Don't Lag Behind

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Today I am showing you a rather upsetting depiction of the ever lousy luck of one Lagomorph named Lucille Snow. Lucille, or Lucie as her party calls her, is one of the Rabbitfolk species. While clearly humanoid she does share many traits as well with the arctic snow hare, hence the name Snow.
Being a Lagomorph it is easy to assume that Lucie would be rather adept at moving quickly, jumping higher than her companions, and squeezing into tight places to hide... unfortunately if you did assume those things then I don't think you've been paying attention to the theme of these tales. Every attempt Lucie makes to live up to what her stats show she should be able to do she always falls short. Sometimes literally as she proves herself to be the most clumsy member of her party. It is so bad that her so called friends have begun using the term "don't LAG behind" as a way of teasing the poor Lagomorph for her clumsiness while they regularly leave her in the dust. As if it is something to do with her being a Lagomorph that makes her this way and not just that she can't seem to find any good luck with her rolls.

On this adventure however their typical shenanigans come at a terrible price. As Lucie's friends run headfirst into danger within a winding dungeon, leaving her behind as always, they neglect to realize exactly how confusing the layout of this place is, damning Lucie to relying on some very unimpressive tracking skills to follow them. As she wanders the mostly empty halls of this dungeon Lucie on occasion hears what sounds to be the clattering of steel as her comrades do combat up ahead. But every time she thinks she's caught up... nobody is there. Just a messy room and more branching paths. This continues for a while until Lucie begins to feel she's no longer on the right path... in fact... she may have never been on the right path... all around her she hears the sound of combat echoing throughout the dungeon meaning it could be coming from anywhere! She was following nothing at all! Angry with herself at making such a mistake AGAIN she lets out a groan and decides to turn to leave. But.... which way is the exit? Great, she's all turned around now too! She figures there must be more than one exit to a dungeon this big and starts walking again. If she doesn't find the way out she should at least run into her party at some point. And with them fighting everything they see it isn't likely she'll have to face anything herself as she wanders.

Soon Lucie begins to feel a breeze. Surely from an exit, she thinks. She picks up her pace as best she can, jogging down the path she feels the breeze coming from. She sees an opening up ahead and some sort of light shining from it! Running forward Lucie trips right as she passes the threshold! Looking up a bit dazed from that fall she realizes this wasn't an exit at all... instead of opening up to the outside world this dungeon opened into a massive cavern. The light she saw was coming from a hole in the roof of the cave shining sunlight down onto the mountain of gold and other valuables sitting in the center of the cavern... and the breeze... the breath of a foul beast.... the very Dragon this hoard belongs to... the breeze was the snoring of the large Dragon as he napped atop his hoard. However that snoring has stopped... it seems the noise Lucie made as she tripped while entering the cavern was enough to wake the great slumbering beast!
As the dragon looks around it doesn't take long for him to spot the little creature of white amongst the gold surrounding him. He stands tall and lets out a booming roar in Lucie's direction before making his move, bounding down his mountain of valuables towards her!
Lucie panics and starts to run, trying to find anywhere she can hide from such a threat! She tries behind the massive stone pillars that hold up the cave and under various ruined carts that the dragon must have stolen but every time it does little to stop the beast. Finally in a moment of desperation Lucie decided to rely on her burrowing skills in the hopes it works... but with one last bad roll... she has all but sealed her own fate...

Lucy dives towards one of the many mounds of gold and valuables making up the greater mountain of it and starts to burrow her way into it. She unfortunately chooses the worst one... she digs through as best she can but realizes a little too late that this mound is rather small... her head pokes out the other side while her rear still hasn't even made it into the mound and unfortunately the gold is getting too hard to move her arms through... she is stuck in a very precarious position with a rather large fire breathing beast soon to be on her... this is it... this is where Lucille Snow the Lagomorph dies....

Or... is it... while waiting to feel herself either being cooked alive by Draconic flame or simply swallowed up in one gulp Lucie is instead greeted with a tearing sound. Her armor just got shredded by something! Unable to look behind her she is mortified to look up and see the Dragon stepping over the gold mound, placing one strong arm on either side of it. Before Lucie can fully take in what must be happening she feels something massive and hot land between her now exposed ass cheeks, crushing her tail and making her heart drop... this Dragon... is in season...

She tries with all her might to wiggle free from the gold mound but only manages to excite the Dragon more as her rear moves around wildly and unintentionally rubs his need-filled cock more. As the Dragon begins to get more and more excited a dollop of steaming hot Draconic precum starts to ooze from his tip, landing at the small of Lucie's back, burning like hellfire once it makes contact. She tries to scream but once her mouth is open it is greeted with the sudden intrusion of the Dragons long snake-like tongue being forced in her mouth. As she struggles with the sudden mouthful of dragon tongue Lucie feels the beast pull back a bit, moving his monster cock back between her ass cheeks before being shoved forward, spearing her poor tiny Lagomorph cunt and filling it with an absurd amount of Draconic dick meat. Lucie lets out a horribly gugled scream as she is in a sense spitroasted by the Dragon. His tongue violating one end while the other end is at the full mercy of a monstrous eight foot cock.
Despite the tightly packed gold she is trapped in the cock pounding into Lucie's womb is making her stomach bulge within the mound, giving enough room on the pull back that she can actually move her arms a little bit, though it is only enough to reach down and try to comfort her aching belly before yet another thrust makes it bulge out again... then again... and again... the Dragon is relentless with how he pounds the poor little virgin Lagomorph. Her little bunny cunt is being stretched wider than what should be possible and she is simply being forced to endure it as he goes all out on mating his new prisoner.
Tears stream down Lucie's face as the Dragon's scorching hot precum begins to slosh around within her gut, making it feel like she is being cooked from the inside out. Her tears pool into a puddle in front of her along with the drool and slobber of the violent make-out session that the Dragon is forcing her to endure as it ravages her poor bunny cunny.
The pain is unimaginable as the beast continues to pound away at her. She feels like she could die at any moment from the trauma of this situation but unfortunately for our dear Lucie Dragon Saliva, much like many of the things that come from Dragons, has magical, alchemical properties. As close as she feels to expiring the saliva that is being forced down her throat is keeping her alive as it heals her constantly. The pain is still there but she is being kept alive and conscious so she has to experience the full mating process.

The Dragon starts to pick up his pace, pounding faster and harder, trying as best he can to get deeper inside of his bitch so he can knot his tiny mate.
Lucie feels his cock getting thicker as it goes deeper still and feels that knot inching ever closer to her poor little pussy. She knows if she can't find a way out of this she'll be stuck here forever as a brood for this disgusting beast to breed to his hearts content. She tries everything she can. Any roll she can make she tries it and time and time again she fails, getting the beast more and more desperate to breed his little bitch.

After what feels like hours upon hours of having this Dragon ravaging her and using her as it sees fit Lucie feels that dreaded knot knocking on her lower lips, getting closer and closer to passing the point of no return when finally..... *pop* is in. In a moment of pure agony unlike anything that she has ever felt before Lucie finds herself on the receiving end of a very much unwanted Dragon breeding. Gallon after gallon of putrid Dragon seed pours into her already pre-cum-filled belly, making it swell even larger with an even hotter liquid lust.
No words can describe the pain and no sound escapes Lucie as she is bred by the massive beast. She can practically FEEL herself getting pregnant from the Dragon as his monster seed attacks her womb relentlessly!

Hours pass and the beast still hasn't finished... the gold fell away ages ago and now it is just Lucie laying there stuck on the Dragon's cock with no way of freeing herself. Somehow some of the Dragon's spunk has managed to start leaking out past his knot and is pooling up on the ground as well meaning she can't even pop and be freed from this torment. No death nor help will come for her and she has only her so called friends to blame. And if they do somehow find their way to her she hopes they suffer the same fate as her, becoming breeding stock for the Dragon at the end of this gods forsaken dungeon...

And as if on cue... some familiar voices echo down the hall to the cave... well... at least they'll all be together in this journey of parenthood.

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