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"It was said, Y/n Targaryen would find out about her husband's secrets, late that day. It was also said that the dinner held, had another's confession, one that put her on the path of doom. Many say nothing happened that night but an accident, many others say otherwise."

Stalking. Aemond Targaryen was stalking his youngest sister Y/n. It was just by chance that he caught sight of her, sneaking around dressed in all black with a hood. He was fast to throw on a hooded cloak and follow her, watching as she took turns left and right. What was she doing in town? If anyone knew, it would put her in danger. Well, not so much with himself around.

Somehow you managed to escape him as you turned another right corner. Pacing around in circles, he looks at the small stool stands. Looking across from there he sees a brothel. Not thinking much he again searched around, but right ahead was a dead end, so you had to have gone somewhere in this area.

His eyes flicker back to the brothel house. "Hmm" He's careful to hide his face as he walks inside. Woman were seen everywhere, either being fucked from behind, front, or giving oral, sometimes even receiving it themselves. Disgusting. He thought to himself, he wanted to ditch the idea that you could be in here. Yet there was some type of pull on him, making sure he stayed. "Fuck" And onwards he went.

Scanning over the woman he saw, he hoped he wouldn't find you in a lewd position, well, with another man. Aemonds attention is grabbed when he's suddenly slammed against the wall on his side. His back hit the wall, a small grunt earned. "You dare-" "You followed me to a brothel house." Your voice cuts him off sharply. Pulling your cloak hood down, he follows your lead and does the same.

"I only followed because I caught sight of you sneaking." He reasons. "I'd never assumed you were the type to," You narrow your violet eyes at him. "Type to what?" Giving you a small smirk, he leans down, his face now close to yours. His right hand finds itself paying with your silver locks. "To come to a brothel house." The duel answer made you dryly laugh. The prince thought you were a whore.

"Sorry to disappoint you Prince Aemond, but I'm not a whore-" He looks at you now "I never said you were a whore, sister." Scoffing you pulled away from him. "I came here to...find my husband." Turning your back to him, you start to look around. "Your husband? Why would he come here?" You look at him as if he's just said the stupidest thing you've ever heard.

"Why else?" The bluntness made him chuckle. Ignoring him, you went into an area that was hidden. Aemond followed suit. Abruptly stopping, caused Aemond to bump into the back of you, he was going to ask what happened, but he didn't need to. There, right in front of the both of you, was no one other than Jerome Lannister, your "Husband".

He had a girl on both Hands and knees, moaning his name out as he ruthlessly fucked into her. You had a horrid expression as he carried on, too out of this world to even notice that two Targaryens were watching him. Aemond balls up his hands into a fist, as his jaw clenched shut. In this very second, Aemond had wished he brought Vuxous (AN: Remember I said in the description box, that Laenas dragon would be an OC, so Aemond now owns that. Basically replacing Vhagar.) To burn this place down and watch as Jerome screams and begs for his low-life.

It was a surprise when he didn't just go up to Jerome and slit his throat, but instead grabbed your wrist and dragged you with him. Reaching outside, you try to process what you just witnessed. Aemond paces back and forth, also processing. "We'll tell King Visery's." He announces, now coming to a stop. Your violet eyes meet his own as you shake your head "No" Violently and scurry to him, gripping onto both forearms.

Aemond mirrors your actions, he holds onto the bottom parts gently. The look he has as he stares at your desperate and vulnerable state, makes him close his eyes shut. His walls were slowly breaking down every minute he spent with you. And right now, they were fully down. Just for you.

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