Answers? Maybe...

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It took about a week for Stress to return to a semblance of strength -to be allowed off the bed, at least. The wound in her abdomen was still giving her some trouble but unlike before, she could move around and do some of the chores around the house. Dandelion was there to make sure that she wouldn't hurt herself accidentally, although there weren't many things her beloved dog could save her from. She wasn't up to full power yet but slowly and steadily, she was getting there.

Ever since he could walk normally on his leg again, Tommy hadn't left her base. He was always around in one way or another, always there to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself by overworking her healing body, worried sick yet laughing hollowly at how the roles had been reversed. He took the brunt of the heavier chores even when Stress complained that it was easy enough that she could do them herself. That was bullshit and they both knew it but Tommy was the only one to actually acknowledge it.

Tommy still had Shroud to return to, however, so he had to leave from time to time, only to return to find Stress attempting to do something he thought would be critical to her health. She would tell him he was exagerating but Tommy would shake his head and lead her back to a couch or a chair and tell her to rest for a minute. Dandelion was put on watch right after, disallowing her owner from standing up. It was truly a funny sight -one that Tommy often found amusing after the danger of Stress hurting herself had gone.

Within the first three days, Tommy had brought Shroud back with him. What? It's hard to care for his giant spider if he wasn't living in his main base. His towers had been filled with cobwebs and a worried and stressed out Shroud hissed at him when he'd visit over the three days of their long-distance relationship.

Truth be told, Shroud proved an excellent deterent to Stress and her work-aholic habits that every hermit had seemed to suffer of. Tommy would give the command to the spider to guard the front door and Stress would see him and turn the other way. It was a mystery why he was even allowed to stay and how the woman had yet to chase Shoud with a broom but Tommy hadn't complained.

Xisuma would frequent the area as well, and Iskall had been clingy all week. The admin didn't bother them much, only dropping in to say a 'hello' and check up on the frail, coddled patient that was a grumpy Stress. Tommy knew the bee felt responsible for what had happened -Tommy believed it too; Xisuma was responsible for what Dream had done but at the end of the day, whose fault was it really? Dream was an adult; technically, he didn't need to be held by the hand to follow simple rules.

Then again, did Hermitcraft even have rules? A rule was a written text, well-known to everyone and accompanied by a form of punishment. There, the rules were notional and more of an ethic to follow. Hermitcraft didn't have any punishments planned for something like that and Tommy was partially relieved that the fact didn't change because of Dream. His new home hadn't been ruined quite yet and he was thankful but he also wanted the bitch to suffer in some way.

Simply locking him away in a tower for private tutoring and constant scolding wasn't enough.

Iskall had agreed with him, being Stress' closest friend. He deeply cared for her and Tommy could understand the thirst for vengeance that had overcome the man; he partook in it, afterall. It took a lot of time from Stress to convince him to not interact with Dream further, saying that he'd done his part already. Tommy disagreed but one look from Stress had him shutting up his mouth. Even wounded and weak still, Stress could be intimidating in a way only a disappointed parent could be.

Tommy still wasn't convinced that there was anything salvageable in Dream. He didn't know how someone so corrupt could pick up their legs and jump from that path to the one of righteousness after what he'd done.

Stress was adamant, however. Building bridges and whatnot. Tommy didn't understand.

"You don't have to", she'd told him the last night of the week, when he had brought the subject up. It had been a calm conversation for the most part, Tommy seeking answers and evidence from her, only to receive unintelligible responses. "I'm not asking you to stick around. You don't have to forgive him for anything that he did, you reserve that right"

A Rift Through Worlds (A Dream SMP x Hermitcraft AU)Where stories live. Discover now