Chapter 9

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"Oh, everyone's here. Alright then, please take your seats." Clerivan said make they stopped talking and looked at him.

"Our lesson will shortly begin." Clerivan said with a smile.

Florentia quickly grabbed Azalea with her and sit on the couch that prepared. They sit together but Mayron and Gillou sit beside them make they feel annoyed.

"It's great that our lesson started without much trouble, but why are these two sticking to us like glue...?" Azalea thought in confusion.

The sisters feel uncomfortable by them but they can't push them away. Gillou mostly sticking next to Azalea while Mayron sticking next to Florentia.

"Gillou and Mayron... The twin sons of Aunt Shananet. In my past life, they show absolutely no interest in us. Actually, forget interest. They always deliberately ignored our existence." Azalea thought.

"And didn't even glance at our way when Bellesac or Astalliu would hit us... But... Where they behaving like this now? This feels so awkward. I'm gonna die..." Azalea thought. Florentia having the same thought as her and groaned slowly.

"We'll be learning about the basic of business today... Generally speaking, the first piece of academic writing that is discussed when we talk about definition of business is..." Clerivan started the class.

"... Well, I can say for sure that there's a couple things that went just as I'd expected. Such as..." Azalea thought before the snoring voice become more louder.

"Too loud..." Azalea mumbled as Florentia heard her. "I know." Florentia whispered and continued to focused on the lesson.

"Bellesac, that little shit." Azalea and Florentia thought at the same time.

"Everytime he acted out of line, I'd always wondered if he was bullshitting through his lessons. Who know it was really true?" Florentia thought.

Azalea glanced at everyone. Gillou leaned closer to her but she didn't pushed him away. Lorraine was dazed off while holding the teddy bear. Bellesac was sleeping and Mayron read the book beside Florentia.

"... Is it me or something is really wrong? Everyone didn't focus on the lesson at all..." Azalea thought before she glanced at Clerivan.

"It's kinda obvious that everyone didn't pay any attention but why Instructor Clerivan didn't say anything?" Azalea thought.

Clerivan turned slightly at Florentia and Azalea as he know what are they thinking about. He smiled make Azalea and Florentia surprise.

"... Ah, I see. All of this will be report to Lord Rulac but neither of them care or should I say didn't know about it... Instructor Clerivan mostly want to show to us..." Azalea thought.

Her lips slowly turned into smirked once she understand it. "Another test for us." Azalea thought. Florentia give all of her attention to Clerivan while Azalea just act like usual.

Clerivan lift his hands and clapped make Bellesac awake from his nap. "Alright, our lesson today ends here." Clerivan said taking their attention.

"And... I'll be giving you all a special assignment for homework." Clerivan said. "A homework assignment?" Lorraine softly asked.

"I'll give you until next week's lesson to finish it. The topic is... This." Clerivan take out something and show it in front of the class.

"A... Log?" Everyone thought in confusion when they saw it.

"This log has quick regrowth properties and is strong and very lightweight, which it is a treasured piece of wood that's used for and wide throughout the continent." Clerivan explained to them.

𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 (𝐈𝐛𝐭𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐥)Where stories live. Discover now