Lose You

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A/N : TW : underage drinking.

It's Halloween.

Charlie didn't like Halloween.

Especially since last year. Now that he knew monsters were real, Halloween didn't seem to be the harmless holiday it used to be. He was planning to come home to El and watch a scary movie and leave Billy to have some fun for one night.

He was getting ready for another tiresome day at school. Only good thing being the time he got to spent with his blue eyed blonde.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!" Charlie exclaimed when he turned around and saw a mini ghost standing behind him.

She said, innocently.

Charlie heaved a sigh and placed both his hand on his hips.

"I'm aware. But it's breakfast now...so off you go. And take that off."

El sauntered off. Charlie followed her after a while.

"They're stupid... And..." his dad was talking to El, holding her shoulders.

Charlie knew what it was about. El wanted to go trick or treating, an excuse see Mike of course.

"We are not stupid!" El said, almost angry.

"Exactly." Hopper said straightening up. He looked to were Charlie was and said.

"Now you take that off and let's eat. Your brother has school today."

The tree of them sat down. El just glared ahead and Charlie looked at Hopper pointedly. Hopper sighed and suggested

"How about get off work early and buy us a bunch and the three of us get fat and watch a scary movie together. Is that a good compromise?"

Charlie smiled and looked at El.

"Co- compromise?" El stuttered.

"C-o-m promise." Hopper spelled out.

"It's like halfway happy." Charlie said to El.

"Yeah..."Hopper agreed.


"Yeah, I promise." Hopper smiled which El slowly returned.

"Halfway happy."
Hopper ruffled her hair and they proceeded with their breakfast.

Charlie was a little late to class. He didn't find Billy in there. He hesitantly sat next to Steve.

"Upset your boyfriend isn't here?" Steve taunted. Charlie rolled his eyes and looked the burnette dead in the eyes.

"Terribly." He gave a one syllable response and focused on the teacher. Steve clenched his jaw and did the same. He glanced occasionally at Charlie who never once spared him a glance.

"Charlie.. Hey." Nancy said, walking upto him and Steve outside the class.

"Nance." he smiled.

Nancy and Steve kissed lightly as a greeting and Charlie looked away instinctively. He ignored the light pang in his heart.

"You're coming to Tina's party, right?"
Nancy asked and Steve looked at him expectantly.

"Uh... No." Charlie said, looking amused.

"Why not?" Steve asked.

"Because I hate high-school parties and especially hate my classmates." he replied looking at Steve.

Nancy smiled and Steve gave her an annoyed look.

"You know Billy's gonna be there right?" Nancy asked with a sly smile and Charlie almost choked on air. Steve stared at Charlie who purposely didn't look at him.

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