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Just seeing how bystanders were looking our way since there was like ten other black cars surrounding us or behind/front of us

My phone started ringing as I secretly answered it was Kim, "girl where are you I'm at your place and it's empty "

As I slightly turned over to see him staring i immediately turn away and hang up and I Texted her

Kimgirly-Y/n why did you hang up
Y/n- out boss kidnapped me help me

??- shes not going to help you princess

That's when I turn over to see he could see all my messages on his was he doing this

Y/n- what the fuck is wrong with you
??- nothing soon you'll get use to everything we'll be living normal life's
Y/n- this isn't normal you're taking me without my consent.. out of all girls why me huh
??- you're special in my eyes just know that

That's when we arrived to one of the biggest mansions I've ever seen but I made it seem like I didn't care but I was actually shocked

He really had money like that " we've made it home my love" I ignored him and just crossed my arms but not even seconds later I was dragged out the car

Guards on both my sides as they took me inside and threw me on the couch, just from one look everything looked expensive even the couches I was sitting on

??- take her to my office I'll be there in a few minutes

I was then taken to a office where I tried to run for it but impossible so instead they tied me down to a chair, a few minutes later of just waiting there I heard the door open

From the mirror I could see who it was..he slowly walked closer to me and laughed "did you try to run away" I just rolled my eyes

He sat down and placed paper in front of me I couldn't really read what they said " sign them"

Y/n- I'm not signing anything
??- fine then that's means you'll still listen to whatever I say and obey me
Y/n- I'm not doing that either

He stood up quickly and walked over next to me I turned my head away from him, I felt him grab my neck and turn my head over to him

As he was centimeter away from me my heart wouldn't stop racing, as we looked into each others eyes it's like I felt something else

??- in this house everyone follows my rules which means so will you darling so keep disobeying I'll just have to punish you

I stayed quiet... he slid his thumb across my bottom lip as he smirked at me he then came next to my ear " I can't wait to please you baby girl " he then kissed my jawline

And went behind me untying the ropes off me, it was good because I couldn't feel the blood going through

??- let's go to our room

I stood up and followed him it's like he did some magic spell on me " this is where you and me will be sleeping and possibly make our kids"

Y/n- you're getting too ahead of yourself
He looked me up and down and bit his lips I looked back to see the rest of the upstairs

I was thinking of running but it's like he knew I stepped foot inside the room but ran back, I ran as fast as I could

Going down the stairs was scary I almost tripped as I got to the main door it was locked it caught many guards attention

So I ran into a random hallway as I ran there were many doors but I had to be smart about this which one .. as I opened one of them

It led me outside as I looked around there was nobody but in the distance it was just large trees, it was still morning so I ran

I was getting tired but I couldn't stop I kept running until I felt a branch cut my cheek, I stopped for a bit to catch my breath but I heard yelling so I kept running

Until I didn't stop and fell into a waterfall I yelled and inside the water it was freezing but refreshing, I stayed under a cave for a bit to see if they would pass

And in fact they did

??- she couldn't have gone far keep looking
Man- yes boss

I rested my head against the rock and prayed they left.. about half and hour later I got out and looked around

I still had my phone on me but I doubt it worked as I tried turning it in it actually did... but then it came to my head that he could have my location so I left it

And walked more even though I was exhausted and could pass out, I saw a near by cabin

As I ran up to it knocking on the door but no one answered I looked through the windows to see no one inside

My luck was no good as I walked further there was the highway but there they're ere looking everywhere, my stupid self made noise by stepping on a branch they all looked

That's when I see more of his men everywhere I was fucked going into that cabin would be so obvious I couldn't run anymore

That's when I felt someone out a paper on my nose I tried fighting back but no luck that's when I slowly passed out

Mafia king Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ