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Yeon pov
I didn't think she would actually leave as I stormed off looking for her, she was nowhere to be seen now is when I got angry running back inside and calling my gang

Yeon- look for her now
Axel- yeon you should give her a break
Axel- you see that's probably why she left to begin with
Yeon- NO! BRING HER BACK SHE- ...she can't leave me no
Axel- we will locate her but take a break yourself your too obsessed with her trust me bud

I couldn't take that her not being by my side frustrates me I grabbed the papers on the table and threw them

Yeon- find her if not you are all gonna die
Axel- yeon look at you do I really need to call your father and tell him you aren't ready to be head mafia
Yeon- are you really disrespecting me like that did your forget your my right hand watch your mouth axel

I couldn't continue arguing with him so I left

Axel pov
Little did he know I knew where she was but I made sure they both took a break, I actually went to her to talk to her and see what she thought

As I knocked at the door she came to open it " this is not what it looks like, yeon wants me to take you back to him but I won't don't worry I'll make sure you both take a break"

Y/n- I love yeon I really do but I can't continue living with him the way he treats me I can't let that keep sliding when he learns to treat me right then I'll go back
Axel- I understand I won't give away where you are but just don't buy with your credit card...use this one

I handed her a card yeon couldn't track then she'll be safe, I would keep an eye out in case she tried cheating but I doubt she would

As I left making sure no one was watching especially if yeon found out I did this he would kill me but his father wouldn't allow it I'm still scared but I'd learn to be bold

As I drove back to seoul where yeon was it was the afternoon instead of him going to work he was getting drunk

Axel- are you serious yeon if y/n we're to come back and see you like this she would for sure leave you
Yeon- does she even love me? The way she tells me she does makes me feel happy but she left to see someone else didn't she?
Axel- you're talking non-sense and she does love you she truly does but you are an asshole
Yeon- I don't know how else to prove to her what did I do wrong huh tell me please Axel my y/n cant leave me

I took the bottle of alcohol away from him and grabbed him by the collar looking right into his eyes " go to her and apologize like a real man don't be here crying your proving to her that you don't actually love her" he wiped his tears and had a moment of realization that I was right

Yeon- you're right what should I take her?
Axel- yeon you're words are what most matter to her yeon- but where is she?
Axel- give her a few days to think about it and you plan out something
Yeon- fine

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