Strange Attractors - hooked on hope

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whose voice guides me

through these icy depths

as water slowly recedes

is it yours      you who

must find an answer

to all our problems

or perhaps it's you

with perennial hesitation

never entirely sure      fumbling

endless dichotomies

or is it your voice

I hear over the shush

of rolling pebbles

those tiny certainties

so painful when you

wear another's shoe

the reasonable one

always ready to give

benefit of the doubt

as you were taught

to the undeserving

treacherous lout

without answers

without certainty

without instinct

for all I know    none of you 

answer the complexities

of this moment     i falter

a crawling amphibian

half swim    half drown

creep ever so blindly

toward a familiar sound

along the murky bottom

slender toes extend and grasp

submerged memories

push off again      a neonate 

angling across the current

hooked on hope

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