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"Y/n Targaryen settled across the Weastrosian seas to Essos, settling down in Old Valyria. A Raven was sent to Dorne, Prince Quoren forwarding it to Princess Y/n. Upon its arrival, Y/n was quick to open it and read each sentence, each word, everything...Out Loud. The letter was ripped into tiny pieces. She had found out that not only was Rhaenyra usurped by the then King Aegon ll, but the former King Viserys, her father, was now gone."

2 Days Before


"The people will demand you to put Y/n, Rhaenyra and her children to the sword, you must deny this." Aegon was too busy playing with his pocket knife, the only thing he acknowledged from that sentence was you being put to the sword, he'd never. Other than that, he'd not care for Rhaenyra or her children. He didn't want to be king, that was his half sister's birthright, and for YEARS King Viserys had wanted her to be Queen.

"Do you love me?" The words slip from his mouth as he turns his attention solely on his mother. She closes her eyes and sighs, shaking her head she looks at him, and in an annoyed tone she says "You imbecile." While sitting back against the carriage walls. She didn't like him. But she loves him, as he is her son.

Scoffing out of disbelief, he tears up. He was mad and angry at his father, "All these years he so desperately wanted Rhaenyra on the Throne, so why now? He's never shown me what a king's duty is, he's never had any interest in us." Because their father had always had his favourites, even if he didn't want to admit it. That being Rhaenyra and her line of blood.

Alicent brings one hand down on Aegon's shoulder "You are to be King. He had told me you were the..." She trails off, now that she thinks of it, it did sound like the king might've cut some sentences out. "He said you were the promised prince, the one who'd unite the 7 kingdoms and hold peace." Aegon brushed her off, chuckling. "Father would never want to see me ascend the Iron Throne." It was quiet, the tension in the air. Alicent was already regretting her decisions, there was this little feeling bubbling up from the pit of her stomach, she didn't like the feeling at all.


Aemond stood next to Helaena, As their grandsire Otto was on the opposite side, Ser Cristion Cole took his place near the Queen, ready to announce Aegon's crowning. People filled the large area, as guards made the pathway out of their iron swords. The doors open, revealing Aegon with glossy eyes that are downcasted, he begins his march. The steps he took, it was like his heart would beat even faster. "Prince Aegon Targaryen! The true Heir to the Iron Throne" Eyes follow him, never looking away.

As he was walking out from underneath the swords, he looked up into his mothers eyes. She was wearing that same look, a frown always being present when it came to things she didn't like or want. Taking one last breath, he pushed himself up the stairs, as his mother grabbed his head and kissed him on the forehead. Helaena also has glossy eyes, she knew what was to come. Aegon kneels as Aemonds one eye glares down at his older brother's figure. Alicent holds the Conquerors crown in her hands, hovering the golden item over his silver hair. She stares for a moment, the moment she'd crown him was finally coming true, an ugly truth.

Her hands lower, the metal now sitting upon his head. Raising his head up to look at her, he still sees the frown being present, which forces him to gulp. He now stands, his back to the silent crowd. "King Aegon Targaryen, Second of his name, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Protector of the Realm" Ser Criston Cole bellows, silence surrounds them as Aegon slowly turns to face the condescending stares.

Seconds pass and low behold a loud roaring of cheers filled the Dragon Pit. They were cheering for him, their new king. Aegon looked out at the citizens, were they happy? A grin replaces the once saddened features of the young king, he sheathed his sword and raised it up into the air, the cheering becoming louder. Otto looks proudly out into the millions of people, he had done this, his hard work of making his blood royals. Alicent brightens up upon hearing the praises. Aemond blankly stares at his brother still, while Helaena looks away.

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