Chapter Six: Her Sacrifice

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Rachel scanned the room and stepped closer to the distant sable piano with similar-colored sitting stool. A metronome stood on top of the piano. Sheet music for "Silent Night" rested on the music stand. A white chandelier was barely visible on the ceiling, as the room was somewhat dark. Not so far from the piano stood an elegant and obviously expensive harp. Against the wall of the room was a shelf stacked with books, probably relating to music and score sheets. She was tempted to press the white and black keys to make a musical note or two but all her senses were against it.

Nathan patted his sister's hand in comfort and said to her, "I think we should be safe here for awhile." Rachel nodded in agreement but inside she wasn't so sure. If the door opened, if that was a possibility, then there's no place to hide. 

"My sister and I played this yesterday," Amy said innocently, picking up the music note from the music stand. "Where could she be?" A tear trailed from both edges of her light-brown eyes toward her flushed cheeks. Nathan, pretending not to be scared, hugged his sister and reminded her that Alicia was safe somewhere and probably finding help. Rachel, heard this, and it made her stomach churn. She couldn't disclose to them that their sister was dead and is never coming back. She knew that telling them would shatter their already aching hearts and cause a lot of grief in which they don't need more of.

"Your brother is probably right, everything will be fine." Rachel said to Amy when she approached her. She placed her finger underneath Amy's light-brown eyes, wiping away her tears. Glancing at Amy and Nathan, Rachel suddenly missed her brother and mother. She would give anything for Alex to irritate her. Mom, Rachel thought sadly. They just fought this afternoon, but now it seemed petty compared to the current circumstance. She wished she could see their faces and embrace them. The thought of them brought tears creeping toward her sweaty cheeks. She spun away from Nathan and Amy, wiping it away so that they wouldn't see.

"Be strong, Rachel," She mouthed to herself, "you can get through this." Rachel put her game face on as she now pondered ways she could get them out of this situation, but first she was puzzled about certain things, related to the house, so she turned to Nathan.

"Nathan." Rachel called.

"Yes?" Nathan said not looking at his sister anymore but now at Rachel.

"I'm just curious to know this but why didn't your room, or Amy's room have that." She beckoned at the round-reddish button that made the door shut. 

Nathan gave a downcast glance as if he did something wrong at this very moment, then he said, "because of me." Rachel stared at him as if she needed more than that for an answer.

"I played with the other button similar to that in my room at my other home—in Virginia. I broke it and it cost a lot of money for my father to repair it. He decided not to build one in my room."

"Well, why didn't he put one in Amy's room then?" Rachel asked.

"That's because it's also dangerous. I mistakenly pressed the button when Amy and I were playing hide and seek. She almost got herself killed when she was playing with the button. Luckily I was there to push her away before it crushed her." Nathan glanced at Amy who stared at the music sheet, ignoring their conversation.

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