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It was the day of my mothers death, and the day of my birthday. No one ever celebrated this day, as it would show disrespect towards Aemma, my mother. And anyone who did, was either punished with death, or sentenced away. Every year I would have to suck it up, and accept that I wouldn't be getting presents, or happy little greetings like "Happy birthday princess Y/n." It would always be "Make sure to show your respects towards your mother, and to not show any kind of enjoyment in front of the king"

I understood this fully, but when it came down to family, you'd expect them to at least say something about my birthday, and not just push it aside. Daemon was a perfect example for who didn't care, and still wished me happiness on this day.

"Happy birthday, my princess." My little smile was so big, as I tackled him into a hug. "Thank you uncle Daemon. This means the world to me" He wrapped his big arms around my small body, and held me tightly.

If I didn't mention this earlier, this is also the second year of me not coming back to my home land. I have lived here in Dragon Stone since I was four. I didn't know why I was brought here, and what the reason for this was. But all I know is that my uncle Daemon was also sent here last year. Apparently he was accused of some unspeakable things involving my sister Rhaenyra.

"I want you gone, and to never see your face here again!" Visery yelled, as he sat on top of Daemon. "Wed her to me. Wed her to me, and I promise you won't ever see me again" Daemon rasped out. "What?!" "I'll take her as she is." Visery couldn't believe the words that were leaving his brother's mouth. If he wasn't his brother, Visery would have slaughtered him right there and then.

"The HELL is wrong with you?!" He spat out through gritted teeth. "You try to turn my daughter into some whore!? Do you know what the realm would think after hearing this?!" "Isn't it normal for us Targaryens? To keep the bloodline pure" Daemon cockily mocked. "So you admit to touching Rhaenyra!" Visery accused as his grip tightened onto the knife that was at Daemon's neck.

"....." Without a second thought Visery punched Daemon in the face, and got off of him. "I can't believe this. My own DAUGHTER." The words left his mouth in a hurry, as he didn't know what to think. "Leave now. You'll be sent away to Dragon Stone, with the wife that loves you Daemon." "You really do have a thing with sending, and blocking family members out of your life. Don't you brother"

Getting slowly up off of the ground, Daemon faced his brother's back, awaiting for his response. "I didn't have a choice." "Of course you had a choice, brother. She is your daughter, who was just four. FOUR! And you sent her away!" Viserys head snapped towards Daemon, who was hunched forward staring daggers into Viserys.

"Rhaenyra wouldn't have it any other way" Viserys words came out as a whisper, barely audible for his brother Daemon to hear. "She's YOUR daughter." Not wanting to hear anymore, Viserys summed up his decision. "When I leave this room, I want your bags packed, and I want you off of my land." And as he finished, he indeed did walk out of the two grand doors.

His wife Mysaria, well unofficial wife, was also standing in the distance watching as we had some family bonding time together. She wasn't jealous or upset, she understood as he was the only thing I had close to a father figure.

Mysaria was also like a mother figure to me, as she was the only one here, other than Daemon, who took care of me. The guards that were sent here to defend and protect us weren't very kind, as we were called "The Black Sheeps" of the family. And they didn't really have a say on where they wanted to go, or stay at.

Daemon knelt down on one knee, holding both hands of mine in his big ones. "Y/n, you're six now." Nodding he carried on. "When the day comes, you'll have four big Dragons." Looking behind me, he nodded his head, and then came Mysaria with a big box in her hand. Smiling down at me, she placed the box in front of us and opened it.

Inside were four eggs that were bigger than my own hands. "WOW!" I gasped out in awe. Daemon grinned as he watched me gawk over them. One egg was Bronze with Greenish blue highlights, the second one was very golden with streaks of red in the creases, the third was pitch black with tints of very dark red, almost blending and the last was plain black, but gave off very strong and dark energy. "These will be mine!?" My excited self was too busy jumping around in excitement, to notice the exchanged looks between Daemon and Mysaria.

"Yes, but you will only have them when it's time and when you are of age to handle them." Slowly I stopped jumping, a now upset look taking over my features. "Why?" "Because you have four Dragons Y/n. Taking care of so much is very hard. Plus, a little secret I'll let you on is that we took these Dragons without the knowledge of your father, or Rhaenyra. Nobody knows." Daemon explained, as he looked dead into your eyes.

Forming an "o" with your mouth, you just smiled again. "Ok! I'll wait." Mysaria then kissed my forehead, "In the meantime, we will teach you to fight, to be determined and confident, to stand your ground, we will teach you about politics, everything so you will be ready for the future." She further explained.

"And when the time does come, nothing will stand in your way." They knew you wouldn't understand what they were trying to hint at, but it was better to start teaching you young, and to have resentment against the people who turned all three of you away.

"When will I go back home?" I asked at last. It fell silent, the air was now thin, and the oxygen was already disappearing within seconds. Daemon knew your father wouldn't ask for you back, neither would Rhaenyra, or any of the people in that kingdom hold. Truth is, you were just like him. That's how he saw you. He saw the little boy he used to be inside of you. And that's why he was so protective and loving of you, because he never received the amount of love his brother Viserys did.

"When time will tell, we will go back." He reassured me, now fake smiling. Mysaria rubbed my back, signalling for us to go inside while Daemon went and put the eggs back in their chambers.

We are going to leave the world better than we found it.


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