Feeding a Dove

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They did not hold me.

Perhaps I wasn't theirs to hold.

Neither did they recognize me,

For the light streaming from my soul

Broadcast an unfamiliar wavelength.

Knowing I was a gift,

A simple yet beautiful melody,

Angels kept me close,

Saw me with the eyes of love,

Hearing my anguished cries,

Kept me safe from above.

Lately, I don't mind

They weren't up to the task,

That I was a question 

They couldn't bring themselves to ask.

I release them from their role,

Urge them to walk toward the embrace

Of the One who forgives all...

Lately, I don't mind.

As a dark curtain parts,

I stand alone on the platform

Feeding a dove.

I am safe. I am sound.

I am loved.

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