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thank you to everyone who read this story to the end. i had so much fun writing this, and i'm overjoyed at how many people love reading this. it honestly means the whole world to me that all of you like my story, and i appreciate all of you for it <3

it took a long time to actually write this story (i think i started planning it in 2021) but i'm so glad i pushed through.

for future projects, i have a fun little thing i'd like you to do. as a thank you for reading mine, i've decided you can choose what fanfic i plan and write next. i have an isaac lahey story cued up that i'm already writing, but after that, it's up to you.

the voting process here is simple. i'll write the titles and descriptions of the fanfics i will be writing, and you will comment on the fanfic you want me to write. you can choose your top three, so for the one you want me to write the most, you would comment 1, for the one you want my to write after that, you would comment 2 and so on.

be warned, some of these stories have not been planned AT ALL, and so you will only be getting a very brief description. 

Anyway, let's get onto the voting.

Pietro Maximoff x Reader
literally nothing planned for this other than the fact that it will be set right after Age of Ultron, where pietro didn't die

Fred Weasley x Reader
set in fourth book, fake dating au

Remus Lupin x Reader
another fake dating au, this time where y/n has been in love with remus for years and he finally asks her out... on a fake date

Sirius Black x Reader
forced intimacy au, don't want to give to much away but SOMETHING happens that forces them to spend time together. not exactly enemies to lovers, but i would not call sirius and y/n friends

Peter Parker (mcu) x Reader
another forced intimacy one, this time having something to do with an infinity stone 👀 and y/n and peter being a chaotic duo

Thomas x Reader
mazerunner, literally no idea of anything except it will follow maze runner movies (with some aspects of the book)

Eddie Munson x Reader
actually already started writing this but then eddie started getting so much hate and people started hating on eddie fans that i put it away. nothing much to say except y/n is wheelers cousin and its set in s4

and thats the end

just want to thank everyone again for reading mine, it genuinely means so much to me that you love this story as much as i do

and thank you to the ones who have been here from the beggining, to those who came in along the way, the ones who sent me messages in my inbox, and to everyone else who commented or voted on this story.

i love and appreciate you all

see you in another story <3

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