Chapter 51

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————— Percy's POV: —————

I walked slowly, making sure to drag out the time I had with Damian by as long as I could, my hand intertwined with his. I had to work today which meant we'd have to hang out later.

"I'll be sure to come later with Alfred to pick you up." He mumbled absentmindedly. I nodded, giving him a small smile.

"Okay," I'd told them I had to stay after school for tutoring since my swim season ended. "I'll keep you to that." He gave me a small smile, something he seemed to be getting more comfortable with and something I was absolutely loving.

When we reached the car I gave him a final squeeze before we separated our hands. I waved as he got inside. "See you soon Dami." He waved back as he took a seat.

I waited until they began driving off until I began walking, pulling off my uniforms jacket to tie around my waist as I set off.

My walk was quick as usual, and my boss greeted me with as much enthusiasm as possible.

"Percy!" She said, walking forward and wrapping me in her arms. "You're right on time, come on." She brought me to the back as she handed me my work uniform.

With my work uniform on I was quick to get to my spot beside Rachel, her purple hair as perfectly placed as ever.

"Hey Rachel," she turned quickly, her lovely smile rolling onto her lips. It was always so warm yet reserved. It was like a gift honestly. "How've you been?"

She worked beside me, but her eyes stuck on mine. "Good, how about you? How was school?" I felt my smile grow bright.

"Great." I said, she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Because you usually say nightmarish or hellish or something along those lines. You finally seeing the benefits of school?" I rolled my eyes.

"Never." I said jokingly. "It's something else." Rachel huffed, she crossed her arms to look at me when suddenly an idea seemed to fill her eyes.

"You have something here," she gently brought her hand forward and flicked whatever it was off my face, her skin brushing against mine delicately. She thought for a moment before gasping. "The guy!" She smiled brighter. "What happened?" She said quickly. I laughed lightly.

"We kinda have something going, nothing official yet, but it's definitely in motion." I said happily. She looked joyful as she wrapped me in her arms.

"Look at you! I'm so happy for you!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around her as well.

"Thank you," she nodded before letting me go.

"Now tell me, what's happened between you and your guy?" I asked. This begun the conversations we held for the rest of the shift. As we talked though it made me appreciate Rachel further, she really seemed to have opened up and I was truly happy for her.

But as the shift came to an end and Rachel left before me, I found myself feeling ready to leave. I finished quickly before changing back into my school uniform, but unlike usual when I left the back room, my eyes landed on a familiar set of green eyes.

Damian sat at a booth, his look hidden behind a perfect blank face, in his hand was a coffee cup. My mind immediately began to panic as he waved me over. I moved slowly, taking my seat across from him.

I didn't dare speak first. "Percy, why are you here?" He asked calmly. I clenched my jaw as I sucked in a deep breath. Damian would know if I lied, so there was no use.

"To work." I said quietly.

"Why?" He asked, I could've sworn I detected a small hint of hurt in his tone.

"Because I needed to be prepared." I responded, my hands gripping my stuff tight.

"Prepared?" He asked, his face falling slightly. "For what?"

I took a short breath. "I don't need to now, this is more so just a casual income I can rely on-" I said quickly, trying to prove how ernest I was with my tone. "But before I really got settled in I was worried that maybe this all wouldn't work out and that Jason would leave again and then without him you guys wouldn't want me either, I snuck food. I hid it in my room but immediately I felt guilty so I got a job to pay you guys back and to supply anymore needs I may have." I said quickly. I watched his face as he worked through everything, his thoughts hidden behind a purposefully calm expression.

Eventually though he moved again. "You said you don't need to anymore, you sure you mean that?" He asked quietly. I nodded.

"I'm sure. You guys are more than I could've ever thought you'd be then." He watched me for a moment before nodding, extending a hand out to me over the table. I felt a strong wave of relief roll over me as I took it carefully.

"Okay." He said with a nod. "But please know you don't need to worry." I nodded this time.

"I know."

"Can I come with you from now on? Not every time of course, but I would just like to accompany you on the walk over if that's okay." I felt my lips relax into a smile.

"I'd love it if you walked with me." He nodded, seemingly relaxed at the response.

"Thank you."

We sat for a while longer as he finished his coffee. Once he was done he met my boss, exchanged a few short words and greetings before we left.

"So how long have you been working here?" Damian asked as we began to walk back to the school.

"A few months, it's how I paid for most of the Christmas gifts." He nodded.

"That explains a lot." I chuckled lightly.

We walked quietly for a while before he spoke up.

"Percy, I wanted to talk to you." I nodded, looking over at him.

"What's up?"

He took a deep breath before he continued. "I really like you," he started, "and I don't want this to just be a Valentine's thing, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to properly start dating?" I felt my face start to warm up as I looked at him, nodding.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He smiles slightly in relief.


"Okay." We walked in a comfortable silence back to the school where Alfred came to pick us up a few minutes later.


Later that week when I needed to leave for Jason's place. Damian was helping me grab my bag from my room, when a sudden idea popped into my head. I mean, technically I could do this now and one thing you learn as a demigod is to make sure you make the most of life, so as he was passing me to leave me room I quickly grabbed his shoulder, leaning in, I placed a short kiss on his cheek.

He turned to me quickly, his face already dusting a light pink. I smiled and chuckled at his response as he stopped dead in his tracks.


"For helping me." I said with a smile. He just stared at me for a moment before nodding.

"I'll have to help you more often then." He mumbled quietly. I felt my smile grow all the more.

"What?" I asked. His eyes widened as he shook his head and got back into action.

"Nothing, nothing at all, come on, Jason's probably waiting." I laughed as I followed him.

"And when has Jason's priorities ever mattered to you?" I laughed as we walked to the front door together.

1289 words

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