Chapter 6

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------------------Damien's POV: --------------------

The whole problem was resolved that night, with eyewitness testimonies and Percy and I'd statements it had become clear who'd started the whole thing. I was lucky enough to be let off with a warning while the other kids were suspended for a week. I could almost smile at the thought of their parents trying to go against the decision only to find Bruce Wayne on the opposing side.

On the other hand, Percy had been quiet. I'd gotten to class, and she had on a pair of sunglasses and her hood up. It was a change from her previous uniform though I suppose I didn't have enough information on her to figure out what was a regular and what wasn't.

Dick was happier yesterday hearing that someone stuck up for me, he claimed that's how he and Wally became friends, though I doubt that was true as I've heard about 30 different versions of that same lie. Anyways, now he thinks we're basically all set to be sent off the bff land or whatever they decided to be the name of their sappy duo. Honestly the thought disgusted me.

I pursed my lips as I took my seat besides Percy, her head turning towards the window. I briefly glanced at her.

Stephanie told me I had to thank her, but what does Stephanie know.


No one tell her I said that.

"Thank you" the words fell out of my mouth quietly and half hazardously. Percy just lifted her hand, shaking off the thank you.

Fine. I did what I needed.

The class went quiet as the teacher found her way to the desk, briefly folding her papers before she walked in front of the class.

"Morning everyone, glad to see everyone's back again. Since I've yet to learn your names, I'll be doing attendance please-" as she turned to Percy and I, her eyes narrowed. "I'm going to need you to remove your hood and sunglasses."

"Ma'am I ca-"

"I heard you got in trouble already yesterday, Persephone, now please, remove your hood and glasses. I won't ask nicely again."

Percy's hand clenched tightly before she relented, removing her hood and glasses to reveal a dark bruise laying over her eye.

The startling sight was weird. There's no way Percy had gotten that from the fight, I was almost, no completely sure she hadn't had a chance to get punched so rough in the eye to cause that.

The teacher paused her eyes widening as Percy looked down, refusing to make eye contact.

"You can put the glasses back on, but please, visit the nurse's office after this." She nodded, quickly placing the glasses back on. I could barely make out something she mumbled to herself.

"I should've washed my face before coming here." I felt my brows furrow as I turned to look at her but just like that, she returned to looking back out the window.

I stared a moment longer before deciding it was none of my business and turning back to the teacher in front of me.

Percy Jackson was none of my business and that was final.

------------------Percy's POV: ------------------

Damn that stupid Gabe. Damn my tardiness. Damn the broken faucet in the bathroom.

I swear, he usually stuck to bruises in places that weren't visible, but he just had to hit me on the one day our building turned off the water, not to mention I couldn't even get to school in time because I'd been trying to find a pair of glasses that would decently cover the mess till I got in school.

I had no chance.

I kept my head down low as I rushed for the exit. I was lucky this school allowed me outside during lunch. I could say for a fact that this wasn't allowed at my other schools. Maybe that was because it was me though.

I shoved the thought down as the warm air pressed against my skin, the wind rustling the trees as I stepped out onto the lawn. There were only a few other kids outside that had beat me to it but luckily, I could spot a few open trees. I clutched my backpack tight and raced over to a tree, sliding beneath it just in time to beat a group of girls walking over. As soon as they spotted me, they gained a disgusted look and walked off.

Who cares, more shade for me.

I took my backpack off, placing it beside me as I rested against the large tree.

I hadn't made it to lunch yesterday so luckily I was at least able to make it this far. I was able to find a sink so thank gods the bruise was gone, but now I had to keep on the sunglasses for safe keeping. If they fell off I'd blame it on makeup that my friend gave me or something. If they didn't believe it well then they could come up with their own conclusions.

I took a deep breath as I allowed myself to relax.

I looked over at the courtyard as kids of all the assorted ages and groups came out, their eyes scanning the area for a clear space. I could see them get momentarily excited when spotting me before their gazes drops to disappointment or frustration.

I deadpanned and continued to people watch until eventually Damien walked outside, a lunch box in hand as he began to scan the area. His eyes briefly glanced over the outside and I decided I might as well try and be friendly. I raised my hand just as he looked over to me. His brows narrowed and I nodded slowly, pointing to him and waving him over. He pursed his lips, looking around again. I feigned shock as he turned to me again, a disappointed look on his face.

He slowly began to make his way over. I smiled as he sat beside me.

"You look cheery."

"How could I not, it's as beautiful of a day as it's gonna be in Gotham, at least from what I've seen so far."

Damien gained a disgusted look before opening his lunch box, pulling out a sandwich.

We stayed quiet for a minute as he ate, in the meantime I placed myself against the tree again, continue watching as the group of girls from earlier was denied entry to any spot they walked towards.

"Are you not going to eat?" Damien asked, looking over at me like he was offended at the fact that I wasn't eating.

I let out a short sigh and shook my head. "I invited you over to be nice and this is the thanks I get?"

Damien stopped chewing, freezing momentarily before going to pick up his things.

"Wait wait! I'm sorry I forgot my lunch at home!" Damien stopped mid sandwich, turning to me like 'are you serious?'

"Right, you sure you weren't robbed?" He asked, motioning to my eye.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I'll have you know I'm a very clumsy person."

Damien began eating again. "So you're clumsy when you're not fighting huh? Cause from what I saw yesterday you seemed pretty confident."

I didn't say anything, instead deciding I'd rather bow to silence then continue the interrogation.

After I didn't respond Damien extended a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "Here." I looked down at the bag then back at him. He looked at me to hurry it up, shaking the bag to emphasize his impatience.

I took them carefully before looking at him with a raised brow.

"I don't like cookies, and Alfred continues to put them in my bag before I can complain. I swear as much as that man helps-"

"Thanks" I said with a nicer smile, opening the bag carefully as to not spill them.

Damien paused and nodded, turning away as he pulled out the rest of his sandwich.

I happily dug into the sweet treat as Damien, and I began to make lighter conversation.


1323 words

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