Untimely Fight -Chapter 35-

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Nightmare's POV
"We out number him, we can easily take him down. If we all climb the wall and break into a window, he would only be able to attack one of us", I took a break before speaking again, "Cross you're a wuss, get back up there. Everyone else, start climbing". I took out two, daggers and began my way up the wall. Once I reached a window, I broke in and darted it. I do not know if Dream is occupied by one of my crew mates, so I have to be fast. I slammed doors open hoping Dream would be behind one. Unfortunately he wasn't and saw me in the hallway. I didn't realize how disruptive everyone was being while defending themselves or each other until I saw the house started to fall apart. The other side of the place, behind Dream, had it's wall fall off. Now everyone who is present, sees our fight.
"It's unfortunate you're not DEAD. Do you know the struggle I had to go through just to find out you're still alive?" Dream shouted in his spit of rage. Unfortunately for him, I feel like being dry.
"It's unfortunate in deed, because if I was dead, I wouldn't have to deal with you. However, life doesn't give us what we want, so here we are", I spat back. He just glared at me before charging full speed towards me. I quickly jumped out of the way and into the spot he once was in. I then remembered that I hardly remember how to do magic in the use of fighting like this. Never really had to with my tentacles. However, I do need know at this moment.
"Shit!", I thought. His arrow nearly struck me, I have to keep my head in the game. Especially when the walls are tumbling down leaving behind dry wall dust to breath in. I quickly darted at him as he snapped his bow to reveal his duo of blades, preparing for impact. Everyone in the crowd winced and looked in shock and confusion on what was going on. No one spoke, and no one came in to help.
I quickly summoned my shaft and went in to hit him in the side, but he was smart in quickly used his daggers to shield himself. With keeping one on my shaft, Dream used the other dagger to strike back at me without fail. A clean sharp line took place on my right cheek bone. I lifted my left foot at the same time as I pulled my shaft away and quickly struck his side sending him on his behind.
"GIVE IT UP DREAM! YOU'RE JUST AS PATHETIC AS YOU WERE BEFORE", I paused from shortness of breath before continuing, "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!?" I yelled hard at him, but he didn't seem like he cared.
With a smirk, he stood up and ever so calmly said to me "I've always gotten what I wanted growing up. And it won't be different here", I was a bit taken aback, but he continued get more aggressive with his tone of voice, "I never cared about you because you were nothing but a meaningless being that took up room. I DIDN'T CARE IF YOU WERE BEATEN UP TILL THERE WERE CRACKS IN YOUR BONES! I WAS SHOWERED IN PRAISES AND GIFTS FROM EVERYONE THERE! BUT NO! YOU DECIDED THAT YOUR OWN LIFE WASN'T ENOUGH! Gosh, you're so... so... UGH! You know what, FUCK YOU NIGHTMARE!", Dream yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. I know that because everyone watching gasped. This cause Dream to look up in a mix of fear and shock as he whipped his head around to see everyone watching from the ground below. He tried to say something, but nothing came out except for a few sputters of shock. It's either he never noticed them or he forgot about them. To make it even better, Swap came around the corner of the stairs holding an unconscious Ink.
"I FOUND HIM! HE WAS IN THE BASEME..N..T??" Swap wasn't sure on what just happened.
"Well, I guess you just torn up you own life Dream", I said, looking at him with a smug face. Dream started to back down in defeat. I heard more foot steps running up the stares, unsure who it was. I counted everyone in my crew. No one was missing.
"HAULT!! NIGHTMARE AND DREAM, YOU ARE BOTH COMING DOWN THE GAURD DEPARTMENT STATION. THERE, YOU BOTH WILL MAKE STATEMENTS THAT WILL BE INVESTIGATED!". A bold voice spoke out as it was a guard from the justice department. Both Dream and I nodded as we followed him out. Both out of breath and sweating.

Swap's POV
I was holding my friend in my arms bridal style. He was covered in cuts, bruises, and other beaten up marks. I stared in shock when I reached the floor everyone was on. "What did I just missed?", I thought right before a guard rushed pasted me, stopped, and barked orders at Dream and Nightmare.
Once they left, everyone just kind of stared in disbelief or shock, one of the two, or even a mix. The crowd from below started to disappear as everyone was being pushed away from the guards. I broke the silence, "So, we should maybe take Ink to Sci to see what damage was done?". I tried to make it sound like a statement, but instead it came out like a weak question. Everyone nodded, and we all exited the broken house, doing our best not to mess it up anymore. After all, it still needed to be investigated for any possible proof against Dream or Nightmare if needed.
We walked our way to Sci's hospital too worn and tired to use anymore magic. Once we got there, Sci quickly took us in with the sight of Ink. After that, we were kicked out as he examined Ink's wounds.
"It's getting late", Dust spoke out, "We should book at hotel just in case something goes down with Ink and Nightmare". I sleepily nodded in agreement, then it was off we went to be sleeping.

I groaned as the sun interrupted my sleep. I looked at the clock to check the time and holy shit... It was 12:42pm. I've never slept so late before. I quickly got up in a frantic, which woke up the others. "COME ON GUYS! IT'S  PAST NOON!", I loudly spoke, which was almost a yell. I ran down the into the hotel lobby. I snagged some apple sauce for Ink, unsure if he had eaten in awhile or not. I waited for almost five minutes for the others to show up after that. Then, we checked out before heading over to Sci's hospital.
"Ink is suffering some major injuries. Some of them were caused by whips, kitchen utility, and regular beaten by feet and hands. He is in such a critical state, I don't understand how he is even alive", Sci sounded astonished. However, I was pissed at Dream. Just then, the door opened. It was a guard.

I was last to go. I'm a bit pissed that I didn't get to see Ink and how he is doing. Is he awake? Or is he knocked out? My thoughts were snapped in half as Cross walked out and sat down where he had previously sat. Soon after, my name was called. I sat up, and entered the small room. One small guard sat in an office chair and signalled me to sit down as well, and I did. "Swap Sans, I need to do a quick run down just to straighten things out so you have a better understanding. Everything you say and everything you do, will be recorded. Do you understand?" He looked at me.
"Yes sir, I understand" I tried to speak loud and clear. My voice a little raspy.
"Do you understand the reason you are here?", he asked, but for I answered, he continued, "You are here to either prove Dream Joku  or Nightmare Joku guilty. You're words matter most as you worked along side Dream Joku for years of fighting for good deeds. Do you understand?".
"Yes sir", I said with a slight nod.
"Here, I need you to sign and read over the contract as legal proof you understand and gone through this process", he hands me a pen and document to sign. I began to read it as he repeated what I am here for. Or at least what he thinks I'm here for. If anything, I'm here to help Ink take back his stance.
"There", I settled the pen on the document after signing and reading it. The guard nodded in approval as he went over it.
"I need you to be honest with me, tell me your side of the situation", the guard was ready with a pen and paper to write down what I was about to say.
"Dream Joku is guilty. It started when Dream would lock Ink up in a room he made for Ink. The room was plain and simple, but there was nothing for him to do. One day, when Dream and I were busy fighting, Ink escaped. I could hear Dream's shouts of anger and cries of impatience. However, he acted like nothing happened around me. It goes downhill from there. I am not able to tell you everything, but Dream kept a binder of every plan he has ever made. Regardless of what it was. In that binder, he wrote his mind, his plans, and the outcomes of those plans. They will give you all the details you need", I finished. The guard nodded and guided me out.
Once I left the room, I saw Nightmare. "Can we go see Ink?" He asked. I just nodded and we all left.

(A/N: Feels like five years or so since I updated, but it was only a few months. A lot of things kept me from writing and updating. It's really personal, so I won't get into it. I am sorry)

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