Chapter 4

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---------------Percy's POV: ---------------

I had only been home for a minute, no a second when the world-shattering news was dropped on my shoulders like a fucking bomb, waiting to explode my lively hood. That had

"Percy, we're moving to Gotham, now pack your stuff, we're leaving by tomorrow." The cold words rang around in my head like a hammer, smashing any sense of relief I'd received from camp.

The news was crushing, no, worse, it was killing me. Destroying any safe paradise, I'd built up in recent years.

Not only that but the stuff I hadn't brought along to camp was either sold or partially destroyed in some way, leaving me with half of the items I'd been left with before.

It was like someone had taken a spoon and gutted me plain and flat, leaving me to die on the curb.

I'd tried reasoning that here Gabe had friends, that there was a better reason to stay in New York then to move to a whole new city and try and create new ties, but unluckily, the slime trail that Gabe left behind wasn't only a real thing that he trailed around the house but was also a thing that he'd left from previous relations within Gotham. Apparently, our dear old friend was born and raised a child of Gotham. If anything, his connections were stronger there than anywhere else.

Moving had been a nightmare, bringing all the nasty furniture was hard, seeing as though I was the only able-bodied person able to drag all our furniture to our apartment that is. Gabe's buddies 'cheered' me on with various terms I'd not like to repeat.

When we finished, I was dragged off, going to the store with Gabe where he more than likely was expecting me to pay for all the groceries in front of him. Gabe never did believe that I was telling the truth when I went to buy food or supplies.

"You know you could carry a prettier look, you insolent rat." Gabe grumbled, turning to look at me with pure spite in his eyes. I felt my nose flare as I clenched my fists.

I dodged the man with the cigarette, taking a deep breath. "I told you I never wanted to be here in the fucking first place, I still don't understand why I had to come with you, I told you Annabet-" Gabe turned quickly, grabbing my arm and holding on as tight as he could.

"Shut the hell up." I looked to the side to see if anyone was coming to help, but as I did so a sweet tone met my ears, and my eyes were guided back to Gabe who was giving me a small smile. "I told you; the rent is cheaper in Gotham and there's no way I'll have you stay at some stranger's house" His voice was that of someone trying to explain something to a five-year-old. "Now, let's hurry and get the groceries." He squeezed tighter momentarily as if giving me one last threat before turning and walking off, leaving me to catch my breath and follow.

I followed a good distance behind, ignoring the glares from passing people as I walked with Gabe.


"Put all these away" Gabe yelled, throwing his hand in the air as he beelined for his chair, collapsing into the dilapidated chair and turning on the new tv he'd bought with the money he got from selling my stuff, the money we were supposed to spend on food.

I let out a short breath as I finally got into a room without Gabe in it, laying the bags on the ground as I let out a sigh of relief. The place had yet to gain the sour smell of Gabe, so I was going to relish in the feeling until it inevitably disappeared.

I began putting away the items, relaxing every time a cool gust from the fridge would run up my arms.

Gabe had told me I'd be going to the school of his choosing, apparently, I was being forced into this prep school because Gabe's friend managed to sneak me into the roster. I didn't care about that honestly, I wouldn't be there for long with my grades, or if that didn't get me first, then my luck was sure to get me kicked. Once that happened, I'm sure I could sneak away more often as long as Gabe never caught wind, though I'm not sure he would care in the first place.

I let out a short sigh as I bundled all the spare bags together. I saved us money by reusing these as trash bags instead of buying proper ones, I could only hope they would hold all the trash and not break.

I let the bad thought pass as I turned to head upstairs, passing by Gabe as quietly as I could.

The only way to describe my room would be downgrade, it was much smaller, so much so that I slept on my emergency sleeping bag from camp, everything else was sorta crammed into the even smaller closet or the corner.

I stared at the room in detestment before letting out a breath and sitting on my 'bed' the hard floor still very noticeable even through my sleeping bag.

I looked over to the corner blankly, a framed picture of my mother and I sat there, gleaming in the slight lighting.

Mom's face was so bright then, her eyes always glowed with a sort of happiness that transcended the mortal plane. Sometimes I wondered if a god of happiness blessed her personally or something.

Then there was me. I was pulled into the crease of her hug; my smile was bright. I remembered the day that the photo had been taken, mom had taken me to the beach she'd talked about so often to Jace and I. This was the year after Jason had been taken, the year after he disappeared from my miserable life. Mom had been trying to cheer me up, and it was on this trip exactly that the idea that Jason had abandoned us really set in, it was also when I realized it was me and mom, only us.

I rubbed my eyes viciously, trying to get rid of the tears in my eyes as my chest became full, almost like someone had blown up a balloon right behind my ribcage.

I missed her.

I missed her a lot.

I grabbed my whale, laying on my side as I let myself stare at the photo of mom and me. 


1098 words

If any of you are worried about me not updating the other book, it's only because I'm trying to decide on the direction that I want it to go in. I promise my decision will be made within the next couple of days, until then I implore you to please have patience lol. 

Please have a great morning, day, or night!


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