Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~♤Aces PoV♤~

I woke up with a groggy head. Eli was still asleep so I carefully slipped out of the room without making much noise. I walked into the kitchen, hoping to make some coffee when I saw Cameron already up and making food.

"Oh. Hi. Morning." I waved awkwardly. I forgot how weird it was to be around someone's house alone. It felt like I'd got caught stealing. "I just wanted some... coffee." He pointed to the coffee pot that was mostly full then turned back to the stove. I muttered a thanks and poured myself a cup. I wanted to sneak back into Eli's room but I didn't get far before Cam asked a question.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I gave a confused look even though he was turned away. "Eli talks about you a lot. Matt or something."

I let out a dry chuckle, "Mason. And no he's not my boyfriend. Despite what everyone seems to think." I grumbled the last bit. We didn't even seem that close. We kind of were, but we didn't show it. At least I hoped not.

"Well, Eli seems to think otherwise. He tends to have issues keeping his nose out of other people's business and refuses to let us mind our own." Cameron said. He rolled his eyes but didn't seem too bothered. He was probably used to it anyway.

"Yeah I noticed that. He can be a handful sometimes." I laughed awkwardly. Maybe I was trying to casually apologize for Eli or maybe I was just weird. I really couldn't tell.

Cam raised an eyebrow at me. "You do realize that doesn't protect you, right? I've heard lots about you." He turned back away from me. "You sound like a hard person to be around. You're impulsive and you don't think about others feelings before doing something drastic. At least that's what I got from listening to Eli." I opened my mouth to argue but nothing came out. I didn't have anything to say or defend myself with because it was kind of true. And obviously when I say 'kind of' I mean completely.

"That's just how I am. If people don't like it they don't have to stick around." I crossed my arms. Everyone in the past had been the same. Either they liked me and stayed friends with me or they'd leave. I guess they all left in the end.

"And how would you feel if Eli or even Mason were to 'not stick around?'" He said.

I paused. I didn't think about that. What would I do if they left? A while ago I probably would've shrugged it off and said that it'd be fine if things went back to normal but now the normal was Mason. And Eli of course. And maybe even Jack and Elise. But Mason... I didn't want to think about that. It just hurts more that he likes me. And why haven't I done anything yet? I don't think things could get back to before but we could try so why haven't I just rejected him? Am I really that worried about hurting him?

Before I could answer, Eli walked out of his room. "Hey, what are you... doing up?" He said with a yawn interrupting him halfway through.

"I dunno. I think I just slept so well I woke up earlier than usual. Anyways I should probably get back." I wanted to get back to Mason's house. It wasn't that Eli wasn't a great host or whatever people say but I wanted to be back there. 'Home' I guess.

"Oh, I can drive you back!" Eli smiled. "Let me just get my shit together and we can go." He went back to his room and got changed then came back out and got some coffee. Cameron left for his room when Eli did. I could appreciate his hotness but I didn't like his overanalyzing.

We left about 10 minutes later. We didn't talk when we left but I don't think either of us minded. I looked out the window and let my thoughts consume me. Sometimes I'd go through everything that's happened in my life like some sort of flip book, thinking about how I felt about things. Almost all of it was either shit or stupid nostalgia that was just painful now. At least up until I met Mason. God I was pissed off with how much I thought about him. But what else was there to think about?

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