Between Garments

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This morning, as I opened my eyes, I experienced deep peace, unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

A tiny iota of consciousness floating on an inky sea of unknowable, mysterious, yet exquisitely interwoven archetypal energies, I was simply stillness and presence.

A first wave swept through my mind as profound gratitude for the many people I've encountered in my lifetime, who've made it their purpose to foster consciousness in ways important to them.

Then, in the trough of the wave, came a recognition these souls – my life's teachers – made their appearance at moments of impasse, with timely contributions to help me bridge the gap between what I knew and what I had not yet come to realize.

A second wave rushed in to fill me with Love so profound as to burst me at my seams. I no longer fit into who I have been. Now, between garments, I am buoyed from below while sustained from above.

Souls I've resonated with along the journey and deeply well ancestors I have yet to meet I acknowledge as my spiritual family. Many have already stepped across the threshold separating this realm from the one beyond and await my return to the fold in its perfect timing.

A third wave carried me into the day, and while coping with the usual current of ups and downs, I was prompted to write, and, if possible, express and share this waking insight.


Metaphorically speaking, no buddha was harmed in the writing of this piece.

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