Chapter 08

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Saturday 25th October, 1976

It was a perfect day for Hogsmeade. There were no clouds in sight, the sun shining brightly against the startling blue sky as I entered the Great Hall, a skip in my step. I sat down next to the marauders, pouring myself a tall glass of orange juice and piling my plate with food I observed my friends. Or rather James.

He was sitting across from me, arms crossed as he moped, head drooping. I threw a grape at him and he jolted upright, glaring at me from across the table.

"I can't believe you're going on a date with Lily," he muttered, glaring at my already half eaten plate.

"Can't you?" I asked. "I certainly can."

James scowled at me, picking at his meal bitterly.

"Can you at least talk to Lily about me?" he tried half-heartedly.

"Of course," I said.

James's posture straightened, looking at me in wonder. Remus, Sirius, and Peter watched on in confusion, having not predicted my reaction.

"Really?" James breathed.

"Yeah, of course I'll tell her you still sleep with a stuffed rabbit," I answered.

James's expression turned to one of panic as I stood up, intending to leave.

"No! You can't tell her about Mr Cuddleton the Third," he pleaded desperately.

I laughed, waving goodbye, and continued walking, meeting Lily, Marlene, and Mary at the entrance of the Great Hall. With everyone there, we started on the walk to Hogsmeade, the conversations light and teasing.

The grass beneath our feet slowly turned icy, a thin layer of snow coating it as we got closer and closer to Hogsmeade, a village that was always snowing no matter the time of the month.

"Where do we want to go first?" Marlene asked, rubbing her arms as she shivered. "Preferably somewhere inside."

"Honeydukes?" I offered.

"Ooh, yes please," Mary agreed, linking her arms with me and Lily, who then linked arms with Marlene, directing us to the sweet shop.

The door opened with a jingle as we entered, and we all sighed as the blissful warmth of the shop washed over us. I looked around, noting the isles upon isles filled with every sweet ever known to wizard kind and the students filling the shop, buying all sorts of magical lollies.

I grabbed a bag and started piling it with sweets, making sure to grab some extra chocolate frogs for Remus just in case his own stash depleted too quickly. The last time Remus's chocolate stash emptied was a nightmare to say the least. I shivered at the thought.

"Quite a lot of sweets in there," Mary noted teasingly as she looked in my bag.

"I'm a girl of refined tastes," I replied, nose held high as I made my way to the cashier.

I could hear their snickers behind me as they followed, placing their own stashes on the counter next to mine. When everything was bought, we left the shop, our arms once again linked, and headed for The Three Broomsticks.

Just like last time, we all relished in the feeling of the shop's heat as we entered, making sure to get a booth near the fireplace as we bought drinks. I sat down next to Marlene, across from Mary and Lily, taking a sip of my butterbeer. I closed my eyes, savouring the taste of the drink, when I heard Mary snicker.

"Your stalker's here Lily," she said.

I opened my eyes when I heard Lily groan, significantly less frustratedly than I would have expected if she saw my brother. I sent her a look that she pointedly ignored and turned my head to find my brother.

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