here's what i know

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i am the shiny new thing
the one all your friends want to play with
the one you want to play with
the bouncier ball
the faster race car
the ripest fruit

but by next season
when the new toy comes along,
i know you'll throw me to the side
replace me with an updated, better version

im aware of my temporary nature in your life. 
that's why it hurts.
i know that one day we will end, (i fear sooner than expected)
and i don't know how o will be able to repeat the pieces of the puzzle that is my heart

i cant allow myself to attach to you
i cant allow my thoughts and feelings to get in the way

i need to enjoy my seconds
as they tik towards my expiration date.

sometimes rain, sometimes rainbow - poetry collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon