Chapter 66

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Saturday 19th June, 1977

It was the last weekend before exams started for the marauders and everyone else in sixth year, so they wanted to spend their remaining freedom doing something fun. That was why I got an invite to a 'fun adventure' as Sirius called it, on Saturday.

I went, bringing Regulus along with me because I knew Sirius wanted him to be there, and met up with the marauders at the edge of the forbidden forest where they asked us to meet them. There was also Lily, Mary, and Marlene there, as well as Dorcas who seemed glued to Marlene's side. I grinned at her when I spotted her, and she immediately came over to start talking to me.

Out of the corner if my eye, I noticed James and Sirius walk up to Regulus, James giving him a nod and a slight smile while Sirius ruffled his hair. Regulus scowled, swatting Sirius's hand away, but I could tell he was fighting a smile and wasn't really mad at him.

I turned back to Dorcas, feeling optimistic about today, and we talked with one another while the others led us into the forbidden forest. I wasn't as scared as I first had been, having gone into the forbidden forest multiple times with Regulus and our friends since, but Dorcas seemed on edge so I made sure to keep her attention one me as I talked my mouth off about anything and everything, comforting her ever so slightly.

It was a short walk before we arrived at our destination, a clearing in the forest with plenty of sunshine. Right next to it was a large lake and a tree that had a rope tied to it, no doubt used to swing yourself into the water.

The ten of us set up, Regulus and I putting our towels near the lake but in the sun while the others got out food, blankets, drinks, and any other stuff they thought to bring. Dorcas set her towel close to mine, though a little bit away in case Regulus and I 'got it on' as she said.

James had overhead and told us that there would be no fraternising, because while he was okay with it, he was not in a strong enough mental state to experience that. I'd rolled my eyes and Regulus had shockingly grinned up at him and, while keeping eye contact, kissed me on the cheek.

"You bastard," James had laughed, moving forward to catch him in a headlock and ruffle his hair.

Regulus squawked and managed to wriggle out of it, pushing him backwards and into the water. James spluttered as he wiped his eyes and his glasses before putting them on, glaring at the raven-haired boy before him. Sirius was laughing nearby, so loud that some of the birds and flown away.

I smiled, delighted that they were all finally getting along. Remus got some music playing, the Smiths blaring out from the recorder as Marlene and Mary got up to dance. Dorcas tugged at my hand and I relented, the two of us going to the other girls and dancing to the beat. I noticed Regulus sitting back on his towel, just watching me, and couldn't stop the smile that crept along my face.

I left the girls and went to Regulus, sitting next to him and lying my head on his shoulder. Regulus looked down at me, a soft smile playing on his lips as he gently stroked some hair out of my face, resting his hand on my cheek.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hey," He murmured back.

"I am not drunk enough for this," Sirius drawled nearby, making us look up. He was rummaging through a bag before an 'aha!' left his mouth and he brought two bottles of fire whiskey out of the bag. "Who wants some alcohol?"

It turned out everyone wanted some alcohol, though there were a few that seemed to want it more than others. Namely me, who had a couple shots too much and was well on my way to bat shit drunk.

Sirius took off his shirt and trousers, so he was juts in his swimming trunks, and made his way to the ledge where the rope was. We all watched on as he did a run up and grabbed the rope, swinging towards the lake before letting go, falling into the water with a loud splash. We all cheered as he resurfaced, much to his pleasure. Remus even gave him a kiss as soon as he got out of the water, which made Sirius do it all again in hopes for another one, which he unsurprisingly got.

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