All That Glitters...

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It's a cold, dark night in these woods where the beasties roam.
The Alvex'r forest is known for the vast number of species that call it home. Many migrate in and out with the seasons and many others stay year round. To some this makes it great for hunting and foraging when you come at the right times of year. For others it makes it a more scary place to be. The unsureness of what you may find or even what may find you keeps many folk out of the woods. Though for the villages and societies trying to make a living in the surrounding area it is an untouched treasure trove of potential wonders. One such "businessman" by the name of Eloth seeks to find his fortune in these woods and does not plan to leave until he has been successful in his hunt for either treasures, trinkets, or simply hides.

Eloth is a human male. Aged to be around twenty. He seeks nothing more than gold, maidens, and more gold to win over more maidens. Hardly an upstanding gentleman but rather a swindler in his own right. He holds skill with a bow and twin short swords like any proper ranger. His frame is lithe and almost ladylike due to his time spent more on the outskirts of towns and cities. Trying not to be harassed by the guards over anything he may or may not have taken part in due to finding such things to be trivial and boring. He spends more time camping and foraging than he does in taverns, much to his own dismay.

It is Eloth's third night in the Alvex'r Forest. It is later than he would normally like to be up but his search is too important to let up now. He has already found no small number of trinkets and coins spilt over the forest floor by less careful adventures and hunters and he wishes to either find one more small bounty or at least a watering hole to set up his camp near for the night. As he skulks and weaves through the large trees of the forest he keeps his eyes peeled, focusing sharply for any tiny little twinkle to make this hunt worth it. As if by some miracle he finally spots one such glimmer. A small shine twinkles from a not-so-distant break in the trees. Could be a hidden stash of gold and trinkets, or another dropped and forgotten pack spilled out on the grass, or even just the shine of moonlight on a river or lake in some clearing. He sprints for it, caring not for his silence anymore and instead just for reaching his prize!

Upon reaching the shine he stops at the outer area of a small clearing. It's nothing too special, a few berry bushes here and there and a watering hole that could be used well. But none of that is the source of the glimmer that drew him in. Instead he stares down at a patch of grass different from the rest.
Eloth stares in wonder at a lonely patch of grass that, unlike the rest around it, is wet with some kind of dew. A thick glittery liquid hangs from each blade in the small area and is even so heavy on some of them that the grass blades droop. Despite this heavy dew on the grass seemingly suffocating some of the coated blades they seem plumper and more full of life than the rest. Eloth looks around for a moment to look for a source but finds nothing he could think would do this. He instead now gets lower to the ground and nears his face to the grass, reaching out to touch the dew upon it. Upon closer inspection and of course seemingly stirring up whatever it is on the grass with his touch he finally comes out from whatever far off inquisitive part of his mind he was trapped in to notice the smell that has likely been here the whole time. This "dew" is absolutely pungent. It gives off a repugnant scent like something you'd smell in a stable. Whatever the liquid is it seemingly holds some kind of actual glitter in it or gives off a glittery look while giving off a distinct smell that Eloth won't be forgetting any time soon. The more he is subjected to it the more he realizes his earlier assessment was right. This shit smells like it belongs in a stable or a barn full of horses in heat. He wipes the sick stuff off of his hand and realizes the slight tingling it leaves behind like it was burning into his skin. He turns his attention away from the almost puddle of glittery grossness to instead go to the watering hole to clean his hand of the stuff and the rest of him of the stench but as he finally starts to rise and turn his head he hears a low "huff" behind him.

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