Twenty one

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1 week later

Y/n pov
It had been a week since the incident and everything felt normal except when yeon wouldn't come home until late, and I stayed home doing absolutely nothing

And when he would get home he was mad or frustrated and took it out on me, " how was your day?" I tried being a good person but of course he didn't care

Yeon- no good okay and I'll be in my office
Y/n- why what happened
Yeon- y/n why do you ask so many questions
Y/n- why are you talking to me like that I did absolutely nothing to you and don't forget that the whole reason I left
Yeon- yea yea whatever

I was left shocked, he did let me go out which was nice but with someone watching me but I left without him knowing grabbed clothes and left quietly

As I got into the bmw I drove off to Kim's house " KIMMMM where are youuu" as she wasn't home instead I got ready to be on my own

That's until I got a message but it wasn't from yeon but from an unknown number

Hello y/n you don't know me but soon you will I have all the answers you want so meet me here XXXX

I didn't respond but as I searched up the location it was a really popular restaurant so this men was rich as well?

I picked a dress from Kim's closet and wore it

Plus after getting all my answers I wondered what I'd do, everything could change and I wouldn't know how to take it all I knew yeon was hiding something from me and it was so obvious

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Plus after getting all my answers I wondered what I'd do, everything could change and I wouldn't know how to take it all I knew yeon was hiding something from me and it was so obvious

As I headed over to the location there was a lot of people here which gave me anxiety but a men walked up to me " follow me " I didn't even get time to say something and so I did what he said

We entered the building and walked past the tables heading more towards the back there the guy sat as he stood up and pulled the chair out for me

??- I'm Joshua Kim it's nice to meet you in person kim y/n
Y/n- it's true you can give me the answers I want?
Joshua- of course you're ...fiancé? Boyfriend?
Y/n- boyfriend
Joshua- you're boyfriend hides a lot from you and it's happening all in front of your eyes
Y/n- what do you mean what does he hide from me??
Joshua- you think he goes to work? Well he doesn't and if you don't believe me watch this

He placed a computer in front of me as yeon entered the car and in fact he wasn't going to work he went to another building

Joshua- that building is owned by Mina min youre husband doesn't do collaborations so what is he doing over there
Y/n- is this all you have of evidence
Joshua- nope

Then the next video played where it showed him walking inside the building with a bouquet of flowers as he entered the elevator

Then that's where it cut

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