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Chaewon's POV

I had almost forgot to pick up Olivia from the airport. I know- what a terrible friend.

text from Olivia

Olivia: heyyy bitch- Seoul just got a lot hotter.

I rolled my eyes at her self compliment.

I had texted Hyejin Unni to send a car, so now I was just standing outside the building, waiting for it to arrive. Daehyun had also followed me. It was awkward silence.

"So... I know it's kind of prying but who are we picking up?" Daehyun asked.

"My friend from the States, Olivia." I replied. The black SUV pulled up. Daehyun opened the door for me and we both sat down as the car began driving towards the airport.

When we got to the terminal, I saw Olivia leaning on the handle of her suitcase, browsing on her phone. She had dyed her hair auburn, but she still carried the same charming smile as she always did when she looked up and saw the car pull up to the curb. I opened the door and jumped out, practically running into her arms. We both screamed.

"Bitch I can't believe you're here!" I yelled. She hugged me back tightly.

Daehyun helped her load her suitcases into the trunk, and opened the door for us.

"Who's this hunk?" Olivia whispered. I elbowed her.

"Shut up, that's my bodyguard."

"Is he single? He's hella cut-" I shut her up by elbowing her again. But, I'm pretty sure Daehyun heard everything.

"I can't believe it." Olivia announced.

"I know, we haven't seen each other in forever." I stated. Olivia laughed.

"No- well I mean that too, but I can't believe I'm going to actually meet BTS." Olivia grinned widely. I rolled my eyes. Of course that's what she meant.

For the rest of the ride we caught up on any new revelations in each others lives.

The car pulled up to the apartments, and Olivia grabbed her suitcases, dragging it along the hallway.
She stopped abruptly in front of the door across from mine.

"You mean to tell me. Mr. Jung Hoseok and the other members are on the other side of this door?"

I grabbed Olivia's arm, pushing her into my apartment. "We will meet them later, please be normal and don't scare them." I pleaded.

"No promises." She replied. We both laughed.

I guided her to the guest room, and she started unpacking her things into her drawer. Olivia would be staying with me for a whole month, and I couldn't be more excited. Part of me felt like I was back home, and for the time being, it subsided a lot of my homesickness.

Olivia decided she'd take a nap before dinner, so I went out the the kitchen to start cutting some vegetables. I heard my door open, and in came Jeon Jungkook.

"Jeon Junglebook, thank you for knocking. Since when do you know my password?"

Jungkook laughed mischievously. "That's easy, I just saw you enter it that one time you were distracted because Namjoon hyung was talking to you." He smirked.

"Anyway, you can stay for dinner if you'd like, my friend, Olivia is here."

"Ah- the one Hobi hyung kept talking about." Jungkook blurted before quickly covering his mouth.


"N-Nothing forget I said anything." Jungkook frantically argued.

"No I heard you, I just wanted to know if I was right." I chuckled. If Olivia knew her bias had been talking about her, I'd prolly have to physically tie her to a pillar to restrain her.

"Is Olivia..." Jungkook began, before trailing off.

"She's not your noona. She was actually born only a day after you."

"Ah- okay. Is Olivia pretty?" Jungkook flashed a wide smile.

"She is gorgeous." I replied.

Jungkook came around the table and began helping me cut the vegetables.

"Speaking of Hobi hyung, he wanted to stop by today, you left one of your flash drives in his studio the other day." Jungkook said, washing some of the vegetables in the sink. I nodded.

After preparing a couple of dishes, Jungkook stole a bag of chips from my pantry and sat on the island, crunching down loudly. I glared at him, but he just continued, crunching even louder. Brat.

There was soft knocks at the door, which I assumed were Hobi's.

"Hey Oppa! Come in." I said, motioning for him to step inside. I led him into the kitchen where Jungkook was.

"Our Jungkookie couldn't keep his hands off the snacks, huh?" He commented. I chuckled, offering Hobi some mozzarella sticks I had just made.

He pulled the flash drive out of his pocket, placing it on the counter. "Thank you Oppa, next time just text me and I'll come by and get it."

"It's okay, I got a mozzarella stick in return so we're even." I smiled.

While the boys and I were making small talk, a half-asleep Olivia emerged. I looked over to see her stretching her arms, her eyes still closed. To put it nicely, her hair was all over the place, she was in short shorts and a long hoodie, with no makeup on. But, she was still really pretty. It has always intrigued me how she was so beautiful in a situation like this.

Hobi and Jungkook did a double take, before Jungkook jumped off the counter and stood respectfully.

"Ah- this is Olivia my friend from Ame-"

I was cut off my Olivia's loud shriek. Hobi and Jungkook's eyes went wide.

"Olivia what the fu-"

"Oh my god I am so sorry, I can't right now." Olivia said before disappearing back into the hallway. Moments later, her door slammed shut. The boys and I made eye contact before bursting into laughter.

"Well I guess you guys met her..." I commented, feeling the second hand embarrassment. The boys laughed.

Hobi and Jungkook helped me prepare the last dish. Jungkook set the table, and Hobi helped bring the dishes to the table, complaining about how hot they were the entire time.

I was just about to go check on Olivia, but before I could she appeared in the dining room, her hair now combed nicely, and she wore a graphic tshirt with some jeans. She bowed awkwardly before sitting down.

"Hobi Oppa, Jungkook, this is Olivia. My best friend from America." I introduced. The boys introduced themselves and bowed their heads respectfully. Then it hit me. I would have to be translator here. Boy was this going to be fun.

We started eating, and Jungkook decided to ask her questions. He boldly started in English.

"Olivia, how long you fan?" He asked. I giggled at how adorable he sounded. Hobi looked interested.

"3 years. Since 2014." Olivia responded confidently.

"Oh wow~" Hobi reacted. Jungkook nodded saying "Thank you"

"What are you school?" Jungkook asked.

"Am I in school?" Olivia asked. Jungkook nodded.

"Yes, I am studying graphic design and dance" She replied. The boys were surprised and Hobi even did a tiny clap.

"You...uh...dance with us?" Hobi asked. Olivia shyly nodded and softly responded with "Yes, I'd love to."

I sat back, amused at the conversation. Turns out I didn't need to translate much at all. That is, until Jungkook eventually asked me to explain the entire plot of a korean horror movie from start to finish because it would help Olivia learn the "culture" of Korea better. And did I do it?

Yes, yes I did.

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