5. battle of granicus

894 54 8

December 20, 2003

"Sorry, am I late?"

(Y/n) flicked her head up, pressing a soft smile onto her lips whilst she greeted Light, "no, not at all. We still have a bit longer before the bus comes." She made a show of slipping her arm through his once he approached. Her cheek pressed against his shoulder as she tilted up to beam at him. "Thanks again for inviting me. I don't think I've been to Spaceland since junior high."

Light didn't respond. Truthfully, he had been preoccupied with the display of affection. (Y/n), a model hardworking, chaste student, someone he's never even seen talk to a man besides him outside of scholarly duties, was now hanging off of him. Something about the way she seemed to so naturally draw nearer– not even the slightest sense of apprehension to it –gnawed at his stomach. He had to wonder how much of it was just her pretending.

When he did reply it was about something else entirely. He hadn't been listening to her before. "You look nice." (Y/n)'s eyes widened.

"Oh." She glanced away, turning her head from his view. Her hair curtained around her face. Nice? That's it? She cleared her throat and murmured, "thank you."

The bus arrived soon after.

(Y/n) begrudgingly took the window seat. While it suited Light's plan best, she couldn't help but to be annoyed at the missed opportunity to sit front row to the event. It appeared she would have to settle for general admission.

The two made idle chatter as they sat in wait. Light was halfway through a story about something one of his friends, someone who– in all actuality –they both had a mutual disdain for. She bobbed her head, paying half-attention. The other half was more preoccupied with the flicker of black out of the corner of her eye; the man she noticed yesterday had taken the seat behind them. The fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach magnified by the bus lurching forward.

They came to a stop a short time later. The exhaust sighed, the doors squeaked open and closed, and instantly a squat man came into view. He meandered toward the front of the bus, hands tucked into the pockets of his bomber jacket. Once he drew near enough he removed his hands: a revolver clutched in his right. The click of the safety turning off was barely audible over the bus's engine.

"This bus has just been hijacked, ladies and gentlemen!" The man shouted, the barrel of his gun pressed tightly to the driver's head.

The passengers flew into a collective panic. Sharps gasps and terrified concerns filling the air. (Y/n) pressed the back of her gloved hand to her mouth. Light had remained stoic despite the situation.

The hijacker threw his head back into the cabin, "cut the squawking! Anybody makes a sound or move of any kind, I blow their damn head off!" He focused his attention back toward the driver. Toyingly raising his gun, he smirked. "Hey, driver. You know the Spaceland phone number, don't you? Call it."

"Uh...okay," the man stammered. He fumbled for the phone with one hand whilst his other maintained a white knuckle grip on the large steering wheel. The bulky plastic phone seemed to slip in the grip of his sweaty palm. "This is Sasaki, driver of bus number 124."

"Tell 'em what's happening."

"Th...The bus has just been hijacked by a man with a gun!"

"Gimme that." The hijacker ripped the phone out of the driver's loose hand. "You hear that? Now listen to this." He pivoted to wave his gun toward the passengers. "Take all the money you made yesterday and bring it to Yuhihama bus stop, that's two stops before Spaceland. Before this bus gets there, I want a woman delivering the money by car, and nobody else! You try to be smart with me or call the cops, I kill every passenger on this bus. You got that?" He apparently didn't seem to wait for a response and merely ended the call. He grinned, watching the panicked silence he created.

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