the side.

Kiel turns his gorgeous eyes to me. "You may do as you see fit."

An evil smirk crosses my face. "Thank you."

I step towards the piece of scum. Waving my fingers, vines wrap around his ankles and wrists holding him toothed ground. Then I straddle the hunter.

"The fun I'm going to have with you." My voice sounds evil even for my ears.

Wiggling my fingers, smoke surrounds the hunter. The smoke is poison, so it makes the skin bubble up and pop, the bubbles are white and oozing puss. Very painful.

The man screams in pain, begging for me to stop. But in not even halfway done.

The smoke, instead of poison, turns to knifes to cut and stab him. A puddle of blood starts to form. Wanting to be the one to hurt him personally instead of my magic, I wiggle my fingers, the smoke turning to a knife.

Smirking down evilly at him, I stab him in the stomach like a surgeon to were the cut looks like a capital I. Folding the skin, I could see the organs, all the while, the hunter screaming is like music to my ears.

Playing doctor, I remove all his major organs, squeezing them to mush as I take them out. Then shove them down his throat. He chokes, trying to spit the organs back up. I clamp his jaws shut, causing him to choke to death.

I watch as the life leaves his eyes, I find great satisfaction in me ending his life. Now I can be with my mate without any fear in losing him.

Getting up off the dead man, I stock towards my mate, not caring that I have blood and guts on me. 

I'm not letting anything stopping me from having my mate. The threat is now over, now I can have my mate.

I run over to my mate, my hand goes to his cheek as I kiss him senseless. Our first kiss! I wish it was romantic, but things don't always turn out like you expect.

This kiss is possessive and demanding, I'm steaking my claim on him for everyone to see that I will never leave my mate, that he is mine and I am his.

"I'm never letting you go! You are mine!" then I do what I was supposed to do the moment I met him. I marked him mine.

I kiss his wrist, when I pull my away, a dark blue M&K stands out in fancy letters with vines running through the letters. Very pretty.

As I admire my mark, teeth sink into my neck causing me to moan out at the feeling. Just like everyone told me, being biting by your werewolf mate is very pleasurable.

Kiel's teeth pulls out of my neck, looking me in the eyes. He tells me the words I've been waiting to hear.

"I love you. Even after all the pain you put me through, but I forgive you." Kiel's words are soft and sweet.

All I could do was kiss him. And I did.

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