Chapter Twenty-Five

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~♤Masons PoV♤~

Today Ace and I decided to go out for the day. I wanted to actually talk and spend time with him. I also wanted to sort out some things out for myself. I've been thinking a lot lately and the more I think the more I worry. I'd stop myself from thinking too much about it, or well I should say thinking about it at all but I think it's something I should address.

Ace is a strange person. Not just weird but interesting. I don't think he would want anything more than friendship. Not that I would ask or that I want it, it's just an observation. He hasn't ever talked about an actual romantic relationship aside from the one from years ago. What if he hasn't dated anyone since then? The thought made my heart hurt. That had to have been a bad experience for him, of course. I think Ace might just not trust people or didn't have anyone to get to trust from.

There's too many things to think about when it comes to Ace. But the one thing that always comes up when I do is sympathy. He would hate me if I said that but it's the truth. See? It's happening again.

The point is that... I don't want him to leave. Maybe that's all it is.

"You ready Ace?" I walked into his room. To my surprise, he wasn't wearing only black or dark clothes. Instead, he had on a light blue plaid button down.

"Yep." Ace replied while putting on his shoes. I couldn't help but smile. I think Ace has improved a lot and has definitely been in a better mood lately. "What?" He gave me a confused look.

"You just look nice today."

Ace smiled and said, "thanks. Let's get going!" We decided to go to the pier nearby and walk around the shops. On the drive he looked really happy so either he was just super excited to go somewhere with me or he slipped. Most likely he's in little space but I wouldn't be opposed to the former.

"What do you want to do first?" I asked.

"Games! Then snacks." He grinned.

The pier had a carnival type of feel to it with booths set up. It was about mid day but the weather was nice. It seemed like the perfect day.

Ace dragged me from booth to booth, playing games and getting little prizes like keychains and erasers. Each time he got something he'd show me it and had me hold it for him. After one of the booths though, he came back fuming. "They cheated. I would've won but they trick you. With the oval." He pouted.

"The oval?"

"Yeah. They make the hoop an oval and not a circle so it's harder to get the ball in. I wanted to get a plushie." Ace mumbled. I'm not great at any sport with balls but now I wanted to try it.

"Here, I'll give it a try. Maybe I can get the toy you want." I grinned.

"No, that's okay! I already have Bean so you don't have to do that!" He spoke quickly. It seemed like Ace felt bad. I ruffled his hair, hopefully giving a little bit of comfort.

"It's okay. I want to try it. If I win I'll give you the plushie. Sound good?" Ace looked unsure but nodded. I found the booth and paid for three tries. Making hoops was harder than it looked and in the end I didn't win. "Sorry little spade. We can do something else if you'd like."

"Can we get cotton candy?" He perked up. I said okay and we looked for someone selling it. Little Ace rambled about how blue cotton candy was better than pink as we got some and walked along the beach. It was fairly late at this point and the sun was about to set. After all of today I think I knew exactly what was going on with me. Part of me dreaded it, and part of me was relieved I finally got it.

I think I'm.. well, no. I am falling in love with Ace.

I don't think I can ignore it. I definitely can't. I could just tell him, couldn't I? It doesn't have to go anywhere. Ace would understand. Everybody catches feelings sometimes, it's just normal.

As much as that would usually help ease my worries, it really didn't. I have no idea how Ace would react to that sort of thing. I don't want to hurt him. Then again, he has gotten better at communication and opening up. Even if things go south we can talk about it.

"Hey Ace?"

He looked back at me with raised eyebrows.

"Do you mind if I talk to big Ace?" He shook his head and took a moment to come to.

"Ah there's gonna be sand everywhere when we get back." He mumbled. "What's up?" I looked out at the water and listened to the waves crashing. It was really relaxing. I just wish I could carelessly enjoy it.

"You know I care about you. Yeah?" Ace gave me a weird look but nodded. I just decided to say it and hope he understood. "We've known each other for a while and I like helping you. I like being around you. I like you."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah I know you like me. I like you too, I guess." I had a feeling he didn't understand.

"No, I like you, like, Romantically." Ace stood there looking towards the sun setting. Slowly his blank expression changed to confused and upset.

"What?" I felt my stomach drop.

"I just wanted to tell you. You don't have to say anything! You don't have to do anything at all. I just didn't think I could keep it to myself." I tried to explain. It made me feel worse that I couldn't tell if it was helping or making it worse. Ace didn't say anything for a few minutes, just looked down like he was deep in thought. I didn't blame him. I think I regret doing it too.

"Can we go home?" He said quietly.

"Of course."

We went back to the car without speaking a word. Ace sat in the back and same as the walk back, we were silent. Even when we got back to the house he didn't say anything. He just went to his room. The entire time I felt dread rushing through me. I felt sick. Should I apologize? The one thing I didn't want was to upset him. Maybe I just need to give him space. That's all I think I can do right now.

Hey there, Solum_Solace here. I apologize for taking so long but I'm back! I'm afraid updates will still be spotty as finding motivation and time to write is difficult recently but I am writing again and I'm as excited as ever to continue the story of Mason and Ace and I hope you are too :)


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