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Yoongi's POV

I woke up groggy, realizing I had spent much of the night diving into MOON's playlist. I knew I had to show Namjoon and J-Hope, and I knew they both would share the same sentiment as me. 

Not only did I want to reach out and praise her for her work, but I actually wanted to work with her. Here I thought that I was one of the best producers out there, but hearing her music just made me want to show everyone just how brilliant of a producer she was. 

My thinking came to an abrupt stop as Namjoon knocked and opened my door. 

"Hyung, we have to churn out at least one song today. We're already behind schedule. I set up the equipment in my hotel room." 

"I'll meet you there in ten minutes, I have something I want to show you," I replied, getting up and heading towards the shower.


I walked into Namjoon's room, eager to show him the new music I had been obsessed with. 

"Namjoon-ah, you have to hear this. It's one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard." I said as I connected my phone to the speakers. 

MOON's playlist started playing. I could see Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed immediately as he began concentrating on the sound. 

I looked at him in anticipation. Even though I am the older one, Namjoon is our leader, and if he doesn't like something, we listen. I wasn't exactly sure how to bring up the topic of working with some random SoundCloud artist who no one really knows. 

The music faded out, and Namjoon and I sat in silence for a bit.

"Hyung, she's really good. You found her randomly on SoundCloud? She's very talented." 

I nodded.

"Namjoon-ah, I want to work with her. Something is intriguing about her style. I think she would add a lot to our next album." I said, as confidently I could. 

Namjoon looked down. "Hyung.. I don't know. She's not really known at all. I would love to give her a chance but we have a lot at stake here to put out an album soon. I don't want to take any risks." He looked at me with an apologetic smile.

I felt the need to continue to convince him, but honestly, I realized that he was right. It was too big of a risk to work with someone completely new, especially at this point in our careers. 

"Alright. I agree. I just thought I'd show you. She has a lot of potential. I feel like we should refere her to PD-nim anyways, he could use some more talented producers at BigHit." I stood up and headed for the door.

Just as I was about to leave Namjoon called out. "Ah Hyung! Sorry, what did you say her name was again? I wanted to just browse through some of her songs.". He looked embarassed to ask that after dismissing her previously. 


With that, I swiftly left, and entered my own room once again.

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