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Manager Feng held a fruit basket in his left hand and a food box in his right hand, dressed in a well-dressed and graceful manner, the corners of Ling Xia's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly thought about the cause and effect in his heart.

In fact, he dresses around like this, and the time in the real world has not actually changed much. He carefully thought about the time, according to the date, because he took leave, Feng Minchang should not have said those fleshy confession lines to himself.

In fact, if you think about it, this alumnus has always been very good to him, especially when he came back for the second time, he was particularly anxious during that time, and Feng Minchang helped him a lot at work. Now that he hasn't said anything, it makes sense that he shouldn't turn the other party away.

The doorbell rang a second time reluctantly, and Ling Xia glanced at Yu Zhiji with some weakness, and quickly opened the door.

"Manager Feng, why are you here? Fast forward. Ling Xia hurriedly caught something and let him in.

Feng Minchang changed his slippers very casually, carefully looked at Ling Xia's face and smiled: "I want to surprise you, don't call it so polite, call it Senior Brother... I didn't hear back for a long time, and I thought I was going to the wrong door. Knowing that you are sick, I made you porridge, so hurry up and drink it while it is hot.


"The fright is about the same! Is his white face maybe because of kidney deficiency?

Ling Xia's heart is going crazy, why is Feng Minchang so self-cooked? Mino will never misunderstand, right? He felt hot holding the pink lunch box.

Feng Minchang walked straight inside, and when he saw the imperial desperation in the living room, he was suddenly stunned there.

Mino Je reclined on the sofa, although he was wearing plaid loungewear, he looked lazy and luxurious. He supported his chin with his hand, and a pair of sparkling Danfeng eyes looked at Ling Xia with a smile: "Don't you introduce it?"

Ling Xia's Adam's apple slid dryly, his scalp went numb for a while, and he said stiffly in a businesslike tone: "This is my boss, Manager Feng." Manager Feng, this is... My brother, Ah Je.

Feng Minchang was completely shocked by Lord Demon Zun's face, and stayed for a while before he said with a short breath: "Is it Ling Xia's younger brother?" Lucky to be... I didn't expect you to have such a cute brother.

Ling Xia was originally nervous, and almost laughed out loud when he heard this. It was the first time I had heard someone so unabashedly boast of being "cute", although he often thought so himself.

He hurriedly looked at Yu Zhijie reassuringly, for fear that he would be angry because of Feng Minchang's words, and ten Feng Minchang estimated that he would not be able to withstand a slap from him.

On the surface, Yu no Je looked impassive, just smiled slightly, quite gorgeous. Ling Xia was stunned, his heart was up and down, and he quickly let Feng Minchang on the sofa.

Feng Minchang's heart seemed to be unable to beat, and he didn't dare to look at the imperial peer, and the usually calm and relaxed leader didn't know where to lose it, one would say to take out the porridge for the two of them to eat, and the other would say to wash the fruit.

Ling Xia felt slightly strange, of course, it was impossible for him to let the guests wash the fruits, and quickly carried the bag of fruits to the kitchen. There are really many kinds of fruits brought by Feng Minchang, apples, grapes and so on, Ling Xia washed everything, neatly placed on the fruit bowl, dragon fruit and apples were also peeled and cut into small pieces.

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