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The boys were now back in their apartment, still in casts. Jimin had been diligent in ensuring his hyungs all had what they needed. Jungkook and Taehyung also stepped up to deal with the apartment chores. Namjoon was still in the hospital, and his recovery timeline was still unknown. I made visits across the hall to the boy's apartment almost every day, dropping off some food and checking in.

I had just finished my meeting with PD-nim. He wanted me to extend my contract and stay in Korea for at least until the album was complete. That also meant until Namjoon recovered and then after the comeback happened. Part of me was relieved. I wanted to stay and be here for the boys. To tell you the truth, they basically have become my family. It's hard to imagine going back to them not just being a hallway away. But the other part of me also missed my life back in the States. When did it all get so complicated? My life was relatively uneventful, it was just me, Mandu, and Olivia in our own little world. And, all I had to focus on was my music. Just me sitting peacefully in my apartment making music. 

"Moon Chaewon? Chaewon!" Yoongi raised his voice. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"S-Sorry. I'm here." My cheeks burned up. Yoongi chuckled.

"You do that a lot. You okay?" Yoongi looked genuinely concerned. I nodded. 

"You didn't go to see Namjoon today?" He asked curiously. 

"I didn't get a chance to. I was with PD-nim and the staff in meetings all day." Yoongi nodded.

"Anyway, Namjoon will be fine. I know he will."

Words coming out of Yoongi's mouth had this weird comfort attached to them. He could be in the most devastating situation ever, and still find a way to be calm and collected. In a lot of ways I related to him the most. It seemed like if he had the choice, he would lock himself in his studio and create music in his own company. 

I had brought Mandu with me to the boy's apartment upon Taehyung's request, and it seems like she had taken a liking to Yoongi. Mandu uncoiled herself and stretched, before walking elegantly and jumping on Yoongi's lap, recoiling herself and settling down. I chuckled.

Yoongi looked down in surprise. "Yah- please take your cat." He looked up to see that I was laughing. He squinted.

"She likes you. Just let her be. You know, in some ways you remind me of a cat."

"Funny you say that. All of our fans also think the same. Are you secretly a stan?" He raised his left eyebrow, smirking.

"Well..." I trailed off. Just then, Jimin burst in.

"Guys! PD-nim just texted us. Namjoon woke up!" Jimin shoved his phone frantically in Yoongi's face. Mandu, frightened, jumped off of Yoongi's lap and ran towards me. 

I stood up so quickly I fell over. On Yoongi.

"Yah-" He yelled. 

I mumbled a sorry before snatching Jimin's phone from his hands. "I knew he would" tears filled my eyes.


Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and I all rushed to the hospital. By now, the media was alerted cautiously, only knowing what we wanted them to know, so the managers were able to stay with the rest of the boy's back at home.

My feet lead the way, and the only person faster than me at that point was Jungkook. Jungkook barged in.

"HYUNG!" Jungkook ran towards Namjoon's side and practically launched himself into a hug. Namjoon groaned as Jungkook probably was too rough. As Jungkook was hugging him, he noticed me looking at both of them. My eyes shifted to meet his. 

My eyes, now full of tears, refused to accept what I was seeing. Namjoon's form was filled with life once again, just the way it was supposed to be all along. All this time staring at his lifeless form was too painful, but my mind had slowly accepted that reality. Each hospital visit further decreased my optimism that he would ever wake up. But now, here he was. Staring back at me. 

Namjoon was slightly flustered at the sudden intrusion by all of you. "Y-Yah, Jeon Jungkook it hurts." He groaned. "S-Sorry, hyung." Jungkook slowly got up. He too was crying. 

Jimin and Taehyung joined Jungkook near the bed. I stayed in the back, quietly crying, but still smiling at the sight of the reunion. The boys talked amongst each other for around a minute or so.

"Hyung, why would you do this to us. You know how much we worry." Taehyung interrogated Namjoon.

After a minute of talking, Namjoon asked Taehyung to step aside, revealing me. Realizing that he could now see me, I quickly wiped my tears and gave him a soft smile. His eyes met mine, and he smiled back. "Moon-ssi, thank you for coming." His voice was still raspy and his throat dry, but he still managed to get his voice out. I bowed.

"Noona, Namjoon hyung doesn't bite I promise." Jungkook gestured for me to come closer. I joined the boys, all surrounding Namjoon's bed.

Namjoon looked at Jungkook intrigued at the sound of Noona. 

Namjoon's POV

To be honest, I wasn't sure how long I was out for. The doctors said it was almost three months. It definitely didn't feel that. I wasn't expecting everyone to barge in, and most of all, for Moon to come. I would assume if it was a whole three months, she would go back to the US instead of waiting here. But actually, she was with me. Or at least, I vaguely remember her being with me I think? I don't know, maybe I was dreaming. 

It seemed like she had become close with the rest of the boys. Speaking of the boys, I suddenly remembered that there were only three members here. 

"What happened to Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung, and Hoseok hyung?" I looked around at all of them, hoping to hear only good news.

"They are all at home, with the managers, they are recovering too. But they weren't as serious as you." Jimin replied. I nodded, glad that they were at least back at home. 

I noticed Moon fidgeting with her fingers. "Moon-ssi? Are you alright?" She looked up quickly, blinking away some tears before responding. "Y-Yes, I'm okay."

"Our Chaewonie here took such good care of us all this time." Taehyung smiled at me. My cheeks became red hot. 

I smiled. "That's nice to hear. Thank you for taking care of them for me. I owe you." 

She quickly nodded saying no. "They took care of me too.." Her cheeks were flushed red. 

"Hyung, did they say when you could come home?" Jungkook looked at me with his big eyes. The same eyes I remember seeing the first day he showed up at the dorms. 

"Ah- they said it would be some time. We have to have some patience." I smiled at him, hoping to reassure him as much as I could.

Jimin's phone buzzed. "Ah- hyung, the hyung's at home wanted to say hi and that they are glad you are awake. They hope to see you soon." 

"Tell them I will see them soon and that they should rest and recover well." Jimin began typing the response. 

We all talked for a while before the nurses announced that the visitors had to leave.

"Bye hyung, I love you!" Taehyung sang while exiting the room. Jungkook blew Namjoon a kiss and waved. "Rest well hyung, we love you!" Jimin exclaimed also waving. 

"Love you guys!" I replied. 

Moon walked behind Jimin slowly, looking like she wanted to say something. 

"Bye, Namjoon-ssi. I'm glad you're awake. Take care..." Was there more?

I smiled at her and waved.

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