Chapter 2:

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

"Hello there, Alpha Mitchells and the Forest Pack" the Alpha King spoke with a voice filled with authority, he was heard loud and clear across the now silent clearing. The Alpha King was quite a handsome fella with raven black hair, brown eyes, and a tanned skin tone he stood at 6"7 and was in his forties but most definitely did not look it. The only reason you would know were from the stress and frown lines on his forehead and around his eyes.

"Greetings Alpha King and The Royal Pack." my father said in response, following up with "I hope you had a safe and comfortable journey."

"If only it were under better circumstances" the Alpha King responded, studying my father's reaction.

"Agreed. We can hopefully finally stop these claims and attacks on my pack" my father stated strongly.

The Alpha King then began to introduce the people he had brought with him as it was a part of the formalities and werewolves became antsy if an unknown or unidentified wolf was on their territory. He first Introduced himself as the werewolf king which was quite unnecessary. He then went on to introduce his mate the Alpha Queen. She was an absolute goddess with forest green eyes and caramel hair, she was a reasonable height of 5"8 but tiny beside her mate. She had a warm aura about her, and she seemed to be such a happy and inviting person.

He then introduced his six sons and two daughters. The gamma, head warrior and some other warriors. Three pack doctors, five phsycologists and lastly his darling mother who needed no introduction our old Alpha Queen. She was an absolute angel, someone who aged magnificently, even in her sixties looked about thirty, her eyes holding the wisdom of the world, a caring and happy aura surrounded her. She looked directly at me into my eyes which I was quick to lower in respect and worry as she seemed to stare into my soul. And I knew that even with my indestructive Alpha's Daughter facade on I couldn't risk the slightest of reasons to suspect that I was being abused. As it would result in the punishment of my brothers by my father as a warning to me and the hate and punishment on my pack my other packs and the Alpha King. But knowing the risk I could place my brothers or pack in was much more than enough to make me stay inside the facade I portrayed. Because even though my pack were terrible, they were my family and I had to do everything in my power to make sure they stayed alive and well.

I noticed some of the Royal Pack looking around studying pack members. Attempting to see a reaction, be it the slightest to see if these accusations are true. I began to wonder how they would be checking people this time.  Sometimes they would take people into rooms by themself and ask them questions. Other times they would check members in the clearing for any signs of abuse, neglect or malnourishment. But seeing as all the other packs still thought of me as Alpha Mitchell's daughter I was never checked, as someone with such a strong and healthy pack wouldn't have the want, will or time to abuse their children. But my dearest father always seems to make time in his schedule for it. His favourite child was most definitely Amethyst. 

"So, what is the plan of action for today?" my father asked the Alpha King, curiously. Which resulted in the Alpha King smirking and stating that he would take me with him as we inspected pack members, so this way they can be introduced and have someone familiar nearby. This resulted in my brothers growling lowly. The reason they reacted this way was because you have to keep up appearances so as much as I know they can't stand me anymore, that I'm a hassle to them and a nuisance in general. They have to react the way other siblings or in particular brothers would and in this cause the brothers would most commonly let out a growl as your sister being taken by a person and specifically a male that you didn't know very well would set off the protective instincts immediately. So, I made sure to have a look of uncomfort and uneasiness and latched onto Evan's hand to make it seem like I wanted a familiar person aka my brother's nearby to make me more comfortable.

The Alpha King then asked them "why they growled" and they responded with "There is no bloody way we would allow our baby sis, to run off with a powerful Alpha and his men." At that I made sure to place a look of annoyance upon my face as well as hidden relief, that I would allow others to see but make it seem as though they weren't supposed to. The annoyance was supposed to be about me being annoyed of the fact that they don't trust me and called me weak basically and the relief is supposed to show that deep down I am happy that they won't let me go off with him and his men. They then added " And we don't know why you picked her, or what your hidden meaning could be." resulting in me letting out a small chuckle at their 'overprotectiveness' while placing a hand on Diarmuid and Joshua's arms and sent Evan a small smile. As they calmed down, I removed my arms. 

This resulted in the Alpha King smiling knowingly as he has a sister and offering that they come with. My father then questioned whether it will not be handier if he goes with him which resulted in the Alpha King responding with but then we won't be able to check properly as it's your pack and the comment sent was that you were involved in the events that were occurring so we would rather you not there. 

They then took me and my brothers around the pack as to which my brothers stuck by my side occasionally growling at males from the Royal Pack that were staring at me for too long. Throughout most of the evening my brothers were the ones to talk with me nodding every so often as my contribution to the conversation. This gradually began to cause some suspicion for the Alpha King. Which resulted in him talking to me about myself so there was no way for my brothers to interrupt. But in my slight moment of panic, I made a gesture saying I couldn't talk, by shaking my head and waving my index finger side to side then making a mouth with my hand. He didn't seem to get it but luckily my brothers did and explained that I was mute and wouldn't talk ever since our mother's death. The Alpha King seemed to understand but the warrior on his right-hand side seemed to have become suspicious and I took not making a mental note to make sure I cut off all suspicion in a natural way before they left. 

So, coming up with an amazing idea I made sure to make it seem as if I was slightly intimidated by the Royal Pack and held onto Joshua's hand as he was beside me and angled my body behind Diarmuid's who was slightly in front of me on my left as Evan walked beside Diarmuid. As we arrived back at the front of the packhouse I made sure to curl up into Joshua's side as his hand went around my waist in a side hug format. I then let out a small yawn resulting in my turning bright red and all the men laughing. 

Josh then whispered into my ear "Tired?" I nodded. Don't worry just wait ten more minutes and we can go up to my room and bring some popcorn and have a mini movie night and you can nap beforehand if you want. 

The Royal Pack all sent awed smiles and loving eyes our way as they watched our interaction, everyone then let out a chuckle as I began to nod my head enthusiastically.  







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